The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 384 Emperor Venerable Disciple

Chapter 384 Emperor Venerable Disciple
"The secret of becoming an immortal lies in me, and the secret of entering the realm of immortality lies in me. I have everything you want."

"Come on, either kill me or be killed by me!"

Seeing Luo looked at himself and the others, some people were completely afraid.

The reason why they stayed here was to become immortals besides delivering news.

Now that Luo takes the initiative to appear in the world, people will come looking for him one after another, including the supreme sage, the supreme quasi-emperor, and even powerful people. Luo can't escape or avoid him.

"Luo, do you want to stir up the wrath of the world!" Someone shouted.

"You have the secret of becoming an immortal, why don't you announce it to the public, this kind of secret should be shared by the world, for the benefit of all souls!"

"Yes, you have the qualifications to become an emperor. You are destined to prove the Tao in the future. A true emperor should have a tolerant heart. The matter of becoming an immortal is still a feast in this world. Why don't you put down the immortal corpse and explore the secret of immortality together!" Someone said. Sternly said.

However, a ray of light suddenly shot out from Luo Tianchen's finger, with unparalleled sword light, it swept across like a shattering, piercing a great sage hole in the void.

This sudden scene made people feel chills. Luo dared to risk the disgrace of the world and kill someone, and he never cared about it.

"This son has a killing instinct and has stepped into the devil's way. Please destroy it together, and we can explore the fairy secrets together afterwards!"

Someone stood up voluntarily. It was a tall and thin middle-aged man, who was in the top of the Great Sage, holding a scroll of the painting of all spirits.

Obviously, this is an ancestral artifact, and a great clan creature came with it, intending to kill Luo here.

In order to become a fairy, the whole universe has gone crazy. A fairy corpse is more exciting than the illusory road to becoming a fairy, and everyone who sees it can't bear this temptation.


The ancient map spreads the sky, the vast starry sky, and all the spirits roaring on it, each of them seems to come alive, vividly reflected from the ancient map, and kill Luo!
This picture is terrifying. There are thousands of beast shadows, each of which has the cultivation base of the Great Sacred Realm. All the ways come out together, and no one can stop it.

However, these beast gods cannot last forever, only a short time in the world.

"Becoming a fairy is the biggest lie in this universe!"


A big halberd sticks out, the weather is myriad, the avenue is moving, the sky and the earth are moving, and there are thousands of celestial lights, as if tearing apart the big universe, shattering the universe, and the killing breath is stirring, stirring up all spirits!

The ancient map covered the sky, and the quasi-divine aura fell down, directly pressing on it, but it was greeted by a pair of big hands.

Stretching out his hands, symbolizing thousands of Taos, shaking the galaxy, he tore the ancient picture above his head forcefully, as if the sky had been torn apart abruptly, and the terrifying click made everyone tremble.

"Tearing the ancestor artifact with bare hands..."

Many people were frightened, even though the level of the ancestor artifact was not very high, only the third level of Zhundi, could Luo's physical body be so perverted to this extent!

"It's not Emperor Zhun, but it's better than Emperor Zhun!" The man wearing the emperor's crown was also horrified, Luo gave him too many surprises.

" can't kill me!" The middle-aged man yelled, full of fear, turned and fled.

However, there was a whistling sound behind him, and a fairy halberd broke through layers of space at an unimaginable speed. In an instant, a huge force penetrated his body, nailing him to the void, allowing him to struggle in every possible way. It was of no avail, all I could do was watch the figure approaching unhurriedly.

At this time, Luodu in the world returned to his original body. Although he had only one figure, he attracted the attention of the world.


The halberd was slowly pulled out, and just when the middle-aged man thought that Luo would let him go, the halberd fell down in an instant, splitting him in half.

Luo Tianchen turned his head, his cold gaze swept across the crowd, and landed on a man wearing the emperor's crown, striding away, this man is the most threatening person among these people, but It's just a threat.

"Retire..." The emperor showed hesitation, Luo's strength was far beyond his expectations, but in the emperor's struggle for hegemony, retreat means losing.

However, with just this slight hesitation, that man has already arrived.

There are no bells and whistles, the halberd is powerful, unparalleled in the world, the halberd is invincible, unstoppable, unparalleled in strength, and runs through everything.

The emperor's color changed, and five celestial lights wrapped around his five fingers, like five pillars supporting the sky, slapped on the surface of the halberd, trying to change its direction.

However, that halberd was too heavy, like a big universe pressing down on him, and before the magnificent qi fell, it made him feel cold all over his body, and his soul was about to be torn apart.


Suddenly, a light rain appeared from between the emperor's eyebrows and spread to the surroundings. At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and even the eucalyptus stopped after the light rain passed by.

This is a weird scene, the entire starry sky seems to have become a picture scroll, quietly sealed.

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and retreated violently, but he suddenly found that a line of sight was always following him.

When he looked up, his pupils shrank suddenly. They were a pair of extremely cold eyes, which turned as he stepped back.

"He's all right?!"

The emperor was shocked, the next moment, he suddenly found that his body was back, and the halberd was still falling!


Blood splattered everywhere, and a figure was split in the starry sky, only the emperor's crown was far away.

"Time Technique...he can use it to this level!"

In the distance, everyone could still hear a voice of surprise.

"This is the first person who can escape under Luo's hands. When did such a terrifying person appear in the universe again!" Someone was terrified.

"He seems to be the emperor..." An old man took out an ancient scroll, stared at the man wearing the emperor's crown on it, and said in surprise, "It is said that he once killed all the people in that life in front of an emperor's gate. Competitors, but did not step on the road of God, but chose to be self-proclaimed, I did not expect to appear again in this life!"

"Emperor... Emperor's disciple?" Luo Tianchen whispered, making everyone's eyes widen.

"A disciple of Emperor Zun?!"

"how can that be!"

No one expected that the emperor would be related to Emperor Zun, this is undoubtedly a piece of news that shook the universe.

"Nothing is impossible, the wife of the Immortal Emperor can show up, and there is nothing wrong with the appearance of Emperor Zun's lineage." Someone said.

"The emperor's disciple must have a cauldron of immortality. If I get this cauldron, I will definitely become an immortal in this life!"

As a word sounded, Luo immediately chased after him.

At the same time, there are countless Changhongs. These are ruthless people. Luo threatened them, but they never backed down. Now that Emperor Zun's disciple appeared, it was even more exciting.

Is there anything more insane than the Immortal Cauldron and Immortal Corpse?

"Don't listen to his nonsense, I didn't!"


A big halberd was pressed down, making it difficult for the emperor to speak anymore. He regretted that he should not have come out so early in this life, unless he could take a step ahead and step into the quasi-emperor, there was a possibility of a battle.

(End of this chapter)

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