Chapter 385


In the depths of the universe, the Immortal Queen was also full of surprises after receiving the news.

It is unimaginable how strong Emperor Zun is. Even the emperor, who is respected by all races, has to avoid that life and choose to prove the Tao after the way of Zundi has dissipated. This is evident from this.

"We are mortal enemies with Emperor Zun, now there is already a Luo, don't wait for another Luo to appear." Sun and Moon said.

"Now that the emperor is being hunted down by Luo Manyu, the two of them are here for the time being, so they can accomplish multiple things at once, but is there any movement from Huo Sang?"

"Not for the time being, maybe there is no such thing as the so-called Old Golden Crow, everything is wrong with Kuntian himself."

Whoever's only son is killed, or the celestial gold is taken, as long as he is not dead, he will definitely not be able to help but jump out.

"What's going on between the emperor and that old immortal?"

"I heard that the emperor has come out of the retreat and wants to kill Luo in the universe himself."

The Immortal Queen pondered for a moment, then suddenly said, "If you intercept him, how sure are you?!"

"Intercept and kill the Emperor?" Even the Sun Moon God General was full of surprise when he heard these words. Seeing that the Empress of Immortality was serious, he couldn't help but think highly of this woman.

"Set up a killing formation in advance, unite with the palace masters of the underworld, and add the Underworld Emperor's soldiers, there is a great chance that the emperor can be kept behind, but his counterattack at the end of his death may lead to one more." Sun and Moon expressionless He knows better than anyone that the fear of becoming a Taoist is terrible. The best way is to break his Taoist heart first, and then kill him.

However, the Immortal Empress obviously wanted to bathe in the Emperor's blood and get the eternal blue gold by the way. This was her real purpose.

"Then let him test Luo's depth first, and whether the fairy corpse is really dead, and then kill him. As long as the emperor is dead, it is not unbearable to pay some price. I have a hunch and leave it to us." Time may be running out, we must deal with other enemies as soon as possible!"

Speaking of Luo, Immortal Empress was full of fear. The fairy corpse gave her a very bad feeling, and this was one of the reasons why she was hesitant to trouble Luo personally.

Now, Luo has become the focus of the entire universe. As time goes by, more and more powerful people gather in the starry sky.

They thought of the Immortal Cauldron, and they also wanted the secret of becoming an Immortal. Whether it was the Emperor or Luo, they were all blocked.

"You are Luo?!"

In the depths of the starry sky, a large army blocked the front, and there were only a thousand people, each of whom was full of chills.

But this is not a race, but a coalition of multiple forces.

Luo Tianchen stopped in the void and looked forward. The leader was a member of the Guangming clan. He was very young and had never seen him before, but his aura was at the peak of the great sage, and he was only a mile away from entering the quasi-emperor realm. have to.

"Bold, see the son of the ancient emperor, why don't you kneel!" Someone saw Luo Tianchen still calm and calm, and shouted loudly.

This is not really asking Luo Tianchen to kneel down, but wanting to scare Luo Tianchen as the ancient prince.

"The ancient prince?" Luo Tianchen raised the corner of his mouth, "I have killed many people, but I haven't killed the ancient prince yet."

"Want to kill the ancient prince? You deserve it too!" Someone shouted, and sacrificed a stone spear. Under the shattering, the stone spear trembled, dust fell like a mountain, and at the same time, strands of quasi-emperor prestige spread .


Suddenly, a blood-colored long sword flashed, and it slashed down with force. The aura of killing was horrific, like the gate of hell opened wide, rolling out, flooding the world.

This was an astonishing scene. As soon as the killing sword came out, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, Zhundi's spear shattered, and many big stars were ruthlessly chopped down.

With a scream, the person who made the shot was also cut open, while Luo Tianchen held the killing sword and strode towards the Guangming tribe.

He doesn't care who the person in front is, anyone who dares to block him will be killed.

"Is that the Heavenly Venerate Killing Sword..."

Many people were silent. Luo once entered the realm of the gods, in which he suspected to have received the inheritance of Tianzun, mastered the extreme killing sword, but rarely used it.

"You are not the only one who has the Emperor Armor!"

The prince of the Guangming tribe stood up on his own initiative, and above his head, a green pot was surrounded by hundreds of millions of celestial light, shaking slowly, extremely majestic.

Everyone retreated, not daring to stop in this starry sky, otherwise, they would be shattered by the aftermath of the war.

This is a horrifying scene, one side is filled with endless immortal light, and one side’s murderous aura frightens the Nine Heavens, like a prehistoric beast galloping, drowning everything.

"What a terrible person. For Luo's immortal corpse, even the emperor's soldiers were brought out." Some people were terrified.

"Who can kill Luo without the emperor's soldiers, as long as he can get the secret of the immortal, everything is worth it." An old man narrowed his eyes and tried to make a move many times, but he endured it. He was waiting, waiting for Luo to be weak, obviously , This is a premeditated robbery, not just as simple as the ancient emperor's soldiers, there are also supreme masters who are secretly observing.


The universe trembled together, a green gold pot exuded a simple and simple atmosphere, and boundless rays of light spewed out from the mouth of the pot, as if it was about to refine the world, it came to shake Luo Tianchen.

Unafraid, he raised his killing sword, with a radiance of ten thousand zhang, endless murderous intent, tearing apart the universe, cutting out a sword glow that would make all living beings fear, and smashing it on the body of the pot!

With a loud bang, boundless waves spread from between the two pieces of imperial armament, the aftermath was endless, one layer overwhelmed the other, and the stars fell in pieces like flying sand and stones, the scene was terrifying and boundless.

I don't know how many great sages saw this scene with their own eyes, and their hearts were half cold. The collision of the poles was too terrifying. One person and one emperor soldier were enough to destroy any big clan.

But when the two imperial soldiers were in a stalemate, suddenly, another killing sword appeared, and it slashed down with force. , were shocked and kept coughing up blood!

"Prince!" Someone exclaimed.

Suddenly, the heaven and the earth resounded with continuous clanging sounds, as if thousands of ancient swords had entered the starry sky, making people's primordial spirit unstable.

It was an array map, with four killing swords hanging down from it, forming an incomparably huge sword array, covering the prince of the Guangming clan and the refining pot.

Hurry up, too soon, Luo seems to have planned it long ago, perhaps thinking of suppressing it the moment the God-refining Pot appeared.

"Could it be...the number one killing formation in history!"

"He wants to obtain an ancient imperial weapon?!" People wondered.

Luo is so strong that he has a complete spirit treasure killing array, which is beyond everyone's expectations.

"Stop him, if he gets another imperial soldier from the Guangming Clan, who in this world can stop him!" Someone shouted.

However, before he could rush over, a sword qi fell, directly splitting him and the starry sky.

"Don't be afraid, Ancestral Worship Artifact, Luo needs to concentrate on suppressing the god refining pot, he doesn't have much energy at all."

This is an old man, he hides behind several great saints, his figure changes constantly, but his eyes never leave Luo Tianchen's back.

(End of this chapter)

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