The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 366 God of Emperor Killing Kuntian

Chapter 366 God of Emperor Killing Kuntian
The sword light slashed with extreme speed, splitting a figure in half, even Yuanshen didn't let go.

Xuan Tian's eyes widened, he was stupefied until he died, he spent so much money, finally got a few fragments of elixir, and then managed to use a secret treasure to escape from the imperial palace, but the result was beyond his control. expected.

He guessed that Gao Yi couldn't stop the next person, but he didn't guess that Gao Yi betrayed him.

"Am I killing the eldest son of the emperor?"

Luo Tianchen took Xuantian's body away. As the son of the emperor, Xuantian should have many good things, although he can't compare to him.

But he didn't stay here, but planned to leave. There are quasi-emperors outside, and the undead queen and emperor outside. The situation is not optimistic, at least it is not suitable for him to participate at this stage.

"Interesting... a great sage can also control quasi-imperial-level divine soldiers, what kind of emperor are you..."

A faint voice suddenly came from the sky, and at the same time, a figure manifested.

The person who came was wearing a black black gold armor, his body was stained with blood, and in his left hand was holding a bleeding... Emperor Zhun's head. His tall body stood there, like a demon god walking from the ancient times, with an incomparably intimidating posture.

But the other party gave him a very familiar feeling, not like the real body, but like an incarnation. At the same time, the other party's eyes are extremely vicissitudes, and there is a kind of disregard hidden in them. No matter any living beings, they are like ants in his eyes. .

"God general?" Luo Tianchen was surprised, this person is not Sun and Moon, the sun and moon have been consumed many times, one incarnation is not as good as one incarnation, the people on the sky are extremely strong, just one incarnation, almost has the power of the quasi-emperor triple heaven.

"I didn't expect that there are still people who know of our existence..." There was a wave in the visitor's eyes, but there was no change in his expression.

"I am the God General Kun Tian under the Immortal Emperor's Throne. Since I know our existence, I will give you a decent way to die!"

Kun Tian stood on the sky, looking down at all living beings. He slowly raised a big hand to cover it, trying to cover Luo Tianchen below.

This hand is terrifying, and a rune flashes in the palm, all composed of little dragons and vermilion birds, like an ancient talisman from the ancient times, and also like a manifestation of extreme power.

In the blink of an eye, one big star after another shines in the palm of the hand, and the galaxy after another hangs around the fingers, as if containing the universe, melting the stars of the universe, rumbling, as if cutting off a piece of the universe, the weather is amazing.


Changhong rushed up, the sword light shocked the world, and struck the big hand with force, but it only paused for a moment, did not cut it open, but was absorbed by the big hand, as if it had been submerged into the universe inside it.

"Tsk, if you want to kill me, you are far from it."

Luo Tianchen left, a pair of phoenix wings appeared behind him, and disappeared in an instant, the speed was so fast that Kun Tian was startled, and at the same time, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He tore open the space, traveling hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant, at an equally astonishing speed. However, he discovered that there was only an afterimage in front of him.

"Escape? If you escape, then I am nothing!" Kun Tian's voice was cold, without any emotion.

This is a strange scene, two figures, flickering in the chaotic world, the speed is so fast that it is difficult for the Great Sage to see clearly.

At the same moment, this strange team of opponents also attracted the attention of a middle-aged man. Standing in the chaos, he stroked the beard on his chin and looked up at the sky. As soon as I imagined, "The quasi-emperor of Huangchao...the Immortal Queen has a lot of helpers, but that kid is really not simple, so he hasn't been caught up."

The bearded man looked thoughtfully at the pair of wings on Luo Tianchen's back, but he only glanced at them before making a sound, "Ahem..."

The sound sounded at the beginning, like a heavy hammer, hitting the figure behind hard, making him stagger, and fell directly from the void.

Kun Tian returned to the void with a gloomy face, his eyes were sharp, like two heavenly knives, almost completely dividing every inch of the surrounding space.

Just a moment ago, a powerful person made a move, and his level was not low. Although he had no fear at all in his heyday, he knew that there was no way for people to catch up. Besides, the person in the dark never showed up.

At this moment, at the entrance of the chaotic world, the war is turbulent and the aura is extremely violent. A blue tower, like the most dazzling light in the universe, shines on the whole world, covering the burning clouds that dye half of the sky red.

"What the hell did you do? The Emperor is going crazy!" The bearded man twitched his eyes.

"Nothing, just killed the eldest son of the emperor."

"That's all? Do you know how difficult it will be to give birth to the next heir at this level! Just his few sons, maybe they were born before they became Zhundi!" The bearded man was shocked, "I I have a hunch that we may be in trouble."

The two sneaked away and did not pay attention to the battle between the Emperor and the Immortal Queen. If the Taoist really wants to go shopping, it is usually only a few rounds, and the winner can be decided in a few breaths. Such a battle lasts for a few days The few nights were of a tentative nature, and the two were simply holding each other back.



Several days passed in a row, and the two behemoths went shopping, causing constant turmoil in the depths of the universe, and all the big clans were in panic.

Afterwards, many villains went to that area. In the fragmented world, the laws were disordered and visions occurred frequently. So far, the emperor's prestige is still alive, and the entire universe has been pierced. I don't know how many big stars were destroyed in that battle. Even, that area directly formed a cosmic storm, sweeping the surrounding star field, and no one dared to approach it.

No one knows the final result, but after the event, the forces of the two sides came into contact more frequently, and the small frictions continued, which made people frightened.

At the same time, there are also some rumors circulating.

Some people said that Shenting suffered a great loss, and a veteran giant died. He became a quasi-emperor and was killed by the Queen of Heaven.

Some people also said that the emperor's eldest son was killed, and the emperor was furious and wanted to wash the Phoenix Nest with blood.

But no matter whether the truth is true or not, in the confrontation between Shenting and Huangchao, it is indeed at a disadvantage. Even the forces that were still expanding have taken the initiative to shrink two star fields, which is extremely rare.

"Look, I must get the Nine-Turn Elixir!" In the Phoenix Nest, a beautiful woman was furious.

"Now it seems that the old man should be Luo. At that time, he did have a pair of phoenix wings. It should be a very powerful ancient art. The elixir is in his hands." Kuntian's face was not very good-looking, he was too careless at the time Oh, a great sage, he didn't pay attention to it at all, but he was slapped in the face, and Luo snatched the elixir and ran away in front of him.

"Whether it's an elixir or an elixir, I want it. Then I will take out a secret treasure and deduce his whereabouts. I'll see where he can hide!" The woman sneered.

However, the moment her words fell, Kun Tian didn't know what happened, his body froze suddenly, and even his expression changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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