Chapter 139

Lin Chuan was dreaming that he was standing on the podium with the four members of the team. The host was holding a microphone and was about to say something, but was woken up by a knock on the door.

He murmured in a low voice, "Which bastard disturbs my sweet dreams."

He was clearly a second away from hearing the final result announced by the host.

"Who?" Lin Chuan's face was black, and his tone was a little unfriendly.


Hearing Fang Qingning's weak response outside the door, Lin Chuan felt a little headache. He picked up his mobile phone and looked at 9 o'clock in the morning, and sighed helplessly, "Miss, what's the matter?"

"The coach asked me to call you to have breakfast." Fang Qingning raised her voice as if she had found support, and said loudly.

"Eat first, let me sleep again." Lin Chuan was so excited that he almost lost sleep last night, his eyes drooped uncontrollably.

After Lin Chuan finished speaking, he fell down, lifted the quilt, and prepared to fall asleep again.

"If you like to eat or not, you will starve to death."

Fang Qingning cursed fiercely, turned around and walked away.She thought viciously, "Anyway, it's not that she's hungry, so she shouldn't leave anything for him, just starve to death!"

Lin Chuan buried his head on the soft pillow, a few strands of hair fell in front of his closed eyes, and the breeze blew through the window, making him very comfortable.

Immediately imagining Fang Qingning's stinky face, and his tone of anger just now, Lin Chuan got up in a daze.

"Her young lady's bad temper, I don't want to coax her later." Lin Chuan thought while changing clothes.

"I'm here for the water friends' competition at noon."

Lin Chuan washed up in embarrassment, and quickly comforted himself.

"Ding! The detection host has not signed in yet, are you signed in?!"

Just as he was about to open the door and go out, he suddenly heard the system prompt, and then remembered that he almost forgot to sign in.

Just thinking about it, the system jumped out of Lin Chuan's brain.

"Sign in!"

"Sign in successfully!"

Immediately, a series of system sounds rang out.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for signing in on the first day!"

"Ding! Send out sign-in gift packs."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 5 assignable skill points"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host snakeskin's positioning operation bonus +2!"


"Walking position can also be added?"

Immediately, Lin Chuan clicked on the system panel and glanced over.

[Passive Skill: Snakeskin Walking]

[Level: Rare]

[Attribute bonus: Operation +2]

[Effect: After possessing the snake skin, the speed of the host's evasion skills can be increased.Achieve a harmless kill! 】

Lin Chuan was stunned when he saw that Shepi's position-moving skill was added again.

Is it possible that I have improved my position again, haha, isn't it true that the opponent's skills are all empty.

Can't help but glance at the sign-in system.

【King sign-in system】

【Host: Lin Chuan】

[Ability Level: Silver]

【Signed in for 1 days】

[Wait to sign in for 6 days to get a platinum gift package reward]

[Available skill points: 5]

【Operation: 23】

【Response: 24】

[Consciousness: 24]

【Points: 71】

[Proficient Heroes: Zhao Yun Mastery (Advanced), Yun Zhongjun Mastery (Advanced), Sima Yi Mastery (Intermediate), Han Xin Mastery (Intermediate), Li Bai Mastery (Intermediate), Kai Mastery (Intermediate), Gongsunli Mastery (Intermediate), etc.]

[Skills: game analysis, snakeskin positioning, god-level micromanagement]

[Special props: Han Xin Skin·White Dragon Yin, Li Bai Skin·Feng Qiuhuang, Armor Skin·Sixiang-Qinglongzhi, Zhao Yun Skin·Engine Heart]

[Bonus effect: overall team battle operation +50%]

There will definitely be skill bonuses in the water friends competition, let's save it first, Lin Chuan thought with a smile.

"It's not that some people don't eat."

Fang Qingning bit the bread in her hand viciously, as if she was biting Lin Chuan.

"Aren't you hungry?" Lin Chuan sat beside Fang Qingning with a smile, and took a sip of the milk very quickly.


"It seems that only Qing Ning can rule Brother Chuan."

The few people on the side were quite a bit like watching a show, and they laughed jokingly.

Fang Qingning snorted coldly, and stopped talking.Whenever Fang Qingning was teased by her teammates, she always wanted to pretend to be calm and didn't care, but the blush on her face betrayed her.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was suddenly a little ambiguous.

Several people finished their breakfast with their own thoughts.

Soon it was time to make a water friend match with FPS.

Lin Chuan had already made an agreement with Norton that this was a match that would leave no regrets for each other.

"Master, do you really want me to play jungle? I'm afraid I'll collapse." Qi Minglie looked at the FPS team opposite his home, with a worried face.

Lin Chuan hummed as a response.

"Just don't bring Beng Sanlu with you. If you want Beng, just blow your own wild area."

Fang Qingning joked that although she said so, she still felt a little uneasy in her heart.She didn't understand what Lin Chuan was thinking, she just asked not to lose to FPS.

If all the top 16 of the Campus Tournament are advanced, but lose to their loser, it is not only a question of the dignity of the LC team, but also a question of yesterday's game.

Both parties enter the ban interface.

FPS first banned Yun Zhongjun, and then banned Sun Shangxiang.

"They are so afraid of you, Brother Chuan, it's a pity that you're not the jungler today." Li Tianlong looked at the opposite ban position a little unhappy, and couldn't help complaining.

"Ban each other to show respect." Lin Chuan said and banned Shangguan Wan'er, and then banned Donghuang Taiyi.

Somewhere in front of the screen, the corner of Norton's mouth twitched into a wicked smile, and Lin Chuan really understood him.

If a person's hero pool is shallow, he must not go far.

"Give it to me first." Fang Qingning watched Lin Chuan lock Gongsunli in seconds, but Qi Minglie looked hesitant and offered to help.

As if relieved, Qi Minglie immediately helped Fang Qingning rob Wu Zetian.

The FPS locked on Marco Polo at this time.

"Did I play Big Joe?" Li Tianlong asked.

Da Qiao and Gongsunli are the best combination.

Gongsunli can use various displacement skills to catch up with Da Qiao's second skill to return to the city, and then immediately return to the battlefield, fighting with full blood.Da Qiao is very convenient for team battles whether it is the second skill to return to the city instantly, the first skill to knock up and the third skill to silence, or the ultimate move to teleport.

I think when Da Qiao first came out, she was also known as "the first assistant sister"!
"Take it." Fang Qingning also agreed.The current lineup of functional auxiliary pairing is more flexible than that of Zhuang Zhou.

FPS selected the assistant Sun Bin and the top laner Li Xin.

"Norton hasn't taken the middle lane for a long time." Cheng Lu raised his head worriedly, and looked at Lin Chuan habitually. Seeing his confident face, he immediately felt relieved.

Then enter the ban hero interface.

FPS then banned Zhao Yun and Li Bai.

"Brother Chuan." Seeing that Lin Chuan's good junglers were all in the ban position, Cheng Lu couldn't help complaining.

Hearing Chenglu's words, Lin Chuan couldn't help but sneer.

LC has banned Xi Shi and Diao Chan.

Qi Minglie chose the jungler he used to be best at - Na Ke Lulu.

Cheng Lu changed from the old Lu Bu and chose Sun Ce who he was not familiar with.

Just practice, the two thought to themselves.

FPS selected A Ke and Yang Yuhuan.

A war is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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