FBI mind attack: the super psychological tactics of the US federal police

Chapter 31 Preemptive strikes and preemptive strikes——The psychological tactics of the FBI's ac

Chapter 31 Preemptive strikes and preemptive strikes——The psychological tactics of the FBI's active attack (3)
Not only that, but the FBI can also predict their opponents' psychological changes in advance through their facial features or facial expressions.From the perspective of the FBI, the opponent's facial expressions can explain everything, and they can gain insight into the changes in their inner world from the opponent's facial expressions.It can be said that changes in human facial expressions are one of the most intuitive and effective ways to reflect changes in people's hearts.

The FBI has concluded from actual combat that facial expressions are the most sensitive and richest. It is richer than any other part of the expression. No matter where people come from, they can understand what they want to express through the characteristics of facial expressions. .It can be said that facial expression is a language commonly used in the world, and a common language across cultures and regions.From the perspective of the development of human civilization, facial expressions have become an international common language and an effective way of communication. It can help us understand the hearts of people from different countries and regions, with different cultures and beliefs idea.Although everyone's face has certain differences, all people's faces have a common feature, that is, people's faces are composed of many muscles, each muscle is very sensitive, and it is these muscles , so that people can make a variety of expressions.

American scientists have obtained the following results through testing and research: the distribution of human facial muscles is very tight, these muscles can continuously transmit signals to the central nervous system of the brain, and there will be as many as thousands of different expressions in the process of transmitting signals , these expressions include crying, smiling, excited, disappointed, melancholy, etc.In the process of transmitting signals, the facial expressions of everyone are different, and the expressions of men and women, the elderly and children are also different.As an international language symbol, the expression conveyed by it can be understood by most people.Through the information refracted on the face, people can also predict the opponent's psychology.

In addition, the FBI believes that the hand is considered the most dexterous body part, and certain muscles in the human body also control people's hands, enabling the hands to move flexibly and make various delicate movements.When people are stimulated by the external environment, because the cerebral cortex is stimulated intensely, hormones such as neurotransmitters and adrenaline will surge, and at this time, some signals are usually transmitted through the hands.

But the FBI will not simply use hand changes as the only criterion for judging cases. When the FBI actually observes the changes in the opponent's hands, it will depend on the on-site environment.In the eyes of the FBI, when the hands start to shake, it is usually psychological comfort, but if the hands are still touching the nose or other body parts, then it can be determined that this performance of the person may reflect his innermost feelings. Panicked.

For another example, when people encounter unexpected major events, they will clasp their fingers tightly together.They think that only in this way can they get some sense of security. Some people put their clasped fingers under the chin. At this time, they are more like praying. If the intensity keeps increasing, the facial expressions of these people will also change.

Through the information fed back by these body language, the FBI can clearly know the true thoughts of the other party, so as to make timely countermeasures, directly hit the psychological weakness of the other party, make the other party confess his criminal facts, and then successfully crack the case.

5. Seize the dominant position, condescending to occupy the psychological advantage

I believe that many people have this experience: when they are condescending, a kind of self-confidence will arise spontaneously from the heart, and this self-confidence is not pretended. The FBI's explanation for this is that when a person occupies a dominant position, especially at the commanding heights, his psychology will undergo certain changes-a sense of superiority and sufficient self-confidence.

"People go to high places" may be the truth. The FBI believes that only when a person seizes an advantageous position in advance can he take the initiative to attack.

Because in the process of dealing with others, a person always hopes that he can be valued by the other party. When they occupy the commanding heights, they will feel a little comfort psychologically.According to the results of a British psychological study, the most important reason why psychologists or psychological experts can interpret people's psychological changes is that they can take the initiative to attack and seize a favorable position, so as to create a condescending dominant position for themselves, so that they occupy psychologically. active position.In this case, the odds of winning in a heart-to-heart duel with others will be greater.

The FBI is very sensitive to take the initiative and seize the dominant position - when confronting an opponent, whoever takes the dominant position first will have a greater probability of winning in the end. Therefore, the FBI arranges training in this area every year.

Interestingly, the FBI will play different roles for proactive training.So what are the types of roles they play and what steps are they taking?
(1) Act like an old man - effectively confuse the opponent.

The FBI believes that when playing as an old man to perform a certain task, the probability of successfully performing the task is very high.Although the old man seems physically weak and sickly, this is the most effective way to hide himself and confuse opponents.Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for someone to have too much suspicion of the elderly - in their consciousness, the elderly are not a threat to themselves at all, so psychologically they will relax their vigilance.Obviously, in this case, it is easier for people to find out the true thoughts of their opponents.

School officials are deeply concerned about frequent items being stolen from a student housing complex in Louisiana. After the FBI learned of this situation, it immediately launched an investigation into the student apartment.Judging from the video provided by the student apartment, the perpetrators of the theft were middle-aged men with short hair and black sunglasses.Judging from the time when they committed the crime, most of them chose when the students went out in groups.In order to wipe out this criminal gang as soon as possible, the FBI launched a careful deployment arrangement for this matter, and disguised itself as an old man to conduct secret monitoring.

The unscrupulous thieves once again chose to sneak into the apartment building when the students were out. Although they saw a few old people with crutches staggering forward at the door, they ignored it and thought that these old people were old. It is already big, and it will not affect his theft behavior at all.But when they swaggered out of the apartment with stolen items in their hands, they saw several FBIs waiting for them at the door.The thieves were surprised at first, and then they suddenly realized that the old man they ignored was played by the FBI.

From this case, people can see that although the "old man" does not pose a threat to anyone on the surface, from the side view, this happens to be a favorable condition for the FBI to disguise itself and occupy a dominant position.Judging from the final result, the "old man" won by virtue of his psychological advantages.

(2) Acting as a beggar - to distract the opponent as much as possible.

Playing like a beggar is also an aggressive psychological tactic used by the FBI.

As we all know, when people see beggars begging along the street, they are more likely to look at them with pity.The FBI seized this psychological characteristic and successfully cracked a major drug manufacturing case.

This matter goes back to 1999.At that time, the FBI received an anonymous phone call. The informant on the phone said that a drug cartel was hiding behind a food processing factory.

The FBI realized that the situation was extremely serious, and immediately held a meeting to study countermeasures.At the meeting, everyone agreed that to deal with the heinous drug trafficking groups, we must not confront them head-on, but attack them from behind.

In order to ensure that the investigation mission is foolproof, the FBI has come up with several backup plans.One of the plans is that the FBI pretends to be a beggar and secretly investigates the situation by begging near the food processing factory.

The beggar played by the FBI came to the food processing plant to beg in ragged clothes. Although he was driven away, it did not arouse the suspicion of the insiders of the food processing plant.Because in their view, beggars care most about whether they can find food to fill their stomachs, and they don't care about other things at all.

The beggar played by the FBI lived near the food processing factory because it did not arouse the suspicion of the food factory personnel, and this directly provided the most favorable conditions for secretly investigating whether the food processing factory was related to drug cartels.

After two weeks of observation, the beggar played by the FBI found that every night at midnight, several trucks full of items drove into the food processing plant.Later, the FBI collected some white powdery items left behind from the ruts. After careful inspection by relevant departments, they learned that these white powdery items were heroin.

After mastering this reliable information, the FBI immediately conducted a surprise inspection of the food processing plant, and found that the plant did hide a large amount of heroin.Obviously, the FBI successfully wiped out this huge drug cartel by taking the initiative to attack.

Every time the FBI confronts an opponent, it can directly or indirectly take the initiative and confront the opponent with a condescending attitude, thereby gaining a psychological advantage, and finally breaking through the opponent's psychological defense line, and then cracking the case.

6. The FBI's preemptive trick - see through people's hearts at a glance

The FBI believes that if you want to be preemptive when confronting an opponent, you must master the skill of seeing people's hearts at a glance.In other words, when confronting people, first seeing through the opponent's psychology is the key to taking the initiative to attack.

"Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will win a hundred battles" means that when the two sides are fighting, mastering the opponent's tactics or psychology in advance is the key to success.Just imagine, if you fail to see through your opponent's psychology before the confrontation, how high is the probability of winning?

In actual combat, the FBI will study the opponent's psychology in every operation, and carefully train the skills of seeing through the heart at a glance, and finally present the world with one wonderful case after another.

In the FBI's view, the key to taking the initiative is to see through people's hearts.To this end, they will start from the following aspects:

(1) Start with the opponent's smile

Since people's faces contain a variety of expressions and feelings, a smile is one of the first expressions on the face, so the FBI believes that laughter can reflect the most real thoughts in people's inner world.And it is precisely because of this that they will use their smiles to solve the case.Due to the different personalities of people, the smiles shown by people in different environments will also be different to a certain extent.For example, in business entertainment, people will have hypocritical smiles on their faces, the purpose is to achieve their goals; Leave your smile to your friends.Judging from the expressions and movements when laughing, the corners of the mouth of a person with a fake smile on his face will not be wide open, but his lips will be tightly closed. This kind of smile is mostly pretended; issued from the round mouth.

Combined with practical experience, the FBI has summed up a set of methods to figure out a person's psychological characteristics from the way of laughing. The FBI believes that those who like to laugh are generally more cheerful, open-minded and like to help others; those who laugh very loudly are self-righteous and want to show off; Those who hide their laughter are those who are more cautious in their words and deeds, and those who do things more tactfully; those who use nasal sounds instead of laughing are those who do not respect others, and they will not feel their sincerity when getting along with them, so this kind of People are not worth paying; people who laugh cynically when they comment on others are also generally unpopular, and such people are very judgmental, and their behavior is sometimes even considered mean by others.

The FBI believes that it is indeed possible to see through a person's psychology at a glance from behind a person's smile.For example, when others are in danger, most of those who sneer at the side are despicable people, and most of them have the mentality of "adding insult to injury", and no one is willing to associate with such people for a long time.

And those who show a sincere smile on their faces when others succeed, most of them have a kind heart, and they are happy for others' success in their hearts. Such talents are worthy of people's deep friendship.

(2) Starting from the opponent's nose, dig out the psychological characteristics behind it
The nose is also one of the human body organs, but it is often overlooked by many people - they think that the nose does not reflect a person's personality traits and inner thoughts, and they believe that the nose cannot be regarded as an expressive action Because it rarely sends out signals, even if it sends out signals, these signals are tiny, and it is difficult for many people to grasp these subtle signals, so many people believe that the nose cannot reflect the changes in the inner world of people .But the FBI expressed a completely different attitude. They believe that although the nerve tissue around the nose is not as sensitive as other parts of the body, it will still be very sensitive at certain times, and it will change according to individual differences. .

Many people have the experience that when crying under the influence of the outside world, the nose will change in movement and make some noises; when people are impatient or even skeptical about something , Their noses will make a "chucking" sound, and the nose will also be lifted upwards, but this kind of movement is very subtle, and it is not easy for ordinary people to notice these.But if you observe carefully, you can still find some information from these subtle changes in nose movements. This information indicates that the person has shown a contemptuous attitude.

In a Starbucks coffee shop located on a bustling commercial street in New York, the coffee in the shop will be poured on the street every night, and the word "revenge" written in coffee can be seen on the ground.Many people feel that this matter is weird, and some people even associate it with supernatural events.

After the FBI received the notice to investigate the store, it initially determined that the crime was committed by man, not a supernatural event.But where does the investigation begin?The investigation of the employees in the store became the first method that the FBI thought of.But the FBI did not investigate the store clerk in the usual way.Because the FBI realizes that if the employees are investigated hastily, the employees will definitely deny the matter, thus making them lose the best time to investigate.In this case, the FBI believes that only by understanding their psychology can they find out the answer to the question.

So, the FBI took the store employees to a room of about 30 square meters and launched an investigation on them.The method of investigation was very peculiar: the FBI asked these people to read a book at the same time.At first, these people could read books quietly, but within half an hour, a long-haired person made a "chuck" sound with his nose and lifted his nose up at the same time. Although this action was very common and only lasted A few seconds, but the FBI still saw something unusual in it.

So the FBI conducted a separate interrogation of the employee.During the interrogation, the FBI said nothing about the coffee being poured in the coffee shop, but said insincerely: "From the test of your reading just now, I found that you are an impatient and grumpy person."

Surprised, the employee asked, "How did you come to that conclusion?"

"The information fed back from your nose allows us to see it at a glance."

"What do you all see?"

"If I'm not mistaken, you're the one who poured the coffee on the streets!"

The employee was shocked. He never thought that the FBI could draw such a correct conclusion from the subtle movements of his nose.At this point, he couldn't help but collapse on the ground, and finally confessed to pouring coffee.

This case is a classic case in which the FBI sees through the opponent's psychology through the information fed back from the opponent's nose, so as to carry out preemptive strikes.

(End of this chapter)

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