Chapter 388

"What! The Emperor is dead?!"

"what happened!"

In the depths of the universe, above the Phoenix Nest, the Immortal Queen's pupils shrank, and her stunning face was full of astonishment and bewilderment.

She couldn't figure it out, the emperor was clearly going to attack and kill Luo, even if Luo had back men, emperor soldiers, and even the emperor's array, but they were both about to become enlightened, the things left by the ancient emperors could indeed be used against them. The level has an influence, but it is only an influence, but it cannot make a great sage defy the sky and defeat the emperor.

"How could he just die... how could he just die like that... how could he die?!" The Immortal Queen seemed to be dazed.

She guessed that Luo would not die, but she never thought that the emperor would die.

Everything was arranged properly on her side, and she paid the price to ask someone to ambush and kill the emperor. Everything was prepared, but the peaches were suddenly picked away!

It's like someone is playing a joke on her!The kind that still can't laugh out loud!
"Where is the emperor's body?!" The Immortal Queen seemed to remember something.

"There is no scum, only one Eternal Blue Gold Pagoda, which should be taken by Luo. Counting the old Golden Crow's piece, he already has five kinds of immortal gold." Sun Moon God looked deep into the sky and looked up at the sky. , as if seeing the man standing on his grave once again.

Back then, he could only rely on his avatar to avoid his majestic ants, but now he has the means to kill those who will become enlightened.

"Then what method did he use to kill him, let alone using imperial soldiers!"

"According to the news, there are nine suns behind him. As soon as they appear, the emperor will be defeated. I searched for some people's souls, and the results are the same. It may be an unknown killer. Maybe it has something to do with the fairy corpse, but that kind of method should not be used if you want to." Sun Yue remained calm, and explained the analysis to the Undead Queen, not because he looked down on this woman.

Rather, the other party was really frightened, even when he received the news, he was shocked.

"Then what do we do now?"

The sun and the moon said calmly, "It is impossible to bathe in the blood of the emperor, but you can receive the power of the emperor, and you can also use the emperor to summon the former eight generals and the ancient race. This power is enough for you to sweep the universe."

"No, the road to immortality has not yet been opened, and the Supreme Being is dormant. At this critical moment, they will not allow any changes to occur, plus the old Jinwu and Luo... unless I can get the help of the Heavenly Sword!" The Immortal Empress calmed down, her eyes flickering. , but after a while there was silence again, and she didn't know where the knife was.

"Annex the Shenting first, and use the power to search for the Nine-Turn Immortal Pill throughout the universe, and I will go find someone else!" The sun and the moon left, leaving only the immortal queen with a constantly changing expression.

In fact, not only him, but even Huosang planet had a big earthquake.

Originally, there was no Great Sage on this star, but recently, for unknown reasons, a fire crow appeared, suspected to be the younger brother of the crow old man.

"Great Emperor, Luo disappeared." Deep in the underground of Huosangxing, Great Sage Huo Raven knelt respectfully in front of a golden divine egg, and said.

"Killing my heir and robbing my immortal gold, it's really amazing!" A cold voice that laughed back from anger came out from the golden god egg, causing the whole world to rippling.

"Emperor... Luo's recent rumors are a bit scary, and the power of that fairy corpse is even more unparalleled, so don't be careless!"

"Hmph, for so many years... I have endured it, and it's nothing more than a hundred years!
Today's revenge, he will report it daily, and when I become an immortal, Luo is nothing!
What is the Supreme!
What is a fairy corpse! "

"Emperor... as long as you can figure it out..." Huo Ya secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, he was really afraid that his own emperor would not be able to figure it out, so he would go directly to seek revenge on the other party.

The emperor has been planted, and it is not impossible to plant another one.

Regardless of the movements of all parties, Luo Tianchen's influence in today's starry sky can be described as unprecedented.

His words, his achievements, were like hurricanes, blowing across the universe, shocking many people.

Many people are looking for Luo, some are loyal to the emperor, and there are also creatures who plan to make Luo the new emperor, replace the emperor, and rule the starry sky.

However, the protagonist of the incident disappeared without a trace, and there is no trace of him in the world anymore.

In the following period of time, drastic changes also took place in the depths of the universe. Due to the fall of the emperor and the death of Yu Huatian, the entire vast court of God suddenly fell apart.

However, after the intervention of the Phoenix Nest, the collapse of this behemoth was even faster. The Immortal Queen personally took action, and with lightning speed, she took the entire Divine Court into her pocket. So far, the Phoenix Nest has become the only one on the bright side in the universe. A big force, I don't know how many people have attracted to join.

Similarly, although the power has grown, troubles have also followed.



Fast forward two years, and there is still no news of Luo in the universe.

He seems to have disappeared, but in Outer Universe, some races that once worshiped Luo are still going on.

Believe in the gods and be loyal to the gods, this is the heart of some aliens that has not changed from the beginning to the end.

Or maybe it was because they were too ignorant, or maybe it was because the methods of Cang Yan and the others were too terrifying. Because of the fairy corpse two years ago, too many people were moved, but they still haven't changed.

"You mean, some people actually saw immortals during worship?!"

In Cang Yan's palace, the two walked out of closed doors. Up to now, they still haven't broken through. The quasi-emperor is a big hurdle. Even if they are only a short distance away, they may still be stuck for a lifetime.

Cang Yan nodded, "It's quite strange, Luo has disappeared, but some devout people can clearly see the immortal body when they worship, which leads to a rapid improvement in their own cultivation speed, as if they were blessed by the immortal."

"I'm also very pious, why don't I?" Shi Hu was stunned. In fact, he had the urge to serve Luo as a mount. It wasn't shameful to follow Luo, but he was afraid that Luo would not want him.

"Those who believe in Luo can see the real body of the immortal... Ahem, I saw it too..." The stone man, who had always been solemn, spoke slowly.

He was only one meter tall, sitting cross-legged, he was very small, but his words made the two of them slightly startled, and then they turned pale with shock.

Brother, something is wrong with you, the three of us agreed to advance and retreat together?
We agreed to go boating together, but you kept silent and planned to march into Emperor Zhun, what do you mean?
"Ahem... I have a hunch that in at most ten years, I will step into that realm.

Those who believe in Luo will live forever, and the gods are never stingy. "

Cang Yan: "..."

Shi Hu: "..."

But at the moment when the three of them gathered, there was a sudden sound of notice from outside the palace at this time.

"Master Cangyan, Luoshen has appeared, on the ancestral star of our clan."

"Did Luoshen show up? Came to our territory?" The three of them were startled, and suddenly walked out of the palace.

However, they saw that there was more than one alien patriarch here.

(End of this chapter)

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