FBI mind attack: the super psychological tactics of the US federal police

Chapter 23 Start with Side Branches and Find Holes in a Detour – The FBI’s Deliberate Psychological

Chapter 23 Start with Side Branches, Detour to Find Holes——FBI’s Detour Attacking the Opponent’s Psychological Strategy (5)
"Son, are you coming back soon? It's great. Your mother and I miss you so much. God is so kind to let you come back safely." The father cried with excitement on the other end of the phone.

"Mom and Dad, I have something to tell you. One of my comrades in arms was seriously injured on the battlefield. Unfortunately, he stepped on a mine and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere to go now. I hope I You can bring him home and live with us." The son said happily on the phone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry to hear that, boy, we might be able to give him more help and help him find another place to live, but you'd better dismiss the idea of ​​living with us. After all he A severely handicapped man."

"But, Dad, he is a comrade-in-arms who lives and dies with me. If he hadn't stepped on the landmine that day, I would have been unable to talk to you now. I still hope that we can take him in and let him live with us."

"No, no, no, boy, you listen to Dad, we all feel sorry for him, but we have our lives too. You know, such a severely disabled person will definitely put a very heavy burden on our lives, We can't let people like this affect our lives."

"Dad, did you really make that decision?" The son on the other side of the phone suddenly started crying, sounding very sad.

"Don't cry, child, we are all very sad, we hope you come back quickly now, just forget about this unfortunate man, he will definitely find a way out by himself."

The father comforted his son on the phone, but before he finished speaking, the son hung up the phone.

In the next few days, the father and mother never received a call from their son, and their calls to his son were always unanswered.Just when their father and mother were about to go to Washington to find their son, they received a call from the police—"Your son fell from the [-]th floor and died. The police initially determined that he committed suicide." Washington, when they saw their son in the hospital morgue, they were shocked to find that his son had only one arm and one leg.

From this story, we can see that a pair of parents who don’t know how to empathize, refused without hesitation when their son proposed to bring a disabled person home to live with them. Hope for a disabled son to continue his life.From this point of view, if you don't know how to think in another person's place, and don't know how to think about problems from the standpoint of others, it will often bring very bad results.

In the early 90s, five FBI agents went out on missions in a jeep.When they were halfway there, two detectives suddenly had stomach pains, and had no choice but to get out of the car and go to a nearby hospital for treatment.In order not to fail the mission, the three healthy agents sent the two agents who had stomach pains to the hospital for treatment, and then they continued to perform the mission.

However, it was very unfortunate that when the three agents were driving through a mountain depression, they were unfortunately hit by a boulder rolling from the top of the mountain, and the car crashed and died.After hearing the news that all three of their colleagues had died, the two detectives who stayed in the hospital fell into mourning, and neither of them spoke.After the two were silent for a long time, Agent A spoke up. He said: "I really feel sad and sorry for them. They are so young and outstanding. I didn't expect them to leave us in such a way." .”

Detective B said: "Yes, we had breakfast together this morning, but now they are all lying in the cold morgue. Life is really helpless!"

"However, after the grief, I think the two of us are very lucky. If we set off with them, it is likely that we are also lying in the cold and lonely morgue like them at this moment." Member A said in a grateful tone.

"No, I don't think that's the case. If the two of us hadn't been in the hospital with stomach pains, we wouldn't have delayed their action, and they wouldn't have passed right around the time the boulder rolled down."

From this story, we can see that empathy is a kind of understanding, which can make people realize their own shortcomings, so that they can re-examine themselves from a different perspective.Re-examining yourself from another angle is a re-understanding of yourself, which can allow people to understand themselves more deeply, observe their own shortcomings, and be able to find the direction that they should change and reposition themselves.

Shepdula, a senior agent of the FBI, said: "Many times, when you think this way, others think the same way. So after you have an idea that you think is good, don't be complacent, but It is to re-examine from the standpoint of others to see if others think the same way."

In daily life, it is very important for us to learn to empathize - when we do something, we can think of others and consider others everywhere, so that we can gain the trust and respect of others and make us Others are more willing to do things with us.From this point of view, if a person wants to let others trust and respect himself, he must first learn to think in another way.So, how can we learn to empathize?Let's take a look at how the FBI police officers do it.

(1) Empathy is more of a professional habit.

Tom Norwich, a police officer of the FBI, said: "Anything we try to do, we should always think about it before doing it, how the result of doing so will affect others, and this kind of thinking for others before doing things It should become a habit."

When any kind of behavior becomes a habit, it is very difficult to get rid of it from our life.Just imagine, if we can't form a habit of empathy, then under what circumstances can we persist in this way?The answer is undoubtedly no.

It is actually not a particularly difficult thing to make empathy a habit. As long as we let ourselves be more compassionate and kind, then we will think of others when we do anything, and we will stand up. Look at problems from the standpoint of others, so that you can develop a good habit of empathy when doing anything.

(2) Transposition thinking, thinking should be in place first.

Empathy, ideology should be in place first.It can be said that having a correct ideology is the basis and prerequisite for empathy.In life, we must first understand what empathy can bring to ourselves.For example, when we consider the pain of others and do not do something that hurts others, others will be grateful for our actions, and he will in turn give us more rewards.If this is the case, we should do things from the standpoint of others, so as not to hurt others, but also to get better returns for ourselves.Secondly, you should understand whether doing something from the standpoint of others will bring huge adverse effects to yourself. If it can bring huge adverse effects to yourself, you should resolutely give up (damaging yourself is beneficial to collective work) except).It can be said that only when our thinking is aware of the position, we will realize the necessity and importance of empathy, so that we can conduct empathy more effectively and reasonably.

(3) There must be "degree" in empathy.

When doing anything in the world, you must grasp the degree.The famous psychologist Freud said: "When the truth takes a step forward, it may also take a step back." It can be said that empathy is the same-leaving the proper angle, Thinking differently regardless of time, object and occasion may result in "misplaced thinking".Empathy can't be done at all on some things.For example, when a shabby-dressed thief is stealing, after thinking in another way, we think that the thief must be forced to steal because of life, so should the thief be allowed to steal?Obviously, this kind of transposition thinking is a kind of wrong "dislocation thinking".

There must be "degree" in empathy, and the key to this "degree" is good or bad.When something is obviously bad, we may have strong sympathy after empathy, leading to wrong things happening.Therefore, there must be a degree of empathy, that is, to distinguish between good and bad.

9. To hide one's true intentions, this is how the FBI manipulates other people's minds
Rich Mond, a senior psychologist of the FBI, said: "Hiding our true intentions and not being understood by others is the key to our survival in society." In an extremely complex society, we must not only understand others, but also know how to hide ourselves, and not be easily seen through by others. In this extremely competitive society, the more unpredictable we appear, the more scruples others have on us. There will be more, so we tend to have an advantage over the competition.

In real life, there are always many people who are very irritable and get angry at every turn, and often small things will touch their sensitive nerves.It can be said that such people are the least able to hide their true intentions. They are often very easily manipulated by others, because others always use their weakness of not knowing how to hide their true intentions to manipulate them.From this point of view, hiding your true intentions is the best way to protect yourself.

Deshana Kohler is the daughter of FBI Senior Special Agent Aurix Kohler.After graduating from university, Dishana Kohler entered a large company to work.At the beginning of entering the company, as a newcomer, Dishanna Kohler was very serious and hardworking in her work, so she was favored by her boss.

One day, Katina, a newcomer who joined the company with Dishana Kohler, warmly invited her out for dinner.While eating in the restaurant, Katina told Dishana Kohler some "gossip" she had inquired about from her old colleagues.At first, Dishana Kohler didn't really believe Katina's words, but as the topic gradually deepened, she gradually believed Katina's words.More importantly, the kind-hearted Dishana Kohler regarded Katina as her bosom friend in her pretending to be mysterious, so she told Katina some of her dissatisfaction with the company without any precautions Na.

A few days after eating with Katina, Dishana Kohler found that colleagues around her were looking at her with strange eyes, which made her very uncomfortable.Finally one day, an older sister of the company secretly told Dishanna Kohler: "Kacina has written your dissatisfaction with the company and colleagues into an email and sent it to everyone in the company."

After hearing what the eldest sister said, Dishanna Kohler felt extremely uncomfortable.After a difficult time, Deshana Kohler felt awkward working in the company-coworkers and supervisors deliberately alienated her.Within a few days, Dishanna Kohler offered to resign on her own initiative because she felt that she couldn't stay any longer.

From this case, we can see that Dishanna Kohler's failure lies in the fact that she is too credulous to others and doesn't know how to hide her true psychology, so that others say a few "heart-to-heart words" to her so that she can easily say He revealed his secret, and as a result, he became the target of other people's sneak attacks.In this light, no matter how trustworthy others are, we should not reveal our true intentions.Because we can never guarantee that others will not hurt us.

The world-renowned psychologist Ebbinghaus said: "Deception is a distortion of the facts, but hiding is not deceiving. Hiding is just letting others not understand you. The nature of the two can be said to be completely different." Sometimes, "Hiding "This word does not sound bright enough, but it is undeniable that hiding our true intentions is the best way for us to protect ourselves.Just like soldiers in war wearing camouflage uniforms, their purpose is to hide themselves and not be discovered by the enemy, so as to achieve the purpose of protecting themselves.

In fact, hiding your true intentions is not only the best way to protect yourself, but also an important way to manipulate other people's psychology - when others cannot understand your true intentions, they will make wrong judgments, so that you can catch others mistakes to launch a counterattack to achieve their goals.

Since there are so many benefits to hiding our true intentions, how can we become a master at hiding our true intentions?Let's take a look at how the FBI's psychological training class works.

(1) Hide your privacy and don't give others a chance to catch you.

Rich Mond, a senior psychologist with the FBI, said: "Everyone has privacy, and these privacy are often the most unspeakable pain in a person's heart, and these privacy are also the most powerful attack on us by others. A weapon, like a dagger, can penetrate deep into our hearts."

For most people, their privacy is well hidden.But it is undeniable that many people are always hot-headed, or do not read enough people, and inadvertently tell others their privacy, and the result is that some villains use this privacy to attack fiercely.Therefore, usually people should hide their privacy deep in their hearts, and don't leave any excuses for others to attack themselves.

(2) Hide your goals and don't let your "hole cards" be exposed.

In the current complex society, we are in the midst of competition all the time, and we all have a "hole card" deep in our hearts - our lowest goal, which is also the bottom line of our game with competitors.

Osric, a senior detective of the FBI, said: "Your hole card is your confidence, and it is the source of all your strength when you are playing games with others. If you have no confidence in the game, then you must be a loser." It can be said that at the beginning of the game, many people let their opponents easily figure out their true intentions and clearly let their opponents know their goals in the competition because they were not cautious enough. Attacks your target, thereby causing you to lose the competition.

(3) Control your emotions. Emotions are the key factor in revealing your true intentions.

Any person is controlled by emotions almost all the time.In the words of the famous psychologist Freud, "everyone is a slave of emotions".In daily life, almost everyone has made some mistakes because of insufficient control of emotions.

Osric, a senior detective of the FBI, said: "You have to learn to control your emotions, otherwise the enemy will get information from your emotions." In fact, the reason why many people cannot hide their true intentions is , because they can’t control their emotions—many people always deliberately arouse the anger of others, and understand the other’s true intentions in the anger of others, so as to successfully manipulate the other’s psychology and achieve their own goals.Therefore, in the competition, we must learn to control our emotions, hide our true thoughts deep in our hearts, so as to protect ourselves well, and let our competitors make wrong judgments, so as to achieve the goal of manipulating other people's psychology to achieve our own goals. Purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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