Chapter 383
There are three immortal halberds and three kinds of immortal light, each of which attracts the attention of the world.

"How could Luo have so much fairy gold!"

At this moment, I don't know how many people's scalps were numb from the shock. Each of the celestial halberds bloomed with incomparable beauty, and people couldn't help but want to go crazy for it.

However, Yu Huatian felt the unprecedented life and death crisis for the first time, one in front and one in back, two Luos pressed on, who could resist this!

There was a roar in the distance, and the sky and the earth were torn apart, followed by two figures, they were split by the fairy light, and there was no room for resistance.

"Luo killed the only remaining Emperor and the Crow Old Man of the Golden Crow Clan... really want to die forever!"

Yu Huatian shook, and the three Luo Qi stared at him, everyone was extremely sacred, as if they had opened the door of taboo in their bodies.


The three halberds came together, as if they were about to pierce the universe. The domineering force that splits everything, the edge that destroys the vitality of all things, is terribly suffocating.

In just a split second, patches of blood mist floated between the sky and the earth.

Yu Huatian clutched his chest, his face extremely embarrassing, his whole body was almost split open in the first day of junior high school, if it took a long time, he would really confess here.

However, at this moment of contemplation, the three of them joined forces to kill again, without giving him any chance at all.

This is an astonishing scene. A quasi-emperor, under the siege of three Luos, has no power to fight back at all, and the danger is everywhere.

"It is indeed the man with the fastest cultivation speed in the past and present!"

People don't know what to say, but now Luo has become a real big shot in the starry sky, attracting worldwide attention and being extremely domineering.

This is an existence that breaks multiple records along the way and can kill emperors.

Even though everyone knows that he is carrying a fairy corpse on his back and possesses the secret of becoming a fairy, there are too few people who are truly worthy and hostile.

Previously, too many people were dazzled by Xian's secret, but now seeing Luo's horror, it was like pouring a pot of cold water on their head, and the whole person instantly woke up.

"Is he Luo..."

In the distance, a slender figure wearing an emperor's crown stood in the void, his eyes flickered with divine light, and the depth of his pupils continuously evolved the opponent's figure, as if trying to penetrate it.

But no matter how he looks at it, that figure is impeccable, as if it does not exist in this world perfectly, every movement, every attack, seems to be swaying his own way wantonly, shaking Yuhuatian to the point of collapse.


Suddenly, the battle on the field changed. The nine dao patterns turned into an ancient talisman in Luo's palm, like the word "Emperor", and also like a fused supernatural power. , everything annihilated!

"Could it be... the Nine Secrets!" The man wearing the emperor's crown was shocked and full of astonishment!
His background is too great, as Emperor Zun's disciple, he knows many secrets, and he also has the Ninth Secret, so he is naturally familiar with that kind of energy.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party actually mastered the nine secrets, and combined the nine secrets into one, turning them into unrivaled supernatural powers!
At this moment, the sky is collapsing, the earth is shattering, and the aura of annihilation, like a vast sea, sweeps in all directions, and the mighty Dao Qi engulfs everything.

However, when the qi dissipated, it was shocking that Yu Huatian died, and his entire upper body was completely annihilated, leaving only half of his body falling.

They had expected that Yuhuatian would be defeated, but they didn't expect it to be so fast. He was a quasi-emperor, and he died just like that in front of everyone without even struggling.

Luo Tianchen stood on the sky, looked at the re-sealed Huo Sang in the distance, and frowned. Perhaps the old Jinwu was not on the Huo Sang star at the moment, otherwise it was impossible not to jump out.

But the old Jinwu didn't come out, but a middle-aged man came out from the space in the distance.

This is a supreme saint, with a tall figure, flying purple hair, and a pair of purple eyes like two heavenly knives, sharp and frightening.


The other party ignored the others, and walked towards Luo Tianchen step by step, with high fighting spirit and domineering aura, like a humanoid purple real dragon, whose most rigid and powerful blood turned into beams of light, tearing the sky, and every step that fell shook the stars. Yu, shaking off the stars, terrifying.

This is a great saint with heavenly blood flowing in his body. He came from the starry sky, as if he wanted to fight Luo in order to become a fairy.

There is nothing wrong with this, not to mention that it has nothing to do with Chengxian, it's like fighting for hegemony in the emperor's way, with the temperament of the hegemony family, if he encounters Luo, he will not let him go.

"I will kill you here!"

There is no extra words, this man is very domineering and conceited, even if Luo just killed a quasi-emperor, he is not afraid at all.

From the very beginning, he swept away thousands of armies, his legs were like real dragons, he swept away the galaxy, and he did not know how many thousands of miles of starry sky he had collapsed.

This is a ruthless man who dares to fight Luo at close quarters. His power is overwhelming and terrifying. Every blow is concentrated to the extreme.

"Perhaps in the universe, apart from the Holy Physique, the only one who dares to fight Luo at close quarters is the Overlord Physique..."

However, after just a confrontation, that figure was blown away, only one of the three Luos moved, and the one carrying the fairy did not move at all.


A purple figure shattered the space, and arrived in an instant, with purple hair flying, and his extremely strong physique made gods and demons tremble. fear.

However, what responded to him was still a punch, a punch piercing through the world, breaking apart the universe, even the overbearing Xeon's physique was smashed to pieces!

Filled with blood, the middle-aged man instantly reorganized, and his figure receded into the distance, but the figure was still behind him. He stretched out his hand and pulled it back directly.

With a bang, one leg of the middle-aged domineering body was torn off, and the blood splashed like a torrential rain, accompanied by the burning blood essence and principles, making people feel hairy.


At this moment, gods appeared one after another, each one overwhelming the world, like an unrivaled god and demon returning from the ages, emerging from behind him.

However, the man didn't back away, the palm shook, and the Wan Dao symbol flashed, like two hands of the great way, and like a cage of heaven and earth, firmly grasping him, pulling hard, and the purple blood splashed again.

People's scalps were tingling, and they witnessed the overbearing body being torn in two forcibly. As soon as its primordial spirit rushed out, it was nailed to the void by the beams of light from a pair of icy eyes.

"It seems that you all want to become immortals..." After Luo Tianchen searched for the soul, he slapped the domineering primordial spirit to pieces, and looked at the person hiding in the dark.

Glanced by those pairs of icy eyes, the entire starry sky was silent, only the Zhundi blood and the purple overbearing blood were still burning, which made people completely frightened.

A quasi-emperor was brutally beaten to death, and a domineering body was even worse. Not only was he unable to fight back, he was also torn directly.

The Luo at this moment is different from the previous ones, not that you are an exiled immortal, but rather like a peerless monster crawling out of the Nine Netherworld, it is extremely terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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