The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 365 Your Highness, I Can't Pretend Anymore

Chapter 365 Your Highness, I Can't Pretend Anymore
The moment the quasi-emperor sword appeared, the old man instantly understood that Luo did not join the camp of Shenting, but mixed in!

But when he thought about Luo's recent behavior in Huangchao, his whole face turned green instantly.

"We both came here to seek good fortune, why bother to fight to the death!"

A quasi-emperor, the first-level supreme of the universe, can look down on the galaxy and stand on the star field, but he is so cowardly, if it is spread, countless people will stare wide-eyed.

Luo Tianchen didn't say a word, two quasi-emperor swords on the left and right swung two hundred-thousand-meter long rainbows, under the vertical slash, chaos spread, and the earth, wind, water and fire appeared together, as if to evolve a world.

The corner of the old man's eyes twitched, he turned around and left. It is not easy to cultivate to this level, so there is no need to work hard.

But Luo's speed is too fast, like a true phoenix of time and space, with dazzling wings on the back, and the aura of the Dao of Time is rippling on each wing, passing across the sky, as if surpassing the shackles of time, arriving in an instant !

This scene caused the old man's pupils to shrink, and the law of the quasi-emperor was turbulent, and instantly turned into a big bell, wrapping himself. At the same time, there was a small silver shield in front of him. All constitute rules.

However, under the two emperor swords, the sharpness is astounding, the Changhong pierces through the sky and the earth, splits all obstacles, the sharpness is frightening!

With a sound of "bang", the silver shield exploded, the big clock flickered, flickered twice, and shattered under the sword body. The light seemed to come from the ancient times, and suddenly split out.

This ray of light is too dazzling, and the speed is too fast, like a bright sky knife, it is hard to react when it is struck immediately.

Luo Tianchen's body trembled, and it was split into two halves under the light of the knife, and his whole body also fell down.

"In terms of means, in terms of accumulation, you are too far behind, no matter how evil you are!" The old man stretched out his hand, wanting to take the two emperor swords away, but suddenly the body that was split in two was shaken and turned into thousands of roads. The scar exploded.

This sudden change made the old man startled, and he backed away quickly, even a pair of eyes were flickering.

The aura of the Dao is too strong, like the original Dao rhyme, ancient and mysterious, making the whole air rippling with special mighty power.


At this moment, the figure of Wan Dao appeared, they were composed of the original traces of the Dao, each of them was exactly the same, it was hard to distinguish the real from the fake, but his aura was incomparable!
"This is... what the hell!" Even he, who has lived for so many years, has never seen this kind of method. There are weird methods, and even some secret treasures can be used for death, but killing one will yield 1. Who would believe it!
"One time is not enough, kill you again!"

At this moment, a bright knife light appeared again, as if across time and space, sweeping across in an instant.

No accident, tens of thousands of figures fell down, but those ancient lines were still there. They stopped in the void, moved independently, and instantly merged into one. The tall figure with two swords returned again.

"It turns out that it's not that you can't be killed, but that you have to erase all dao marks!" The old man became confident. This method is similar to some kind of blood sea technique. The sea will not dry up and people will not die. , can still be erased, but the process is very tricky.

"You are very confident, but anyone who can't kill me will die!"


The sword light is unparalleled, and the cross rainbow seems to have no end, splitting the chaos for tens of thousands of miles, and the mist billows, turbulent the whole world.

The old man didn't take it hard, and dodged it. At the same time, he slapped a big hand composed of the avenue of heaven and earth.

However, the sword light struck, cutting everything, and a sacred and detached figure stepped forward, like a swordsman monarch, the phoenix wings trembled, and the sky and the earth split open.


A black ancient shield appeared and stood in front of it, as if cutting off the sky and the earth. Where it was located, it seemed to divide this area into two worlds.

The sword light covered one after another, like a boundless wave, rushing towards it, and the ancient shield swayed non-stop. The deafening clang sound made the old man behind the shield turn pale and break out in cold sweat.

The opponent is too strong, and too stubborn, if there is an obstacle in front, then smash it, if there is an enemy in front, then kill him, and don't give him a chance to breathe.


A special sound made the old man's pupils shrink suddenly. This is his quasi-emperor weapon, but it was about to shatter after a short time.


The ancient shield exploded, and a figure charged over with two Zhundi swords. He came after bathing in the fragments of the Zhundi shield god, with a terrifying aura and a sense of oppression.

"Your uncle's..." The old man fled, terrified, tearing apart the chaos in a flash.

This is a world of boundless chaos, even the Zhun Emperor couldn't measure it. The two chased and fled, criss-crossing in the chaos, and had already left the scope of the Tianting Ruins.

At this moment, in the ancient heavenly palaces, there were screams, figures fell from the sky, blood stained the void, and there were people and horses everywhere. The two armies who came later fought in the sky, and all kinds of corpses fell like dumplings. .

In addition, behind the battlefield of the two armies, there is an incomparably magnificent imperial palace. It stands among the ruins, like a king in a palace.

"Where did that kid Luo go? He's not still on Suzaku Star, is he?" The bearded man glanced at the big battle in the sky, slipped away quietly, and continued to shave.

At the same moment, in front of the emperor's palace, a group of figures appeared. They were standing in front of the main hall, each of them bustling with enthusiasm. After such a long bombardment, even the emperor's pattern was forcefully blasted out.

After all, it has been a long time, and the former emperor's pattern is now incomplete, unable to reproduce the former power.

Standing in front of the majestic Heavenly Palace, Xuantian couldn't hide the excitement in his heart. The two armies fought for the sake of this imperial palace and the sacred treasure inside, but in the end, he still broke through here.


The dusty palace gate was slowly pushed open, the sound was deafening, like the gate of heaven and earth was opened, and the surrounding chaotic mist surged and surged out, drowning everything.

At the same time, the scene inside is also presented.

The main hall was cold and empty, filled with a scent of sandalwood, which made the excited hearts of the people who had just entered involuntarily quiet down.

But at this moment, everyone is looking at the center of the hall, where there is a crystal-clear alchemy furnace, which stands on a jade platform of the Nine Heavens God, surrounded by four sacred animal shadows, as if guarding the four poles of the world, and It's like being guarded by the fairy four elephants.

"Pan furnace?!"

Xuan Tian's face turned red with excitement, this should be a furnace of elixir, and it is also the only thing in this temple, whether there is one or not, the value of a single furnace is immeasurable.

"It seems that there is no elixir...couldn't it have been taken away?" Someone wondered.

The alchemy furnace is crystal clear, exuding the aura of the Dao, and there are wisps of immortal light transpiring inside. It doesn't seem to be alchemy, but it seems to be spontaneously revealed.

"No, this is not a real alchemy furnace, but the order of the Dao, the real elixir is not here!" Xuantian calmed down, and strode forward.

However, when he climbed onto the jade platform and reached out to touch the alchemy furnace, his palm passed through it, as if he had touched a projection.

Xuantian's eyes opened and closed, his brows quivered slightly, and a vertical eye suddenly opened. He glanced at the alchemy furnace, his eyes were piercing, and gradually passed, and landed on the four images, as if he had seen through the emptiness. The ancient talisman evolved in his vertical eyes.

It was a long process, maybe an hour, maybe a day, but Xuantian's eyes became deeper and deeper, vaguely as if he was opening up the world, and the four spirits of Qinglong, Suzaku, Baihu, and Xuanwu appeared together in his eyes. Weaving and evolving in front of you.

Finally, there was a bang, and the whole hall shook.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, just a moment has passed, but Xuantian knows that four days have passed just now.

Four ancient talismans rotated in his vertical eyes, which was an ancient technique and the key to open the alchemy furnace.

At this moment, when he stretched out his hand again, it seemed as if he had touched an entity, and the pill furnace was slowly opened. Immediately, the avenue roared, radiant, and hundreds of millions of rays of light rushed up. At the same time, an ethereal fragrance made everyone feel Intoxicated, as if to fly in the bath of fairy light.


At this moment, all the people in the hall looked at the alchemy furnace. There, nine crystal clear pills kept rising and falling. They exuded immortal light, which made everyone feel so comfortable that they almost wanted to groan.

In an instant, they all felt that they had become younger, and their entire body functions were constantly changing.

However, this process only lasted for a moment, but it stopped abruptly. The fairy light gradually disappeared, as if it had melted into the sky and the earth. The nine elixir were no longer full, but dried up quickly. In the end, only A few fragments remained at the bottom of the alchemy furnace.

"how so!"

Xuan Tian's eyes turned red instantly, and his face was full of unwillingness, as if he had a sweet dream. Although he knew what was going on, he still couldn't help but get furious.

"Your Highness, there are no intact Nine-Turn Immortal Pills in the world, only fragments." Someone said.

"It's only one-fifth, not enough to last a lifetime!" But Xuantian was unwilling to return, and he didn't forget to put it away.

But at this moment, there was a sudden shock outside, and it seemed that a giant fell down, which shocked several people in the hall.

"The little mouse in Shenting is quite fast."

It was a blood-colored figure, his body was blood-stained, his face was vicissitudes, and he held a head in one hand, like a blood-colored killing god. Every step he took, it seemed that there was a boundless sea of ​​blood rising and falling, which completely frightened everyone.

"Master Qi... was killed!"

Even for Xuan Tian, ​​a pair of pupils are constantly constricting, and a heart is trembling non-stop. The arrival of this person means that the balance of the outside world has been broken.



At this moment, in the depths of the chaos, in a fragmented battlefield, two figures faced each other from a distance.

One was holding two killing swords, and the other was holding a broken imitation sky knife.

The old man staggered, he touched his forehead, there was a line of blood, from top to bottom, it seemed to cut his whole body open.

"You don't understand how powerful Tianhou is... Whatever she wants, even if she doesn't move...someone will help her do it..."

"Are you talking about the generals? How many are left over from the ancient times?"

"You know..." The old man's body twitched, and he collapsed with a face full of unwillingness.

The Chaos Continent sank, not knowing where it fell, but as it fell, there were pieces of dazzling liquid flying in it, and at the same time, pieces of crystal light filled with divine light fell down.

This is a chaotic world. It was formed in unknown ages. It not only has the source of the gods, but also the source of the gods.

This is extremely rare, even Luo Tianchen has seen it for the first time, the divine source liquid is very rare in the world, but it is not without it.

For example, Di Que, who lost his soul, also entered the secret place by mistake, was sealed by the divine source liquid, and proved the way in later generations.

There are many secret places in the Shrouding World, most of which shield the secrets of the sky, even the ancient emperors may not be able to discover them.

However, among the chunks of divine sources, there were a few strange stones that caught his attention.

There were dozens of source stones, they fell together with the divine source liquid, some were more than ten feet long, some were only the size of a fist, they looked very inconspicuous.

But in his eyes, he saw a ray of fairy light, like a feathered flying fairy, or like an ancient female fairy sealed inside, so hazy that people couldn't see clearly.

"Origin stone... It's been a long time since I cut it..."

Luo Tianchen raised his hand, took away Shenyuan and Yuanye, and was about to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, the Chaos Sword in his hand trembled and almost flung out.

"Things that fell into my hands, want to run, is it possible?!"

However, the body of the sword trembled even more violently, and even inside it, there was a blurry figure slowly reflected, it was a god, awakened by people.

The quasi-emperor's prestige spread and rumbled, and at the same moment, the god seemed to be about to open his eyes.

Luo Tianchen was thoughtful, he didn't keep the sword, but let it fly away, but his figure followed closely behind, still the same old face, the only difference was that it was gray and plain There was a lot of blood on his clothes.

A Zhundi five-fold killing sword, even if it is revived, is not a real Zhundi, and the power it voluntarily emits is not even as good as a Zhundi double-layer, he is not afraid at all.

Now that Emperor Zhunjian has been summoned away, it means that there is something wrong with Xuantian.

In fact, Xuantian, who was tens of thousands of miles away, was also very puzzled. Gao Yi would naturally not betray him. What really puzzled him was that Gao Yi could persist for so long without dying. After all, Gao Yi died , the sword came back on its own, there was no need for him to summon it.

"Old Gao!" In the chaos, Xuan Tian's eyelids twitched as he looked at the staggering figure flying towards him.

The other party was so miserable, with disheveled hair and blood all over his body, his whole body was like a piece of porcelain that was about to crack, almost falling apart.

Elder Gao opened his mouth, struggling to breathe, "Your is the situation of the Tianting ruins..."

"Old Gao, the elixir is here. I will take care of your descendants, so you can rest assured."

As he said that, Xuantian took out a blood-red pill, handed it to Luo Tianchen together with the Emperor Sword, and patted Luo Tianchen's shoulder at the same time, "You take it first, there are big enemies coming after you, Be sure to stop him!"

Luo Tianchen looked at the Chaos Sword which had returned to his hand, the corner of his eyes twitched, "Your Highness..."


"I can't pretend anymore..."

(End of this chapter)

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