FBI mind attack: the super psychological tactics of the US federal police

Chapter 34 Coaxing and intimidating, not only specifying interests but also explaining interests - F

Chapter 34 Coaxing and intimidating, not only specifying interests but also explaining interests - FBI's psychological tactics of intimidation (1)
Simmons, a psychologist with the FBI, said: "Intimidation and deception are improper methods, but when you use these two methods against those who have committed serious crimes, it is not an exaggeration. The way of man is to treat the body." "A big stick in one hand, a carrot in the other hand", this is a kind of "psychological attack" that Americans like to use, and this "psychological attack" is also interpreted to the extreme in the FBI ——In the process of intimidation and deception, the way of specifying both interests and interests can often make criminal suspects feel pressure while seeing hope, so that they can clearly explain the facts of the crime.As for us ordinary people, if we can give the opponent benefits and explain the interests in the competition like the FBI, then we will also be able to control the opponent's psychology well, thereby winning a competition.

1. Directly specify the interest relationship, and then attack the other party's psychology
From a sociological point of view, people have always been determined by a certain interest relationship, so the interest relationship is also called a "social bond".However, because everyone's environment and status in society are different, they also have different interest relations among them. When there is a conflict, use your dominant position in the interest chain to attack the other party with a weaker position.It is precisely based on this sociological principle that in the process of interrogating criminal suspects, the police officers of the FBI always make full use of their status advantages, point out the relationship of interests, and force the criminal suspects to confess their crimes obediently. Behavior.

Wells Brook, a senior FBI spy, was assassinated in 2004.Brook had a nickname during his lifetime, called "The Laughing Man" Brook.The main reason why Brook received such a title is that he is a person who is very good at instigating rebellion. He instigated a total of 27 spies lurking in the United States to "rebel against water".

One of Brook's most classic "rebellion cases" was the "Wolf and Lion Case" that occurred in April 2000.At that time, a spy organization called "Wolf Lion" planted in the United States by a certain country was discovered by FBI agents, but due to insufficient evidence, the FBI could not implement the arrest operation at all.In desperation, the superior had to send Brooke, known as "The Laughing Man", to solve this problem.

After Brook started to act, he first pretended to be an IT elite and got in touch with Korqinfsky, the head of the "Wolf Lion".Afterwards, Brook often consulted Korchinfsky for some business matters.As time went on, Brooke and Korchinfsky established a good relationship. At that time, Korchinfsky didn't even know that his new friend Brooke was actually the person who came to collect his criminal evidence.

As the relationship between Brook and Korchinfski grew better, Brook began to point out that Korchinfsky behaved differently from ordinary people, consciously or unconsciously.For example, Brooke always accused Korchinfsky of burning the computer technical materials he had read, and that when drinking with him, he only chose the bar closest to a certain country's embassy.It can be said that Brook's purpose is very simple, that is to tell Korqinwski: Don't pretend, I have already noticed that you are not an ordinary person.

In fact, Korchinwski also saw that something was wrong with Brooke, but neither of them wanted to tear off the face first.When arguing over a project, Brook directly put Korchinfsky's criminal evidence on the table.Brooke told Korchinfsky: "I am willing to let you go, as long as you can make the 'wolf lion' organization serve us, then you can continue to stay in the United States, and I can guarantee your freedom. If you want to bring intelligence Run back, and you will lose your freedom from now on."

It can be said that Brooke’s method of directly specifying the interest relationship is very effective. After thinking for a short ten minutes, Korqinfsky also replied very directly: “I think we will choose freedom.” This time, Brooke directly All the members of the "Wolf and Lion" organization were instigated, a total of 7 senior spies, causing heavy losses to the head of a certain country's intelligence department.

From this story, we can see that any person will quickly make a decision in the face of interests, and his decision is often directly affected by the interests.Therefore, in our daily life, if we encounter very difficult people or problems, we might as well directly point out the interest relationship between the two parties, and then attack the other party's psychology to obtain a satisfactory result.

In our lives, everyone in the chain of interests has a different psychology - people in a strong position in the chain of social interests have a stronger psychology, while those in a weak position in the chain of social interests have a different psychology. Always have a weak mentality.Therefore, when we are playing games with others, we should first figure out where we are in the chain of social interests.If we are more powerful than others, then we can seize the fear factor in the other party's weak psychology to intimidate, and we will get good results.Of course, one should also pay attention to the problem of degree when intimidating. If it is too much, it will often backfire.After all, rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry.And if we are in a weak position, then we should keep calm, analyze the current situation carefully, and not lose our direction under the intimidation of others.

Tom Beasley, a police officer of the FBI, said: "Directly specifying the relationship of interest can make the other party aware of the seriousness of the problem, thereby laying the foundation for a better solution to the problem." During the process, sharply pointing out the relationship of interests can make the opponent understand that both parties have a relatively deep understanding of the current situation, and no one is more stupid than the other. Only by competing in an objective and fair way can it work.

Let's take a look at how the FBI officers carry out psychological attacks in this way:
(1) Point out directly, hit the nail on the head without hesitation.

Aldridge, a senior agent of the FBI, said: "In the process of dealing with the opponent, you can subdue the opponent by directly poking at the opponent's weakness." The relationship of interest can directly deter opponents psychologically, so as to launch a "fatal blow" when the opponent's psychology is at its weakest, and then win the competition.

In the process of negotiating with competitors, those who are hesitant to speak quickly will often give the opponent a feeling that they are easy to bully, which will put them at a disadvantage in the negotiation.

In real life, competition exists almost all the time.Therefore, in the process of competition, we can grasp the essence of the problem, point out the interest relationship between the two parties in the competition, and use a strong tone to suppress the other party, often allowing ourselves to take advantage of the negotiation and win the battle. competition.

(2) To directly indicate the interest relationship, the key is to identify one's own strong point in the interest relationship.

Raymond, a senior psychological expert of the FBI, said: "Every interrogation is a game, and the contest between the police and criminals is mainly a psychological warfare. If we have a strong point and attack based on this point, we can easily defeat the criminals' psychological defense."

As Raymond said, when we are playing games with our competitors, we must work hard and quickly find out our own strong points in the interest relationship, so as to take the initiative and gain the initiative. Attack again to win the competition.

It is not difficult to find your own strong point in the interest relationship. As long as you can see the situation clearly and understand the other party's psychological intentions, you can find your own strong point in the interest relationship from the other party's psychological intentions— —What competitors are most afraid of is where they have the least advantage. On the contrary, the place where competitors have the least advantage is our strength.

(3) While directly specifying the interest relationship, we must also pay attention to the psychological changes of competitors.

The situation never remains the same, even the "deadlock" has a moment of unblocking.In the process of gaming with competitors, we should pay attention to the psychological changes of competitors while paying attention to the changes of the situation all the time.

Usually, the psychological changes of our competitors correspond to our psychological changes—when our competitors are strong, we are weak; when we are strong, our competitors are weak.Therefore, in the competition, if we find that our competitors are already in a weak state of mind, then at this time we should point out the interest relationship sharply, and we can receive the effect of "sealing the throat with a sword", so that directly specify the interest relationship. One move became the "last straw that broke the camel's back", successfully disintegrating the psychological defense of competitors and achieving their intended goals.Therefore, while directly specifying the relationship of interests, we should pay more attention to the psychological changes of competitors-this will allow us to maintain the initiative in the competitive game and let the situation develop in a direction that is beneficial to us.

2. Control the key points of the confrontation, the FBI's strategy of "controlling the enemy with one move"
Mastering the main points of the confrontation in the psychological game is an effective way to gain the initiative and conquer the opponent.Jason Darrell, a senior detective of the FBI, said: "Knowing the point of confrontation is an important way to get the opponent's thinking error. Because on key topics, people can always maintain the greatest attention, but the truth The thing is, sometimes the more focused you are, the easier it is to make mistakes."

In the game with the opponent, quickly finding the main points of the confrontation with clear thinking can let us understand the development of the current situation, and also let us understand the current psychological state of the competitor, so that we can make the most accurate judgment. Lay the groundwork for winning the competition.And mastering the main points of the confrontation during the game has always been an important part of the FBI's psychological training class-discovering the key problems in the game and finding the right time to strike, you can "kill the enemy with one blow."

In the torture room of a police station in San Antonio, the 36-year-old veteran detective Chris Libisio is having a fierce confrontation with the criminal suspect Domon Chico...

Two months ago, the FBI found a female body in the basement of a department store.The victim was a female high school student who was killed by pouring sulfuric acid down her throat at the age of 17.After the incident, the murderer's cruel method caused a lot of panic in the local area, causing public opinion to demand that the police solve the case as soon as possible and punish the murderer severely.

After receiving the report, the FBI immediately dispatched Chris Libisio to solve the case.After more than a month of careful investigation, Chris Libisio finally locked the target-Domon Chico, a chemistry teacher at the school where the victim was alive.But to Chris Libisio's surprise, in the face of a large amount of evidence in his possession, Domonchico refused to plead guilty.

"I know, you don't want to admit it at all, but in the face of so many criminal evidences, your denial is futile. I will send you to court and send you to the operating table for euthanasia." Chris Libisio mouthed Said angrily.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, anyway, I only know that I am innocent, and I have done nothing." Domon Qike said indifferently.

"Now I just want to tell you that you can choose your own way of death, euthanasia or hanging?" Chris Libisio said still angrily.

"I've been repeating this all afternoon, Mr. Grumpy, I'm innocent." Domonchico still said indifferently.

"Do you want to live, then? I'm asking a new question." Chris Libisio smiled suddenly, but his smile was a little cold.

"What? What? I don't understand what you're talking about? Can I still live? In the case of a confession?" Domon Chico suddenly asked seriously.

"Yes, as long as your motive for killing people is not really out of harm, I think your honor and the jury will give you a lighter sentence." Chris Libisio said softly.

"Really? You should believe that she's just a child. Maybe I shouldn't have fallen in love with her, but it happened. I really fell in love with her, an underage girl, but that bitch kept refusing I also went to tell other teachers, I think I can only make her shut up, forever." Domon Chico lowered his head and began to explain his criminal motives and criminal process in detail.

From this story, we can see that when the criminal suspect Domon Chico refused to confess the facts of the crime, Chris Libisio kept intimidating until the psychological awareness of his resistance to the end began to change. , he immediately changed his interrogation attitude, and directly broke through Domonchico's psychological defense with a relatively gentle attitude——Chris Libisio accurately grasped the point that Domonchico still wanted to live, and then In this psychological confrontation, he took the initiative to attack and directly broke through the opponent's psychological defense.

In our daily life, we always encounter various competitions.If we can grasp the key points of the confrontation like the police officers of the FBI, then we can take down the competitor in one fell swoop on the basis of seeing through the competitor's psychological intentions, thereby winning the competition.

Kenneth Stoudemire is a senior detective with the FBI who is best at negotiating.Once, in an apartment in Los Angeles, a criminal was found by the patrol after he robbed an old man.With no way to escape, the criminals directly hijacked the old man to the top floor and demanded the police to provide a car and 30 US dollars.When the police's repeated persuasion was ineffective, the criminal cut the old man's arm with a knife, and the blood flowed freely. Moreover, the criminal threatened that if the police could not get what he wanted within two hours, he would fight with him. The old man died together.

After the police passed the support information to the FBI, the boss immediately sent Kenneth Stoudemire to carry out this difficult task.After Kenneth Stoudemire arrived at the scene of the crime, he was not in a hurry to negotiate with the criminals, but went directly to discuss with the sniper—in desperation, he could only shoot the criminals to death.

This criminal is a retired soldier. He has a strong sense of defense and hides in a dead angle, making it impossible for snipers to shoot.After observing the scene, Kenneth Stoudemire realized that it was pointless to start a negotiation now.Because there were less than four or ten minutes left before the time required by the criminals, it was impossible for the police to gather everything the criminals wanted in such a short period of time. The only thing they could do was to kill the criminals and rescue the old man.

Therefore, Kenneth Stoudemire negotiated with the sniper to shoot the criminal as soon as he showed his face.After talking things over, Kenneth Stoudemire went out to talk to the criminals.

"Hey, buddy, I brought you what you want, but you still can't escape, because our people have blocked this place." Kenneth Stoudemire yelled at the criminals.

"No, let your men go away, especially the sniper hiding in the upstairs opposite. Although I can't see him, he makes me very uncomfortable!" the criminal shouted to Kenneth Stoudemire .

(End of this chapter)

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