FBI mind attack: the super psychological tactics of the US federal police

Chapter 37 Coaxing and intimidating, not only specifying interests but also explaining interests - F

Chapter 37 Coaxing and intimidating, not only specifying interests but also explaining interests - FBI's psychological tactics of intimidation (4)
This criminal trial result record sheet clearly records that those who committed the same crime received heavier sentences after denying and refusing to admit it in every possible way.As a result, after the criminal suspect saw the record sheet of the criminal trial result, his inner defense line collapsed at once, and then he told the story of his crime in detail.One of the reasons why this person who refused to admit his crime was able to quickly explain his crime clearly was that he felt persecution from Anthony Westbrook—“If you don’t confess your crime If the crime has passed, then you will be punished as severely as those people."

For most people, it is difficult to force the opponent in the competition.Because people always want to do things in a pleasant atmosphere.However, what we should understand is that to be kind to our competitors is to be cruel to ourselves.Therefore, we should learn from the FBI, learn how they make themselves rational, and know how to use coercion to deal with opponents.

(1) Let yourself be more rational and less emotional, and never be merciful when you should be persecuted.

One of the reasons why many people can’t treat competitors rationally is that they are too emotional—they are very emotional, and they always hope that others can abandon their prejudices in a very friendly atmosphere like themselves. Cooperation is reached, but the result is always a "victim of sensibility".

Andre Blake, a senior psychologist of the FBI, believes: "Maintaining sufficient rationality is an important condition for a person to be less hurt. If a person is always too emotional in real life, then in life The one who suffers will always be him, and the one who takes advantage is always his opponent." As Andre Blake said, for everyone, if they want to win the competition, they should actively fight for themselves. conditions, rather than hoping for a compromise from the opponent.

Let yourself be more rational and less emotional. This is the key method for us to be ruthless in the competition to force our opponents.Just imagine, would a rational person be kind to his opponent?The answer is definitely no.Therefore, the key to our success in winning the competition is to make ourselves more rational and less emotional, and to persecute our opponents when it is time to persecute them.

(2) Persecution also requires methods, and blindly "forced" is not the best choice.

FBI police officer Trant Gelehey said: "Criminal suspects also have dignity. We will take care of their emotions as much as possible during the interrogation process and will not force them too hard. Tell the story of the crime. Because sometimes a pound of persecution is far more useful than a ton of persecution.”

In daily life, there are always many people who try to force others to follow their own ideas in the way of "the overlord pushes the bow hard", but the result is that they attract more powerful resistance.You must know that when doing anything, we should pay attention to methods, because paying attention to methods can save us more energy and get twice the result with half the effort.Therefore, persecution also requires methods, and blindly "forced" is not the best choice.So, what methods can we use?
① "A stick in one hand and a carrot in the other".

In the process of forcing the opponent, we can use the method of persuading while forcing, that is, "a stick in one hand and a carrot in the other hand", so that competitors can find an outlet to release the pressure when they feel pressure, so as to accept our opinions and let us achieve own goals.

②The method must be reasonable, and the method must be used "smartly" under reasonable conditions.

As we all know, to do anything requires a method, and the method must be reasonable.Similarly, reasonable methods must be used when forcing the opponent to reveal his true intentions. If the method is unreasonable, the opponent will probably get angry because of this, which will lead to a situation of "death and destruction".In addition, in the process of using the method, you must remember to use a clever method-the technique of "four or two strokes of a thousand catties" can often achieve greater results.

7. Predict the opponent's various results and control the opponent's psychological emotions

FBI senior police officer West Calfetter said: "Everyone has many vulnerabilities deep in their hearts, and every temptation you make is likely to seize their vulnerabilities and control their emotions." Psychological emotions, find out the truth you want.” When encountering competition and facing a complicated situation, we might as well do what Wester Calfitt said-predict the variety of competitors As a result, find the most vulnerable place in the opponent's psychology, so as to successfully control the opponent's psychological emotions.

On July 2008, 7, a shooting case occurred in the "Motor City" Detroit. The 26-year-old rich man De Roca was shot dead in his swimming pool. The room was very messy and some belongings were lost.After receiving the report, West Calfitt led his subordinates to investigate the case and discovered that the murderer did not kill Droca for money, so what was the murderer's purpose in killing Droca? Woolen cloth?

Although the murderer's real motive for the murder has not been found, West Calfitt still found the suspect--Droca's son-in-law, an outstanding diplomat--Major Jerry Houston.West Calfet found that: On the day of the incident, Major Houston had visited his father-in-law’s house, and he went there alone. What is important is that on the day of the incident, no one else entered Germany except Major Houston. Roca's home.In addition, West Calfitt also found that the murderer was a person who was very good at using guns, and as an officer, Major Houston was obviously suitable, but the gun at the time of the crime was not a military pistol, but a civilian pistol. Pistols are naturally not a difficult task for Major Houston.

So West Calfitt summoned Major Houston.At the beginning of the interrogation, Major Houston, who is good at sophistry and has a very good psychological quality, did not admit that he was the perpetrator at all.

"Major, you know that after you kill someone, you will definitely not be able to escape the punishment of the law, and a person like you who kills for money will usually find a lot of evidence easily." West Karl Fett said slowly.

"Whatever you say, I am a clean citizen, I have a good social status, I have a good income, do you think I will kill my father-in-law for money?" Major Houston asked with a look of disdain road.

"What's your relationship with your father-in-law's lover, Julia, Love Kill?"

"Hey, really, is my eyesight as bad as his? You know that a handsome diplomat like me, not only my wife, but also many women like to ask me out for coffee." Major Houston continued to speak with disdain. Tone said.

"Oh, then I see. You and your father-in-law had a deep grudge, and it turned out that you couldn't bear it. In the end, you shot your own father-in-law."

"Impossible." This time, Major Houston answered very simply, but there was obvious anger in this simplicity.

Major Houston's emotional changes did not escape West Calfitt's eyes at all. He knew that his probing with the predicted results had already had an effect-the suspect's psychological mood had obviously changed.This change showed that West Calfitt was getting closer and closer to the truth, and the opponent's psychological defense began to collapse bit by bit.

"No, you lied, your relationship with your wife has always been bad, and you are still having an affair with your father-in-law's lover, Vanina, and you and De Roca have a major disagreement over a real estate issue, these are all Your motive for shooting your father-in-law. More importantly, you chose to use a civilian pistol and deliberately avoided your military status, but you just exposed your military status by doing so. Because within a month of the incident , Only one civilian pistol was sold in a nearby gun shop, and the shop owner recalled that the buyer was a very handsome man who looked like a soldier who had served in the military, and these are very consistent with the process of your crime.”

"Really? You're right, I'm the murderer, that damned old man, he's always against me, the person I love now is Vanina, not his slut..." Major Houston began to The history of his crimes was fully revealed.

From this story, we can see that from the very beginning, the experienced police officer West Calfitt tested Major Houston several times with his own prediction results without any certainty, and finally found Major Houston. The psychological and emotional changes finally allow him to tell the whole story of the crime - to predict the various outcomes of the criminal suspect, find the most taboo place in the other party's psychology, and thus successfully find the key from the psychological and emotional changes of the criminal suspect Point, and then defeated the opponent's psychological defense, successfully solved the case.

In our daily life, we always meet many people who are good at hiding their emotions, and these people are often those "dangerous elements"-they hide their emotions deeply, and then find them from us. We will take us as the "stepping stones" to their success and climb to the peak of "success".It can be said that when we face such a person, we always face a big challenge-you can't manipulate his emotions, then he will manipulate yours.Therefore, if we want not to be regarded as a "stepping stone" to success by these "dangerous elements", then we should, like the FBI police, learn to use the "psychological trick" of predicting various outcomes of our competitors to find out what is in the opponent's mind. The most vulnerable place, so as to successfully control the opponent's psychological emotions, let them become our "stepping stones" to success.Let's take a look at how the FBI officers use this "psychological trick":

(1) Stimulate and irritate the opponent with the most unexpected results.

George, a senior police officer of the FBI, said: "Before the interrogation begins, the criminal suspects have already simulated the scene in the interrogation and the questions asked by the interrogator many times in their minds. They all came up with many kinds of answers, which requires the interrogators to ask the suspects unexpected questions, so that the suspects are caught off guard, so that they can receive good interrogation results."

Similarly, in our daily life, if we want to gain an advantage in the psychological game with our competitors, we must know how to stimulate the opponent with the most unexpected results-they may have imagined countless results, but in One of the biggest "side effects" of panic is that they tend to panic when faced with unexpected predictions.

As we all know, when a person is angry, the biggest characteristic is to become emotional, so that he does not think rationally, and at this time they are the easiest targets to attack, because when their anger is out of control, their psychological and emotional will be successfully controlled by others.Therefore, if we want to successfully control other people's emotions like the FBI police officers, we must be like them—to stimulate and irritate the opponent with the most unexpected results, so as to successfully manipulate the opponent when he loses his rationality. their psychological mood.

(2) Be good at observing the different facial expressions of the opponent when faced with different predicted results (the biggest facial expression changes are very close to the real result).

Fittner, a senior psychologist of the FBI, said: "You can lie, but your expression always betrays you. I once did such an experiment, testing the expression changes of a thousand people when they are lying." , it turned out that every liar had a completely different expression than usual when he was lying."

"Everyone's expression can be deceiving, but the deceitful person is always betrayed by his own expression."The world-renowned psychologist Freud said so.In fact, when we throw out our different prediction results to our competitors, they will react inwardly when they hear each result, but the one with the biggest reaction is undoubtedly the one with the biggest change in expression, because the one with the biggest change in expression is The result that is closest to the true result.Therefore, when we put pressure on our opponents by predicting different results, we should pay more attention to the changes in the opponent's expressions—to grasp the true psychological emotions revealed by the competitors in the expression changes, so as to guide them along the way, Control your opponent's psychology and emotions, let yourself win the competition and achieve your goals.

(End of this chapter)

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