FBI mind attack: the super psychological tactics of the US federal police

Chapter 36 Coaxing and intimidating, not only specifying interests but also explaining interests - F

Chapter 36 Coaxing and intimidating, not only specifying interests but also explaining interests - FBI's psychological tactics of intimidation (3)
In daily life, many people think that the method of "coaxing and intimidating" is very dishonest and not open enough. In fact, this is their misunderstanding of this method.The so-called "coaxing and intimidation" competition method is to teach us how to grasp the other party's fear and dependence, so as to guide the other party's thinking to develop in the direction we want, and then let us control the other party's psychology and win the competition.Let's take a look at how the FBI officers use this technique:
(1) Find out what the other person is most afraid of deep in his heart, so as to win it in one fell swoop.

The world-renowned psychologist Ebbinghaus said: "Everyone has two taboo places deep in his heart, one is the place that makes him most sad, the other is the place that makes him most afraid, and the other is the place that makes him most afraid. It is not the saddest place that hurts people the most, but the most frightening place." It can be said that what makes people cringe in the world is fear, and almost every timid person will not get big. success because they do not have the courage to suffer failure.More importantly, once a person starts to fear a certain thing, then this feared thing will become a cage that binds him all his life.

FBI Police Officer Stephen Gaviciusko said: "During the interrogation process, if the suspects can be made to feel fear, then they will clearly explain the crime process, because fear is to break through the psychological defense. The most powerful weapon.” As Stephen Gaviciusko said, when we play psychological games with our competitors in our daily life, if we can grasp the place that scares the opponent the most, then we can make the competitor Become overwhelmed, even defeated.

It is a difficult problem to find the deepest fear of the other party in the competition.However, for FBI personnel who are good at "mind attack", this problem is actually very simple to solve-the things that competitors most deliberately avoid are often the things that they are most afraid of.Therefore, in the competition, we must pay attention to observe what the competitors are most afraid of, find out the real reason for their avoidance, and then attack quickly to take it down in one fell swoop.

(2) The premise of "coaxing" people is to have careful thinking, and the "lie" full of flaws has never been believed.

Freud, the world's master of psychology, once said: "Those words we love to hear are often lies. While our ears are comfortable, our bodies and hearts will suffer greater damage." It can be said that there is no People who don't like to listen to compliments, people are always used to accepting other people's requests in compliments.Therefore, in the competition, we should not only grasp the fear of our opponents, but also use flattering language to make them lose their vigilance, so that they can be controlled by us.

FBI police officer Stephen Gaviciusko said: "Except for the mentally ill, every criminal suspect is not a fool with extremely low IQ. Therefore, if we want to make the other party lose their vigilance, we must let the lie become the truth. It must be very real, so that the suspect can bow his head and plead guilty." In fact, every competitor is not a fool, which requires us to keep our words when we tell "lies" and use words to catch each other's dependence. On the logic, that is to use careful thinking to convince competitors, let them believe us, tell us their true intentions - only in this way can we win the competition.

5. See through the other party's lies, the FBI uses other people's lies to subdue others
FBI Police Officer Stephen Gaviciusko said: "Many criminal suspects are very cunning, and they always hope to use their own fabricated lies to cover up the facts of their crimes, so as to mitigate their crimes or escape. Severe punishment by the law." It can be said that there are almost no people in the world who do not lie.When we use "lie" to extract information from others, others are likely to use "lie" to disclose wrong information to us, making us make wrong judgments, so that they can achieve their goals.

Freud, the founder of the psychoanalytic school, once said: "Anyone with sound senses will eventually believe that he can keep his inner secrets. However, when he closes his eyes, his lips will betray him." He; when he closes his lips, his fingers betray him. So the best way to keep others from seeing your lies is not to tell them. When you have nothing to do with lies, no one thinks you He is a liar." It can be said that from Freud's words, we should realize that if we want others not to see through our lies, then we should tell the truth.However, in the current society of intrigues and deceptions, can you guarantee that you will not be deceived by not telling lies but only telling the truth?The answer is of course no.Therefore, we can learn from the FBI—see through each other's lies, and use other people's lies to subdue others.Let's take a look at how the FBI officers do it:

(1) Judging whether the information is true or false from the liar's language.

Fei Dan Gazulic, a senior psychologist with the FBI, once conducted such a study - "The Truth of Lies".He tested 1000 criminals who liked to lie in the prison, and the result was that "holes" were left in the lies told by the 1000 criminals who were tested.And Feidan Gazulic also found the main characteristics of lying from these testers.

① In order to make their lies more credible, liars usually keep a certain distance between themselves and the lies, so liars will subconsciously avoid using No.1 pronouns when they lie.

Say, for example, that you overslept while a friend was waiting for you to go to a dinner party.Usually, in order not to make your friend angry, you might say: "Oh, what a coincidence, the road is almost blocked. Listen, the person in the seat next to me is complaining right now."

From the above dialogue, we can see that when we lie, we omit the No.1 "I" and mention other people. This is done to increase credibility.Because when we lie, we subconsciously think that we will not be believed at all.Hall Weisman, a professor of psychology at the University of Hertfordshire in the United States, said: "People will unconsciously remove themselves from the lie when they lie." So, when we meet this kind of person, You should understand that the other party is lying.

②Liars omit some details when they lie.

Feidan Gazulic said: "When people lie, they will inevitably feel nervous, and they all try to finish the lie as quickly as possible, so they will make mistakes in some details." Therefore, we If a person is found to be always wrong in some details when he speaks, then he is probably lying to us.

③Liars usually show some negative emotions, such as anger and anger, in order to show off.

Faydan Gadzulic said: "Those who lie always try to cover up the flaws in their lies with negative emotions, because negative emotions can distract us from the lies." In fact, we often It can be seen that some people who lie and refuse to admit that they have done something always put on an extremely wronged look when they lie, so as to distract us.Therefore, when we suspect that a certain person is lying to us, and it happens that this person is saying something while acting extremely aggrieved, then it is almost certain that this person is lying to us.

(2) After judging that the other party is lying, don't rush to expose the other party.

From the above part, after we have learned how to identify how others are lying to us, when we feel that others are lying to us, what we need to do is not to "startle the snake" - learn to identify whether others are lying to us Lying, this is the first step to successfully use other people's lies to subdue others like the FBI; after judging that the other party is lying to us, don't expose it, and use the other party's lies to subdue the other party, this is the FBI's successful use of others The second step in lying to subdue others.

Let's take a look at how the FBI successfully implemented the second step:

①Steady your opponent and pretend you don't know anything.

When we find out that others are deceiving us, the first thing to do is to calm ourselves down.Don't be in a hurry to expose the other party, so as not to startle the snake.

In real life, when many people find out that others are deceiving them, their first reaction is to be furious, instead of thinking about carefully observing, why do others deceive us?What is the real benefit to them of deceiving us?The result of doing this is that my anger is over, and the truth of the matter is buried deeper.Therefore, when we find that others have deceived us, we should not rush to get angry, but should first stabilize the opponent.

The best way to stabilize your opponent is to pretend you don't know anything.In fact, it is not difficult to pretend that we don't know everything. As long as we keep our previous emotions and keep our faces, we can let the other party continue our lies.

② After stabilizing the opponent, follow the opponent's lies to fabricate our own lies, so that the opponent can follow our thinking.

For us, after stabilizing the opponent, we don't just listen to the opponent's lies blindly. The next thing we need to do is to play tricks and play tricks on the opponent.

It is not an easy task to set a trap for an opponent.Because when the other party is lying, their vigilance is very high.If the trick for the opponent at this time is not clever enough, then the opponent will definitely find out.Therefore, at this time, we should pretend to trust the other party, dispel their vigilance bit by bit, and lay out a good game in a very meticulous logic, so that the other party will fall into the trap step by step without knowing it, so that We have successfully used the lies of others to subdue others.

6. Never try to persuade the other party, it will only backfire
Anthony Westbrook, a veteran police officer of the FBI, said: "During the interrogation process, I never thought about how to persuade the suspect to confess, because it would be counterproductive. I always used iron evidence to make them lower that level." A head that refuses to accept repentance.” In fact, when we are playing games with our competitors, don’t hope that you can make the other party make concessions through eloquent persuasion—there is no sympathy and mercy in competition. , some are just desperately cruel, so if you want to achieve your goal, you should go all out instead of trying to persuade your opponent to give in, because persuasion is never useful in persuasion.

In the FBI, when newcomers are trained, they will have such a lesson-how to make it easier for you to confess?In the classroom, the instructor first let the students watch some interrogation videos, and then told the students through the videos—"Forcing a criminal suspect to tell the truth is far easier and more effective than persuading a criminal suspect to tell the truth."

When we encounter competition, many people try to persuade competitors to achieve their goals, which is actually futile. In fact, what we should do most at this time is to be like the FBI—to force opponents to submit to us, so that Win the competition yourself.

Anthony Westbrook, a veteran police officer of the FBI, is a master at forcing suspects to tell the truth.Once, when Anthony Westbrook was interrogating a criminal suspect, the other party refused to tell the story of the crime, and always denied it in every possible way.So Anthony Westbrook ordered his police officers to produce a long record sheet of criminal trial results.

(End of this chapter)

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