Chapter 38 Bibliography

1. The FBI teaches you how to decipher body language. (US) Navarro.Poynter's book.Translated by Yu Le. July 2010.China Industry and Commerce United Publishing House

2. The FBI teaches you how to decipher body language. (US) Joe Navarro, by Marvin Karlins.Translated by Wang Li. April 2009.Jilin Literature and History Publishing House

3. The FBI teaches you to decipher body language.Compiled by Hu Baolin. January 2011.Overseas Chinese Publishing House of China

4.Read people. (U.S.) Demetrius, Mazarila.Translated by Zhang. March 2009.Tianjin Education Press

5 minutes to become friends with strangers. (US) Don Gabor.Lingsiquan, translated by Han Junyan. August 5.Jinghua Publishing House

6.Mind Reading 1: How to Understand and Influence Others Without Knowing It. (Sweden) Fexas book.Translated by Feng Yang. April 2010.Shanxi People's Publishing House

7.Mind Reading 2: The Psychotherapist in Your Pocket. (U.S.) by Dresse Borchard.Translated by Feng Yang. April 2011.Shanxi People's Publishing House

8.The Einstein Files: The FBI's Secret Surveillance of the World's Most Renowned Scientist. (US) by Jerome.Translated by Xi Yuping. February 2011.Guangxi Normal University Press

9.Become an FBI agent. (US) Holden.Translated by Jiang Ping. September 2009.Yilin Press

10. FBI FBI Full Biography - Crime and Punishment of the Federal Police.Edited by Arno. March 2010.Phoenix Press

11.FBI Serious Case Records. (US) Sai Linjie's book.Yang Kai, translated by Long Mingeng. January 2011.Jiangxi University Press

12.My FBI career. (US) Free.Translated by Yao Min. January 2010.Social Science Literature Publishing House

13.Just listen. (US) Mark Guston.Translated by Suzy. December 2010.Chongqing Publishing House

14.See who's lying: Spot a lie in 5 minutes. (US) by Lieberman.Translated by Xiang Huiling. December 2007.Chongqing Publishing House

15.You Can Control Anyone: 5 Minutes of Psychological Manipulation. (US) by Lieberman.Translated by Yang Kun. December 2010.Jincheng Publishing House

16.Myers Psychology. (U.S.) David Myers.Translated by Huang Xiting and others. January 2011.People Post Press

17.Research Methods in Psychology (Ninth Edition). (US) by Christensen. May 2005.Peking University Press psychology. (U.S.) David Myers. January 2006.People Post Press

19.Psychology and life. (US) Greg.Written by Zimbardo.Translated by Wang Lei, Wang et al. October 2003.People Post Press

20.The psychology of procrastination. (US) Bock, Yuan Zhu.Translated by Jiang Yongqiang and Lu Zhengfang. December 2009.China Renmin University Press

twenty one.Introduction to Psychology—The road to understanding thought and behavior. (US) Kuhn waited.Translated by Zheng Gang et al. June 21.China Light Industry Press
twenty two.Zimbardo general psychology. (US) Zimbardo is waiting.Translated by Wang Jiayi. July 22.China Renmin University Press

twenty three.Instant insight into people's hearts. (Japanese) by Huadan Chun.Translated by Chang Zhao. November 23.Science Press
twenty four.The mind reading skills of the White House think tank. (U.S.) Nierenberg waited.Translated by Long Shuzhen. April 24.New World Press
25.cognitive psychology. (US) by Sternberg.Translated by Yang Bingjun and others. January 2006.China Light Industry Press
26.The police and the community—concepts and examples. (US) Purula.Translated by Yang Xinhua. November 2009.People's Public Security University Press

27."Deep Throat" memoir of secret agent life. (US) Felt.Xinqiang, Bai Lu, Cheng Tao translation. September 2007.Nova Press

28.Mind reading.Written by Xu Yaowu. April 2010.Mechanical Industry Press

29.Body language: teach you super mind reading skills. (English) by Borg.Translated by Lin Yimei. August 2010.Chongqing Publishing House

30.Psychological mind reading. (Japanese) by Yoshito Naito.Translated by Han Lu. January 2010.Nanhai Publishing House

31.Body language mind reading.Edited by Binzi. January 2010.Harbin Publishing House
32. FBI Psychoanalysis: My 20 Years at the FBI. (US) Robert K. Ressler, by Tom Schachtman.Ma Chengqing, translated by Wang Xiaolei. April 2011.Jiangsu Literature and Art Publishing House

33.Don't tell me, I know what you want to do: observe the behavior and look for 3 seconds to gain insight into the other party's psychology. (US) Hartley.Translated by Tian Dongyu. October 2008.Jinghua Publishing House

34.Body language code. (British) Pease waited.Wang Tiantian, translated by Huang Jiao. December 2007.China City Press

(End of this chapter)

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