FBI mind attack: the super psychological tactics of the US federal police

Chapter 29 Preemptive strikes and preemptive strikes——The psychological tactics of the FBI's ac

Chapter 29 Preemptive strikes and preemptive strikes——The psychological tactics of the FBI's active attack (1)
Active attack is a tactic often used by the FBI in actual combat.They use this tactic as the most effective way to confront their opponents.In their view, in a confrontation, it is necessary to use the advantage of language to occupy the commanding heights of the opponent's psychology, and to use the method of continuous questioning to frighten the opponent's psychology, so as to "take down" the opponent.

The FBI reminds people that in the actual combat of the FBI, they must continue to learn the skills of being the first to act first, seize the dominant position, and seize the first opportunity.Because these techniques can indeed play a role in making people severely damage the opponent's psychological defense and see through their psychological changes.It can be seen that the FBI's preemptive and preemptive skills summarized from actual combat are worthy of more people's reference and reference.

1. Playing a language offensive is the only rule to occupy the opponent's psychological commanding heights
Language is a sharp sword, which can effectively occupy the commanding heights in the opponent's psychology.This is the conclusion drawn by the FBI in actual combat.

The FBI believes that launching a psychological war against others through language offensives can not only gain the upper hand, but also easily gain insight into the other party's psychology.

When confronting an opponent, whether the language offensive is carried out proactively and timely plays a vital role in whether the offensive can be successfully implemented.Therefore, the FBI regards the training of language offensive as one of the first-hand, proactive psychological tactics.So, how do they use this method in actual combat?

(1) Psychologically "underestimate" the opponent and cooperate with a strong language offensive.

The FBI believes that when people do a certain thing or deal with others, if they take one thing too complicated or "overestimate" others, then their hearts will first be in a passive state.Obviously, this is not conducive to confronting your opponent and launching a psychological attack on it.If you want to turn passive into active, you need to build up enough confidence in yourself, and use the mentality of "looking down" on your opponent to prepare for psychological warfare with your opponent.

Because in the FBI's view, "looking down" on the opponent can first of all enhance self-confidence, and it is natural for one to feel that the opponent is not as good as oneself deep in one's heart.In this case, it will make people feel that you are a "momentum" person. At the same time, what you need to know is that both the tone and speed of speaking can reflect the characteristics of a confident person.

And when a person's self-confidence and courage are fully stimulated, he can say more. In this way, he can achieve the purpose of suppressing the opponent and occupying the psychological commanding heights of the opponent in terms of language.In this way, it is difficult for the opponent to counterattack, thus making it lose its "combat effectiveness" under the language offensive.

In fact, the FBI will also face certain pressures in actual combat.But in the face of pressure, they can still use language offensive to confront their opponents, and can occupy the commanding heights psychologically, so as to subdue their opponents and solve the case.

In 1999, a financial scandal occurred in the United States.It can be seen from the report materials obtained by the FBI that as much as 3.5 million US dollars of funds in this incident were unknown.Due to the huge amount of money involved, this also caused an uproar in the United States, so the FBI launched an in-depth investigation on it.

During the investigation, a banker named Kristen Foo came into the FBI's field of vision.From the personal information of this banker, it is known that he is not only a well-known banker in the United States, but also has close connections with high-level US Congress.This made the FBI realize that this banker is not an ordinary person. With his own status, prestige and strong relationship, it is difficult for the FBI to investigate him.

But in order to thoroughly trace the specific flow of money, the FBI decided to question the banker.In order to eliminate some of the FBI's psychological concerns, the head of the FBI in charge of the case said: "Don't give him three points just because he has a high status and a strong background, but first look down on him psychologically." ’, so that it can be investigated with confidence.”

Encouraged by the FBI involved in investigating the banker, they resolutely began to question the banker.In the process of questioning the banker, the FBI's tone has been very confident and firm, asking: "What were you doing at 5 o'clock on May 5?"

"I'm watching football at home," said the banker dismissively.

"No! According to our investigation, you are not at home at all, but in the bank's office." Immediately afterwards, the FBI showed the banker a receipt and asked firmly, "Do you know what is going on with this receipt?" ?"

"Ridiculous, what does this bill have to do with me?!"

"Judging from the handwriting, the signature on this note is very similar to your signature!" Then, the FBI turned on the computer, pointed to the transaction records on the screen and asked, "Did you operate these transaction records?"

"Not at all, I haven't done anything."

The FBI stood up and said loudly: "You can choose to quibble, but your sophistry will be used as evidence, and the federal government has regulations that will give the most severe punishment to those who want to conceal the truth!"

Overwhelmed by the momentum of the FBI's language, the banker eventually had to confess to transferring $3.5 million to overseas accounts.

Apparently, the FBI implemented a strategy of attacking the bankers by "underestimating" their opponents and cooperating with powerful language offensives, and finally recovered this huge amount of funds.

(2) Back up with words, and resolutely reject the opponent's excessive demands.

In daily life, people will inevitably encounter situations where others deliberately test themselves and make excessive demands.Because they want to occupy a superior position psychologically, so as to achieve their own goals. FB suggested that in such a situation, people should be prepared to change from passive defense to active attack, and the best way is to use language offensive.

Therefore, when you encounter a person who utters some irritating words or makes excessive demands in order to deliberately test you, you must not remain silent, but resolutely reject them with the help of a strong language offensive.

The FBI personally experienced a related event in actual combat-in 1999, all kinds of information about the "Year [-] Bug" computer problem in the United States flooded every corner like a snowflake.Although the U.S. federal government has indicated to the public that the "Year [-] Bug" problem will not affect computers, the public is still a little panicked.

On this day, the FBI received a report that more than a dozen college students were protesting in front of the state government in Arizona, and they demanded compensation from the government for their purchase of computers. After the FBI arrived at the scene, they had a dialogue with these demonstrators. One of them claimed to be a college student majoring in computer science and said to the FBI: "The 'millennium bug' is coming, why didn't the government release information to the public earlier, so that we can I won’t buy computers anymore. Therefore, the government must pay us ten times the price for the losses caused by our purchase of computers.”

After hearing this ridiculous request, the FBI sternly reprimanded the demonstrators: "I didn't expect that you, who are called 'the proud sons of heaven', would believe in the 'Year [-] Bug' problem. People don't need to worry, don't people like you who deal with computers every day know nothing about this matter? It is completely unreasonable for you to demand compensation from the government. If you continue to make trouble like this, justice will await you Judgment!"

After listening to the FBI's reprimand, the group of demonstrators lost all their previous arrogance, and left dejectedly one by one.

It can be seen from this that the FBI did not use force in response to the student demonstrations, but used language offensives to gain a psychological advantage and successfully persuaded the students to withdraw from the demonstrations.

(3) Appropriate use of language.

The FBI believes that the proper use of language can also launch a powerful psychological offensive against others.When other people's words are obviously sarcasm, if you express your inner anger directly in words, the impact on other people's psychological attacks may be very small, but if you can use the language properly, you can often take the initiative psychologically , thus successfully carrying out psychological warfare against it.For example, when someone makes a sarcastic comment about your fledgling career, you can respond like this: "Although my career is in its infancy, I am still very happy every day because I don't live like some people do nothing all day, that Although his life is stable, how can he reflect the value of his life?"

I believe that people who have heard these words must have a feeling of frustration in their hearts, so as to restrain their words and deeds.

The FBI sometimes achieves its intended purpose by successfully using language offensives to implement psychological attacks on others.

2. Initiate an active attack on the opponent by asking questions in a row, so as to occupy an advantageous position

The FBI has successfully eradicated an evil force in Denver, the capital of Colorado, USA.Undoubtedly, eradicating this evil force is naturally very satisfying, and in this incident, the FBI also showed the world the psychological tactics used in the struggle against the evil forces-the charm of continuous questioning. In this way, the FBI psychologically Occupied the advantage, thus successfully eradicating the evil forces.

The evil forces wantonly carried out arms transactions in the local area. At the same time, they also monopolized the local transportation industry, and even carried out other criminal activities such as drug transactions.Therefore, in order to maintain stability in the area, the FBI decided to deal a heavy blow to it.However, due to the fact that this evil force has a certain influence in the local area and has a large number of people, if it is attacked by conventional means, they are likely to do some heinous things-revenge against government members or harm ordinary people .Therefore, in order to avoid these situations from happening, the FBI decided to use psychological tactics to disintegrate the evil forces.

The first method that the FBI thought of was to "behead" the core figure of the evil forces.According to the arrangement of the FBI's "beheading" plan, first of all, it is necessary to investigate the core figures of the organization and take certain measures against them, so as to deal a heavy blow to the opponent psychologically, and finally disintegrate the evil organization from the inside.

In the next period of time, the FBI conducted a secret investigation on the core figure of the organization, and found that the core figure often shuttled around major entertainment venues unscrupulously.So, the FBI decided to conduct a surprise investigation.

On this day, when the core figure entered a large entertainment venue as usual, he was kindly "invited" to the police station by the FBI who had been waiting for a long time.

After bringing him to the police station, the FBI interrogated the core figure by asking questions:
"Name and occupation!"

"Marilla Hans, works in a brokerage firm." The central figure replied absently.

"Home address!"

"Floor 13, 520, District 14, Denver."

"Do you know why you were put on trial?"

"do not know."

"Because you are suspected of leading and participating in underworld crimes!" The FBI snapped.

"Please don't make groundless accusations against me, I am a law-abiding citizen." The core figure quibbled.

"Covering up won't solve any problems. We have already investigated the criminal facts of your group. Now your only way out is to tell the truth!"

"I am innocent." The core figure still refused to admit that he was leading the underworld.

So, the FBI paused and continued to ask: "The murderer behind the murder in downtown Denver in 2001 is still at large. What do you think of this?"

At this moment, the core figure was sitting silently opposite the FBI.

The FBI continued: "You have been hiding the truth from beginning to end. In fact, your real name is Castro, not Marilla Hans. Your home address is not 13th Floor, No. 520, District 14, Denver, but Denver. 18th Floor, No. 110, District 20. In addition, according to our investigation, the manipulator behind the murder in downtown Denver in 2001 was you!"

After the FBI finished speaking these words, the core figure seemed to be stunned—for a while, he didn't know what to say to the FBI.Therefore, he did not make any excuses to the FBI.It was obvious that his psychological defense was broken, so he contemplated for a while and then confessed all his crimes.Immediately afterwards, the FBI released the news of the core figure's confession, in order to give a certain warning to other members of this evil organization, so as to achieve the purpose of defeating the organization by using psychological tactics.Sure enough, in less than a month, other important figures of the evil organization also surrendered to the FBI, and declared that they would permanently disband the organization.

This matter was publicized by the media for a while, and people praised the FBI for using such an effective psychological attack strategy. At the same time, people also wanted to know what kind of psychological attack technique the FBI used to make the opponent obediently catch it when confronting the opponent. .In this regard, the FBI made the following conclusions:

(1) Interrupt the opponent's thinking and make the opponent's thinking confused.

When confronting opponents, the FBI often encounters opponents who are thoughtful and concentrated.In this case, the FBI believes that in order to take the initiative, it must disturb their thinking before they carry out the "attack".

Because, the FBI believes that once the opponent takes the initiative, it is very likely that he will be held back in the next confrontation with him. In this way, the balance of victory will naturally be more inclined to the opponent.

The research results show that once a person's thinking is sorted out, a high degree of concentration and keen observation will follow.The efficacy of this invisible force is very high, and it can easily break a person's psychological defense.In this regard, the FBI believes that the most effective way to deal with this kind of power is to prevent the opponent from forming a complete thinking, and to "harass" their thinking.

When someone wants to instill a long-winded speech that they don't agree with, such as: "This is the most perfect way, you don't have to be skeptical..." At this time, you can interrupt his thinking like this: "Your way How dare you say it's perfect? ​​It's ridiculous. As far as I know, even Edison wouldn't dare to say that, let alone you are just a budding person."

If the opponent still insists on explaining his point of view and wants others to accept his point of view, then at this time you can interrupt them in the same way as you interrupt the opponent's thinking, so that they cannot form a complete way of thinking, and eventually appear disordered thinking, thus Make it lose the determination to continue to express its views.Under normal circumstances, after several rounds of psychological confrontation, the dominant position will most likely belong to you.

(2) Ask the opponent questions without interruption.

Many criminals have this experience, when faced with endless interrogation by the police, they will feel inexplicable fear in their hearts.Because the endless interrogation by the police greatly reduces the time for them to think independently and fabricate lies, so in most cases the uninterrupted questioning by the police will make them quickly confess their crimes.

(3) Deliberately leading the other party into the "trap" set by oneself, and asking them a series of questions.

The FBI often says: "If you can introduce others into your own thoughts and make them act according to your wishes, it is the most ideal way of active psychological attack."

It is true that when others act according to their own ideas, many things may become very simple, and this is also one of the ways to successfully implement the psychological attack strategy on them.

(End of this chapter)

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