Chapter 382

"You really want to destroy our clan?!" The Crow Old Man was terrified, and protected the Prince of the Golden Crow Clan behind his back.

This is the real emperor's son, although he is a great sage, he is the only one.

In the past, ten days came out together, all the great saints, shining on the stars, and attacking the land of immortals together with the great emperor, what a glory that was, but now there is only this one left, he is really afraid that the other party will have accidents.

After all, Luo is really capable of anything, not to mention that there is no affection between them, even if there is affection, it can't stop Luo's killing!
"There are always some people in this world who will surpass your vision. Not every race can be conquered at will!" Lu Mie stared closely at the striding figure.

"Holding the halberd today is only for the extermination of the clan!"

A word spread to every corner in all directions, reverberating in the sky, domineering and powerful, making everyone who heard it change their expressions.

"If you dare to exterminate the clan today, someone will find you to settle it in the future!" The Crow Old Man sternly yelled, "Now that you have offended Shenting and Huangchao, and you have been hunted by all the people in the world, do you still want to offend my clan as well! "

"Speaking as if you would let me go."


The Immortal Halberd fell down, crushing the starry sky, spreading its power, and the Golden Crow army fell from the sky in pieces.

Luo's combat power is unparalleled. He killed the emperor's son and hundreds of paladins with one halberd before, but now he is coming, and he is destined to be unstoppable!

A big bell suddenly appeared, blocking the immortal halberd, and at the same time, sound waves rang out, sweeping across the wilderness like waves in the vast sea.

This is a golden bell, the whole body is radiant with celestial light, so eye-catching, it makes people dizzy and intoxicated, and cannot help but want to look at it.


"It turned out to be a bell embryo made of this fairy material. Could it be that there is really an emperor in the Jinwu clan? This is the tool he prepared in advance to prove the Tao, and was used by his son?!"

Many people who watched secretly were shocked.

In today's world, apart from Luo and the emperor, no one has ever heard of anyone who owns immortal gold, not even the Queen of Heaven who sees the dragon and sees her tail.


The big bell oscillated and sent the Immortal Halberd flying. Now it is not engraved with the Great Emperor's law, it is just a rough embryo, but there is a ray of divine sense inside it, controlling the big bell.

"Although my family was at fault first, but you have killed so many people, and you have looted the sacred treasure, how about evening it!" Lu Mie stood under the big bell, and regained his composure, or maybe, he had never been afraid.

This is his father's belongings. It was obtained during the conquest of the Immortal Land, and it has been stored in his body. It will be re-sacrificed and turned into a real emperor's weapon when he proves the Tao.

"Equal? ​​It was originally even, but the person I protected was killed by the Golden Crow, I just want to find justice!" Luo Tianchen held the halberd and stared at the big bell with strange expressions in his eyes.

Old Golden Crow Nirvana, it is naturally impossible to bring this thing, he has long guessed that this thing may be in Lu Mie's body, now it seems true.

In fact, even if he didn't, he would force Old Jinwu to take out this kind of thing.

"You are talking nonsense, don't think I don't know, those people are living well, besides, the only ones who died were old, weak, sick and disabled!" People and things are magnified.

But he knew what happened. Those two clansmen did kill the Sun Saint Queen, but the real elite was taken away by Luo long ago. Even those two clansmen didn't know who killed them!
"You came to fight our clan just because of some ants, what's the matter!" Lu Mie's face was somber and frightening, some old, weak, sick and disabled, even a Dao Slayer from other clan can't compare, let alone, he Luo's family members were killed by Luo because of that star!

"In your eyes they are ants, in my eyes, why not you."

"That's right, in front of the real emperor, all great saints are nothing but ants."

A sneer suddenly came out, making the world silent.

It was a figure in the divine light. He suddenly appeared in the sky, and the Emperor Zhun's pressure spread, making the observers in the dark gasp.

Here comes the real big shot!

"It's Yuhuatian... the deputy leader of Shenting!"

This is a genuine quasi-emperor, and it is a breakthrough of this era, not a legacy from ancient times, so naturally, his talent goes without saying.

"Gold from Dao Tribulation is hard to find in the whole world. I didn't expect to see one here. It's really rare."

As soon as Yu Huatian's words came out, the hearts of Lu Mie and the Crow Old Man suddenly thumped, and a bad premonition spread in their hearts.


A big hand came from the sky, and suddenly reached over, the quasi-emperor's aura was boundless, covering it, smashing all the starry sky.

"you dare!"

Lu Mie yelled loudly, and urged the big clock again, a ray of divine sense within it was looming, and he was about to fully recover his posture.


The bell wave shook the world, spread to the starry sky, boundless, and I don't know how many people fell from the darkness with their heads fluttering.

The big clock crashed into the void, and Lu Mie was shot flying, coughing up blood in his mouth, his face was extremely pale, as if he had suffered a serious illness, and his whole body was weak.

"This thing is destined for me." Yuhuatian smiled and appeared beside the big clock. He didn't want to show up at first. After all, Luo has the strength to kill Emperor Zhun. He didn't think that he, who had just broken through, would be an opponent But no one can refuse the temptation of this big bell.

"This is my thing, when is it your turn to get it?"

A figure appeared, standing on the other side of the big clock, facing Yuhuatian far away.

"Luo, don't go too far! You killed the emperor and princess of Shenting, and I haven't settled this with you!" Yu Huatian's face turned cold.

"I don't need you to look for me." Luo Tianchen reached out and took the big clock in his hand. Seeing that the figure inside wanted to recover, he didn't care, and threw it directly at the neck, and the big clock shrank instantly. It turned into a small clock under his wrist, hanging there like a ghost.

"How could this happen!" Lu Mie in the distance was shocked. His confidence came from his father's divine thoughts. Before, even Yu Huatian's attack only made him angry, not afraid, but now, his father's That ray of divine thought disappeared unexpectedly, and even the big clock lost contact with him!
In other words, the Dao proof device left by his father has changed hands!
Even Yuhuatian looked at the peaceful and over-the-top female fairy in amazement, she was a real fairy, hazy, so beautiful that people couldn't breathe, so beautiful that people didn't dare to profane, the most god, the most holy and the most immortal, Even if it was just a peaceful sleeping face, she seemed to be the most perfect woman in the world, making him, the quasi-emperor, unable to help being in a trance.

"Looking directly at the immortal is a death penalty!"

Suddenly, a celestial halberd slammed at him, waking him up instantly.

"You're not the first, and you won't be the last!"

Another celestial halberd appeared, blocking his way back.

At the same time, even in front of the Crow Old Man and Lu Mie, a fairy halberd appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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