Chapter 387

It was a figure that was as high as the sky and the earth. He stood on top of a giant red dragon, like a supreme ancient emperor, looking down on all beings!
"Is that...a great emperor..."

Everyone was trembling, their bodies trembling involuntarily, and finally crawled irresistibly in the void, raising their heads with difficulty, looking up at the stalwart figure with endless divine light.

He is too tall, standing on top of the boundless dragon, standing on the top of the dragon's head, his face is extremely indifferent, his red hair is flying, and the breath of the strongest man spreads like a tide in the whole world, overwhelming everyone The great sage has ups and downs, and his power is unmatched.

The emperor is indifferent, looking down at everyone, his motionless body alone seems to crush the universe, it is so terrifying that it makes one's heart break.

The person who came was so powerful that he frightened everyone. They were terrified and almost thought that a great emperor had appeared in this world.

But, why didn't there be such a shocking emperor's calamity before?

"It's the emperor...he actually came in person..."


"Could it be..."

Everyone gasped, is that the one who will become enlightened?Only the real body is like the arrival of the real emperor, with incomparable divine power.

If the other party wants to, they can stretch out their hands to wipe out all spirits. The degree of horror is unimaginable!
"Kill my son, steal my elixir, kill my disciple, kill my deputy leader, do you really think that no one in this world can kill you!" the emperor said, and his voice shook the world.


The whole world was like a piece of rag, fluttering in the angry sound, and split into pieces in an instant.

He is like an ancient emperor who came from the age of mythology. His whole body is covered with layer after layer of divine rings, and he released a mighty aura that shocked the heaven and earth, causing the stars in this area to tremble and plummet.

At this moment, a big hand stretched out, covering the sky and the sun, covering the galaxy, the killing intent swept across, shaking the sky, the universe is collapsing, the starry sky is cracking, it is terrifying to death.


A killing sword vibrated, and on it, an ancient picture was reflected. It was a big world, like a fairyland. A man stood on the top of the world. At his feet, blood flowed into a sea, and his bones were like a mountain. .

At this moment, a world-shattering killing aura emerged. At the same time, the man in the ancient picture also raised his hand and waved forward slowly. The scarlet killing light seemed to penetrate ancient history, from myth The era is coming, and the slaughter of gods and immortals will be carried out again!

The huge roar deafened the heavens and the earth and made all living beings tremble, but the emperor has no fear at all. Wherever he is, he suppresses the past and the present. As long as he does not take the initiative to enter the formation of Lingbao Tianzun, those killing swords will not be able to do anything to him.


Luo Tianchen screamed, with the spirit treasure array on his head, surrounded by four swords, piercing the heaven and earth, piercing the chaos, and took the initiative to kill the emperor.

This is a terrifying scene, and it is also an unyielding scene. Luo is fearless, let alone the man who is almost at the top of the universe.

But this is more like going to death, and everyone is not optimistic about him.

"Destroy your invincible will today and shatter your Dao heart!"

"For this emperor... Kneel down!"

With a loud roar, the sky and the earth were torn apart, like tattered strips of cloth, the huge sound was mixed with the unparalleled domineering imperial prestige in the world, as if falling from the nine heavens, making everyone tremble, Don't dare to look up!
It's terrible, the emperor is so ruthless, not only wants to kill Luo, but also destroys his Dao heart and invincible will first.

This is the scariest thing, even if the emperor is ahead and stands on the highest sky, Luo will surpass sooner or later, now the emperor wants to forcibly destroy Luo's Dao Heart, leaving a seed in his heart, even if Luo escapes today With one life, he will no longer be able to rival the emperor in the future.

This is also the reason why the contemporary Tianjiao are avoiding Luo, they still have hope, they are not defeated, and sooner or later they will step into that realm.

But once the seed of invincibility is planted, then this life will be a complete failure, and it will never be possible to aspire to the top again.

"That's not right... Where is the prince of my family... Where is the refining pot... Why is there no induction! Could it be suppressed by Luo? This is impossible, no one in the world can suppress the revived imperial soldier!" Looking up at the mighty starry sky, it was a tall and stalwart figure.

He didn't stand in the formation, but revealed his real body, standing alone on the top of the starry sky.

Behind him, the nine celestial suns are like the first ray of light between heaven and earth, each with endless celestial light, as soon as Pu appears, it illuminates the entire universe and reflects every space.

This was a very astonishing scene, not only he saw it, but also other great saints, and creatures far away in other realms also saw it.

Nine celestial suns, like nine supreme gods, under the light, the emperor, who had the supreme divine power before, knelt down, and just knelt in front of Luo, his body like a pious one worshiping the gods. people!

"In the whole world, who dares to make me kneel down, even if I search all over the world, I won't see it!"

The words were rumbling, mighty and mighty, sweeping across the ten thousand domains, echoing in the minds of every creature.

At this moment, no one dared to look up, and no one dared to look at it. In the place where the fairy light shone, two words inexplicably appeared in the hearts of all creatures—God!
"As a family of God, I don't kneel to the sky or the ground. The so-called sky is just the earth under my feet. What qualifications do you have!"


The emperor exploded, without Luo Tianchen's hands at all, under such close contact, let alone he has not yet attained enlightenment, even if he has attained enlightenment, life and death are but a matter of Luo Tianchen's thought.

At this moment, a vision descended from the sky, the light curtain of the boundless avenue fell, and the monstrous laws came together, and endless divine thunder flashed faintly. If a saint died, the vision would descend from the sky, let alone a person who would become enlightened.

But in front of that tall and stalwart figure, nothing could come down, as soon as it touched it, it collapsed, and at the same time, the boundless sky also collapsed.

As if confirming his words, Tian dared not act presumptuously in front of him!
"The clan of God... what race is that..."

At this moment, there was no sound in the world, and the silence was terrifying. Under the fairy light, everything calmed down without any waves.

The emperor came here excitedly, his power could destroy the world, he thought he was sure of Luo, and even others thought Luo was doomed, but the result was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Are the emperor soldiers of our clan also broken like this..." The Great Sacred Heart of the Guangming Clan was filled with endless anger, but he couldn't vent it, and he didn't dare to say it out. Also dead!

At this moment, the world was silent, and no one dared to move for a long time, but when they finally raised their heads, Luo had already left.

Although Ke Luo is gone, the turmoil and influence he brought will last for a long time.

No one can truly be calm, and no one can understand, but that sentence still echoes in their hearts, making their souls in a trance involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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