FBI mind attack: the super psychological tactics of the US federal police

Chapter 30 Preemptive strikes and preemptive strikes——The psychological tactics of the FBI's ac

Chapter 30 Preemptive strikes and preemptive strikes——The psychological tactics of the FBI's active attack (2)
The FBI believes that in order to successfully implement the psychological attack strategy, it needs to lead the other party into the "trap" set by itself.For example, when you negotiate business with a customer with strong vanity, you can cater to the customer's vanity, which can not only promote business, but also satisfy the customer's vanity to a great extent.Places such as high-end coffee shops or music tea bars are actually "trap" to lure customers.When customers enter this "trap", they can start asking questions in a continuous manner.There are many forms of asking questions, but always start from the customer's point of view, and from the customer's answer, you can try to figure out their psychology.

But in actual combat, some people want to imitate the FBI's strategy of attacking others, but they always fail to achieve the desired effect, and some people even doubt the quality of the strategy.

In fact, the above psychological attack techniques are just a few of the many psychological attack methods used by the FBI, but the FBI emphasizes that there is no difference between any kind of psychological attack. key to the battle.Therefore, the FBI suggests that when adopting the psychological attack strategy of "initiating an active attack on the opponent by asking questions in succession", one must earnestly learn the necessary psychological attack skills, so as to gain an advantage in the psychological attack.

3. Get rid of the "blank area" of the other party's mind and let him lose the space for thinking
Many people will have a situation where "the brain goes blank", and the FBI refers to this as a "blank area".When this happens, most people's heart beats faster, their consciousness narrows, and they don't notice what's happening outside.Although the duration is very short, only a few minutes or even less, at this time people's minds are like blank paper, they lose consciousness and temporarily lose the ability to think about problems.

The FBI believes that if there is a "blank area" in a person's psychology, it will not only temporarily lose the ability to analyze and judge problems, but also open the door for others to take advantage of the opportunity to attack him.

In many cases, when the FBI confronts a vicious opponent, it successfully breaks the opponent's psychological defense line through the psychological attack strategy of fixing the opponent's psychological "blank area" in advance, and thus wins the victory with the psychological attack strategy.

But it's not easy to fix the "blank area" of the other party's psychology!So, what kind of psychological attack strategy does the FBI use to get rid of the "blank area" of the opponent's psychology?
(1) Use the "machine gun" speed of speech as the "vanguard" to settle the "blank area" of the opponent's psychology.

Research has shown that the speed of speaking can affect how a person expresses his or her thoughts.People who speak fast can express more thoughts, while those who speak slowly express only a limited number of thoughts.It can be seen that the speed of speech can affect the quality of expression, and even the key to whether the other party's psychological "blank area" can be solved.

Cruz is an experienced FBI officer who was dispatched to investigate the spate of shootings in the Ohio capital.

But the investigation did not go smoothly-because the area is very densely populated and the movement of people is high, this virtually increases the difficulty of cracking the shooting.However, Cruz was not affected by this, but continued to collect relevant intelligence.

One day, when he passed by a gold watch shop, a middle-aged man wearing a mask aroused his suspicion in front of him. He saw that the man was wearing a black mask with tattoos on his body, holding a cloth-covered mask in his right hand. things, went straight into the gold watch shop.Cruz suddenly realized that this person was very likely to go to the gold watch shop to rob.Due to the large number of people around, Cruz followed the man to watch out for his next activities in order not to startle the scene and make the man make some crazy moves.

Sure enough, after the middle-aged man entered the gold watch shop, he walked directly to the cash register. When he stopped in front of the cash register and was about to raise the pistol on his right hand, Cruz shot his pistol at lightning speed. Kicked off, Cruz then subdued the man and sent him back for questioning.

During his interrogation, the man resolutely denied the previous robbery and wanted to absolve himself of the crime.

Cruz realized that in order for the man to confess his crime, he had to get rid of his psychological "blank space".In other words, let him temporarily lose the time to think about the problem, so as to seize this opportunity to implement a psychological attack strategy on him.

So during the ensuing interrogation, Cruz deliberately raised his voice and speaking speed, and asked the man many questions one after another, but most of them had nothing to do with the robbery.Cruz believes that in this way, the opponent can be paralyzed, so that his "brain goes blank" when faced with many problems.

Indeed, as Cruz imagined, the middle-aged man felt at a loss for his way of asking questions, and even pea-sized beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.At this time, Cruz could really feel that the opponent was very nervous, so he took advantage of the opportunity when the "blank area" appeared in the opponent's mind, and continued to implement the psychological attack strategy against him.In the end, the middle-aged man confessed to the previous shooting under great psychological pressure.

(2) Let the opponent lose the time to think by firmly grasping the right to speak.

From the perspective of the FBI, in the process of confrontation with opponents, whoever can firmly hold the right to speak will have a psychological advantage.From a psychological point of view, when the right to speak is in the hands of a person, it will stimulate the person's inner fighting spirit, thus forming a strong fighting force.

Firmly grasping the right to speak is a skill that the FBI is very good at, because whether it is in daily training or actual combat, the FBI will always train this skill seriously and strive to maximize the effect of this skill.

In the process of talking with the opponent, the FBI will concentrate all its energy on mastering the right to speak.Because they are clearly aware that mastering the right to speak can play a vital role in implementing the psychological attack strategy.

After receiving a report from a bank, the FBI entered the bank to investigate.The investigation focused on the disappearance of $300 million in cash from the bank.Soon, the news that the bank lost a huge amount of cash spread like wildfire, and many people were commenting: "The bank has such high-level security and monitoring measures, and the cash loss happened, which is really a mistake in the bank's work. "In view of the huge amount of lost cash, the Fed has attached great importance to it, and the Fed hopes that the FBI can crack this case as soon as possible.

The FBI immediately retrieved the bank's surveillance video, but found no abnormalities in it.So the FBI questioned all the staff of the bank again, but they didn't get any valuable information.At this time, the FBI realized that someone who could steal cash without leaving any traces was likely to be a criminal with a high IQ.

In the ensuing investigation, the FBI locked its eyes on all the staff of the bank, because they firmly believed that the criminals must be among these people.And the facts quickly confirmed the correctness of the FBI's judgment-the bank called and told the FBI that the bank had updated all monitoring equipment a week before the cash was stolen. The technical engineer responsible for replacing the monitoring equipment cannot be contacted.

After obtaining this information, the FBI rushed to the technical engineer's home to investigate him.The technical engineer was very calm about the arrival of the FBI, and the FBI also observed that the engineer wanted to quibble.But before he could speak, the FBI first asked: "Are you responsible for updating the bank's monitoring equipment?" Before the engineer could answer, the FBI continued to ask: "Are you very proficient in bank monitoring equipment and monitoring systems?" FBI After a pause, he continued: "But you used the technology in your hands to do illegal things. When you updated the bank's monitoring equipment, you had memorized the location of all the monitoring equipment. Before you steal cash, you will All monitoring equipment is turned off, which will facilitate your successful theft, isn't it?"

After hearing these words, the technical engineer obviously didn't come back to his senses. At first he wanted to defend himself, but when he saw that the other party had already grasped the whole story and had obtained the right to speak, he couldn't help but bow his head and hand over Out of the stolen cash.

When the FBI returned the stolen cash to the bank, it was surrounded by media reporters who had been waiting in the bank lobby for a long time.During the period, the question they asked most was: "How did you capture this high-intelligence criminal?" The FBI answered the media reporter's question with "firmly grasp the right to speak, and let the opponent lose the time to think." ask questions.

(3) Overwhelm the opponent in momentum and force him to be passive psychologically.

Momentum is something unique to a person with a strong desire to conquer or high self-confidence. It can overwhelm the opponent psychologically and bring a shocking effect to the opponent psychologically.It can be said that the FBI is such a type of person.Because judging from the momentum they showed in the process of confronting their opponents, they always take the initiative.

Therefore, when a person confronts an opponent with a strong momentum, the opponent is likely to be overwhelmed by this momentum, thus forming a psychological "scar", and finally forcing him to be psychologically passive.

It is no exaggeration to say that the FBI has successfully cracked one classic case after another because of its skillful use of the "blank area" in the other party's mind, making them lose their thinking space. It adds a bit of mystery.

4. Be the first to act first, directly attack the opponent's psychological weakness

"Be the first to act first, and directly attack the opponent's psychological weakness" is a sentence highly respected by the FBI.On the surface, this sentence tells people to take the initiative to attack, but the deeper meaning behind it is to take the initiative as a method of attacking the opponent's psychological weakness.

The FBI has concluded from actual combat that the probability of winning by attacking first will be higher, and at the same time, it can directly hit the opponent's psychological weakness and make them flee.

But it is not always possible to get good results first. The FBI believes that it is not possible to use this psychological tactic of actively attacking the opponent in a day or two. It requires mastering certain skills and accumulating experience through actual combat to reap the best results.For this reason, many people can't wait to see how the FBI successfully employs this psychological tactic.

The FBI has summarized the following experiences and insights from many actual combats:

(1) Carry out a lightning attack when others are not aware of it.

We all know that winning a war requires lightning strikes against the enemy.From ancient times to the present, most of the victories in wars have been achieved by striking first.In modern society, the same method can be used for reference when confronting opponents.

Preemptive strikes can be reflected in various aspects. For example, after new employees enter a new team, they may be made things difficult and excluded by old employees to a certain extent.Veteran employees may ask new employees to help them with things, and if the new employees do not do things according to their wishes, their faces will be very long.If new employees can understand the psychology of old employees in advance and take the initiative to help them do things, not only can they adapt to the new working environment as soon as possible, but also understand the psychology of old employees, and most importantly, they will not be passive psychologically.

By the same token, when confronting someone, if the opponent is not mentally prepared to attack him, he will often "hit" the opponent by surprise.

The FBI has launched a wanted arrest for an Arab suspected of terrorist attacks-this Arab terrorist carried out terrorist attacks in many places in the United States, not only causing a large number of casualties, but also bringing tourism in these areas to a standstill. .In view of the above reasons, the FBI decided to arrest him as soon as possible.

But this terrorist has many substitutes, which enables him to always escape the FBI's pursuit.On this day, the undercover agent sent by the FBI brought news that the terrorist had absconded to Pakistan, so the FBI also sneaked into Pakistan secretly.

When they arrived in Pakistan, the FBI lost contact with the undercover agent.Just when the FBI felt that the undercover agent might be in danger, an exciting news came to the FBI: terrorists were hiding in a villa in northern Pakistan.After getting this valuable information, the FBI immediately rushed to the place where the terrorists were hiding. However, they found that the villa was surrounded by high walls and equipped with monitoring equipment. .Therefore, in order not to startle the enemy, the FBI decided to send an experienced person disguised as an Arab doctor to sneak into the villa to find out what happened.

After the "Arab doctor" came to the door of the villa and knocked, a deep voice came from the villa: "Who are you looking for?"

"I am a family doctor in charge of the health of the people in this area, and I specially give you a free physical examination."

What the "Arab doctor" did not expect was that the other party did not doubt his identity and introduced himself into the living room.After entering the living room, the "Arab doctor" immediately recognized the terrorist wanted by the FBI.In order to keep calm, the "Arab doctor" said loudly on purpose: "Hi, I am the family doctor in charge of this area. Is there any discomfort for you?"

The terrorist obviously did not doubt the true identity of the "Arab doctor", and subconsciously replied: "My whole body is not feeling well, please give me a physical examination first!"

In order to catch the arrest by surprise, the "Arab doctor" pretended to use physical examination equipment to perform a physical examination on the terrorists.During the inspection, he observed the reaction of the terrorist from the corner of his eye, and he found that the terrorist did not suspect him, but closed his eyes to accept the inspection. The "Arab doctor" realized that this is the best time to arrest, so he put the handcuffs on the terrorist's hands with lightning speed.

Obviously, the terrorist did not expect to be attacked by lightning, but when he opened his eyes, the cold handcuffs were already on his hands and he could not move.Immediately afterwards, other FBIs broke in and successfully arrested the heinous terrorist without firing a single shot.

(2) Insight into the opponent's body language in order to predict the opponent's psychology in advance.

In the eyes of many people, it is not easy to fully understand the opponent's psychology, and it takes a long time to explore.But in the FBI's view, at certain times, it is possible to predict the opponent's psychology in advance and implement a psychological attack strategy against it.

Some people may think that it is impossible for ordinary people to predict the opponent's psychology in advance, but the FBI believes that people can actually predict the opponent's psychology by observing some physical changes of the opponent.For example, you can predict your opponent's psychology from their eyes.Eyes are indispensable to a person. They are the windows of people's souls. The FBI uses these two "windows" to figure out or perceive the opponent's emotions or true intentions.

Many times people often hear people say: "Look, this man is lying again, his eyes have already said it all." In other words, human eyes can indeed express a lot of valuable information from the side, and This information is very important for predicting the opponent's psychology.

The FBI believes that a person can lie verbally, but when he lies, everything in his eyes indicates whether his words are true.In many cases, when people encounter unexpected events, they will be overwhelmed by these events. At this time, their eyes will first change. The most obvious is that the pupils of these people will suddenly enlarge a lot after being frightened. And will shrink repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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