Chapter 138 Change tactics?

Team blessing card.

Lin Chuan chewed these five words carefully.

The team's overall team operation is not only about operations and gank, but more about tacit understanding.

If a team has enough tacit understanding, it is an invincible existence.

Now that the overall operating coefficient of the team can be increased by 50%, the LC team will definitely be very different from before.

Lin Chuan thought quietly that he could have a good experience tomorrow.I couldn't contain my excitement.

Several people in the car were chatting about dinner.

Everyone seems to have an opinion.

"Eat barbecue!" Qi Minglie and Li Tianlong reached a consensus and demanded strongly.

"No! I want to eat hot pot!" Fang Qingning and Cheng Lu also didn't want to give in to each other.

Huo Tianyi smiled dotingly, he also liked this energetic atmosphere, as if he was much younger.

The four of them fought fiercely for a long time without any results, so they looked at Lin Chuan in unison, hoping to get advice from him.

"Brother Chuan, what do you want to eat?"

Lin Chuan belonged to the Buddhist family, and he didn't want to participate at first. Seeing the four people staring at him expectantly, he didn't know what to do for a moment. He looked at Huo Tianyi for help, and signaled with his eyes, "Help me!"

At this time, Huo Tian felt Lin Chuan's eyes asking for help, and shook his head helplessly, saying that he could not save Lin Chuan, and it was difficult for him to make a choice.

"I see!" Lin Chuan had a flash of inspiration.

"Let's have a barbecue buffet, the one with hot pot, how about it?"

Several people in the car nodded in agreement after hearing this.

Fortunately, the LC captain they trust can find a way to get the best of both worlds.

After eating and drinking, they returned to the villa, and several people sat around discussing tomorrow's appointment with FPS.

Huo Tianyi and Lin Chuan made an agreement in advance, and when they came back, they would go back to their room behind closed doors.

He looked forward to what kind of plan Lin Chuan would have tomorrow.

"I have an appointment with Norton at two noon tomorrow."

Lin Chuan picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip, announcing unhurriedly.

"Can you guys?"

"Just follow your orders." Qi Minglie responded first.

The rest of the people nodded in agreement.

"Then do you have any ideas? You can say it, and we can discuss it."

After Lin Chuan finished speaking, he put down the water glass and looked at several people.

Qi Minglie and the others were stunned for a moment, and Lin Chuan suddenly asked, they really didn't know how to answer.

They usually either listen to Huo Tianyi or Lin Chuan's arrangements. They have long been used to relying on the two of them.

"Puff." Lin Chuan couldn't help laughing seeing them frowning, their lips ready to move, but they kept silent.

"Hahaha, it's just a water friend match. We won't bother Coach Huo to analyze the tactics, and occasionally we have to rely on ourselves."

Lin Chuan looked at the few people who relaxed a little, and then said, "How about we try a new style of play?"


The dumbfounded expressions of the four made Lin Chuan burst into laughter, "Hahaha, why are you so nervous, it doesn't matter if you lose."

After all, the campus competition has successfully advanced to the top 16, and occasionally you have to relax.

Lin Chuan does not deny that he has a little selfishness. The system unlocked Gongsunli when he was in the car, and he is still proficient (intermediate).

Wouldn't it be a pity if he didn't take the opportunity to play in the water friends competition.

"What's the new way of playing?" Cheng Lu changed his usual jokes, and rarely asked seriously.

Lin Chuan was waiting for this sentence, and quickly explained. "I'm going to play the shooter."

"Master? What about me?" Qi Minglie looked at Lin Chuan in shock.

"Of course I went to the jungle." Lin Chuan looked at Qi Minglie calmly, as if Qi Minglie was an idiot, thinking that he was asking out of the blue.

"Lin Chuan, don't you want to win?"

At this time Fang Qingning couldn't help asking.Thinking about whether Lin Chuan deliberately lost to FPS tomorrow in order to save the FPS team.

As if knowing what Fang Qingning was thinking, Lin Chuan hooked the corners of his mouth and smiled jokingly.

"Miss, why don't I want to win, don't you trust me?"

After Lin Chuan finished speaking, he pretended to be wronged, his appearance was so pitiful!
"Okay, Master, I listen to you." Qi Minglie took the lead in expressing his opinion.

"You are my good apprentice." Qi Minglie's decisive statement drew Lin Chuan's praise.

"That's it for now, you all have a good sleep."

After Lin Chuan finished speaking, he went back to the room, leaving the four of them staring at each other.

Lin Chuan lay on the bed and called out the system panel directly in his brain.

System panel data:

【King sign-in system】

【Host: Lin Chuan】

[Ability Level: Silver]

【Signed in for 7 days】

[Wait to sign in for 7 days to get a platinum gift package reward]

[Available skill points: 10]

【Operation: 20】

【Response: 21】

[Consciousness: 20]

【Points: 71】

[Proficient Heroes: Zhao Yun Mastery (Advanced), Yun Zhongjun Mastery (Advanced), Sima Yi Mastery (Intermediate), Han Xin Mastery (Intermediate), Li Bai Mastery (Intermediate), Kai Mastery (Intermediate), Gongsunli Mastery (Intermediate), etc.]

[Skills: game analysis, snakeskin positioning, god-level micromanagement]

[Special props: Han Xin Skin·White Dragon Yin, Li Bai Skin·Feng Qiuhuang, Armor Skin·Sixiang-Qinglongzhi, Zhao Yun Skin·Engine Heart]

[Rare Item: Team Blessing Card]

Lin Chuan plans to distribute the 10 skill points equally.

3 points for operation, 3 points for reaction, and 4 points for awareness.

After a brief wait for a second, the system beeped.

Congratulations on the successful skill upgrade!
Hearing the sound of a successful system upgrade, Lin Chuan was suddenly filled with strength, as if he had finally lifted the dark clouds and saw the sun again.

I couldn't help but secretly rejoice, seven days later, the platinum gift bag was close at hand.

Re-open the system panel, the data is indeed updated in time.

System panel data:

【King sign-in system】

【Host: Lin Chuan】

[Ability Level: Silver]

【Signed in for 7 days】

[Wait to sign in for 7 days to get a platinum gift package reward]

[Available skill points: 0]

【Operation: 23】

【Response: 24】

[Consciousness: 24]

【Points: 71】

[Proficient Heroes: Zhao Yun Mastery (Advanced), Yun Zhongjun Mastery (Advanced), Sima Yi Mastery (Intermediate), Han Xin Mastery (Intermediate), Li Bai Mastery (Intermediate), Kai Mastery (Intermediate), Gongsunli Mastery (Intermediate), etc.]

[Skills: game analysis, snakeskin positioning, god-level micromanagement]

[Special props: Han Xin Skin·White Dragon Yin, Li Bai Skin·Feng Qiuhuang, Armor Skin·Sixiang-Qinglongzhi, Zhao Yun Skin·Engine Heart]

[Rare Item: Team Blessing Card]

Lin Chuan turned off the system and began to look forward to tomorrow's match with FPS water friends.

On the other side, the five members of the FPS team also re-drafted their tactics, and they decided not to rely on Norton.

Several people seem to have returned to the moment when they were at the top alone.

Yes, they used to be very good players, but they relied on Norton unknowingly in the game.

This led to the loss of one's heart, the last battle tomorrow, even if you are abused, it will be the last battle without regrets!
(End of this chapter)

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