Chapter 145 This is a free question

"Do you dare not take Sima Yi's solo?"

Yu Ji was doomed to lose in this game, and she stared at Lin Chuan with tears in her eyes.

That's right, it must be because of hero restraint.

Tears to comfort myself.

"Didn't it be intentional for you to use a magic stab like Sima Yi to solo with Concubine Yu?"

"May I ask you to show some face?"

"You too?"

Fang Qingning who was on the side didn't want to pay attention to the tears, but at this moment, he was embarrassed to say it when he heard such shameless words from him.Even a girl like her couldn't help but feel ashamed for him, couldn't help but yelled at him.

"Lin Chuan...don't waste time with him!"

Fang Qingning only hoped that the person in front of her would disappear quickly, she did not simply hate him anymore.Seeing the tears made her sick, and she was afraid she wouldn't be able to eat dinner.

"Qing's okay. I'll just play with him."

When Lin Chuan looked at Fang Qingning, there was a trace of tenderness in his eyes.

Being watched so tenderly by Lin Chuan, Fang Qingning couldn't help but blushed, bowed her head and stopped talking.

"Hero restraint, it doesn't matter if you win, right?"

Weeping as if he didn't hear their conversation, he stared at Lin Chuan and asked himself.

"Isn't this invincible?"

"Well. Indeed."

He thought that Lin Chuan would refute, so he could laugh at Lin Chuan for simply relying on heroic restraint to win.

Who knew that Lin Chuan was so calm, but admitted it generously.

Tears and my heart is a little hairy.

For a moment, I didn't know whether his revenge was correct or not.


"Then I will let you lose heartily."

Controlling Sima Yi to push the tower quickly, Lin Chuan returned to the room.

Didn't the tears mean that I was opportunistic?Then he can only take out Gongsunli.

You are also a shooter, let me see how you can argue after your defeat.

Soon, he entered the loading interface again.

Gongsunli VS Yuji.

His snake skin position and operation matched Gongsunli's position to deal with Yu Ji more than wrong.

"You still want to meet me?"

Lin Chuan immediately looked at Ji Yu on the screen playfully.

Lin Chuan didn't even bother to read the game analysis at this time.

Seeing Lin Chuan in tears, he changed from choosing an assassin in the past to choosing a shooter.Then would he still be afraid of Lin Chuan?

Thinking of this, tears rolled up the corners of his mouth to sneer, isn't this in a hurry to give it to him?

"When I'm in the fourth grade, I'll have you to look good to me!"

Hearing the tears, several people looked at Lin Chuan worriedly.

That's right, Yu Ji's 2 skill damage-free acceleration is very unfriendly to Gongsunli, but so what?

The dishes are people, not heroes.

Lin Chuan upgraded his 2 skills at the beginning of the game, and Gongsunli's 2 skills "Frost Leaf Dance" can give Yu Ji a fatal blow, whether it is damage, immunity or displacement.

Crying was a professional player after all, how could he not know the threat of Gongsunli's 2 skill to him, so he calmed down and analyzed it.

Decisively upgraded Yu Ji's 2 skills.

Yu Ji's 2 skill increases her movement speed by 30%, and she will dodge all physical attacks during the skill trigger.

Will he be afraid of Gongsunli?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth into a cold smile.

What Lin Chuan thought of in tears, Lin Chuan had already expected.I have already thought of a way to play in my heart.


Before the fourth level, the two consumed each other and exchanged blood.

The enemy does not move, I do not move.

If you touch me, I will let you go without return!
Tears are manipulating Yu Ji, he needs experience and gold coins at this time.

Only with the core three-piece suit can Yu Ji play high explosive output.

But how could Lin Chuan let him develop steadily.

At this time, Yu Ji's skill 1 is fully charged and fires a powerful crossbow at Gongsunli.

Lin Chuan has sharp eyesight and quick hands, and uses skill 1 to cooperate with the snake skin to avoid it.

As Yu Ji's skills were released, there was a sound of fireworks leaping into the sky in the canyon.

Lin Chuan immediately found an opportunity to step forward to level A, and a graceful figure danced with the wind.

After a few basic attacks, with the crisp sound of the maple leaf exploding, one-third of Yu Ji's blood bar instantly evaporated.

"Heh, fight with me?"

Seeing Gongsunli take the initiative to attack with tears, he quickly pressed the 2 skill to be immune to Gongsunli's basic attack.

"The wind is coming!"

Seeing Yu Ji's instant immunity to damage, Lin Chuan raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

"Hehe, I finally waited for you, and I accept the head."

Gongsunli, who tricked Yu Ji into skill 2, immediately pressed skill 1 and returned to the original position.

Without the protection of the 2 skills, Yu Ji was like a living target, allowing him to snipe.

"Do you still want to run?"

Seeing Liu Lei controlling Yu Ji to run down the tower, Lin Chuan sneered, but his eyes were very serious and gloomy.

He blindly forbears, causing the tears to become more presumptuous.

He doesn't want to be a saint.

It is God's business to forgive him, and his task is to send tears to God.

"What are you running with?"

As Lin Chuan spoke, he flashed with the 3 skills, and flashed directly to Yu Ji, knocking Yu Ji back against the wall and being unable to move.

After a few basic attacks, the maple leaf imprint on Yu Ji's head exploded instantly.

Although Yu Ji's burst damage is high in the middle and late stages, will Lin Chuan give you a chance to develop?
"A dance of sword moves all directions"

"First Blood!"

[Gongsunli killed Concubine Yu! 】


Lin Chuan chuckled, and looked to the side with tears in his face so angry that his face was green with sarcasm.

"Do you want to continue?"


Clenching his fists with tears, he still can't give up!
The moment when he made a comeback and stood on the summit flashed in his mind, crying and gritted his teeth, "Continue!"

"Then don't blame me for being rude!"


"Killing Spree!"




"Are you going to continue?"

Lin Chuan manipulated Gongsunli to cross the defense tower and the crystal, and directly came to the enemy's spring.

Seeing the veins bulging while holding the phone in tears, he lowered his head and remained silent.

Lin Chuan laughed, he found the expression of tears very interesting.

Immediately after Yu Ji was resurrected, she pressed skill 2 instantly, she could only cry and pray for the spring to kill Lin Chuan as soon as possible.

"is that useful?"

As soon as Yu Ji passed her 2 skills, she was taken away by Gongsunli's dancing posture that gradually turned into charming eyes.


With the exciting and passionate killing voice in the game, several members of the LC team couldn't help laughing.

When looking at the tears, it was full of jokes, as if looking at a clown.

"That's it? How ruthless did I think it was?"

"Hahaha...but that's all!"

"He's still looking for master solo, asking for trouble!"

The unscrupulous ridicule of several people made the tears unbearable, and they decisively pressed surrender.

Only now did he understand that this revenge solo battle was undoubtedly a joke.

Lin Chuan is very strong!

He had to admit.

Maybe he sat honestly in the position of QE captain at the beginning, and if he didn't break his promise and joined FK, he wouldn't decline so quickly.

Is there really no day for him to turn around? !


"No delivery!"

Lin Chuan didn't want to talk to him, so he got up to see off the guests.

He believed that the tears would not stop there.

Talking to him is a waste of time and energy.

Seeing the tears and dejected departure, the whole person seemed to be a few years older in an instant.

Lin Chuan sighed helplessly, "I knew why I had to do it today."

But the feeling of this big kill is really good!
Definitely get a lot of points again.

Thinking of this, I immediately beamed with joy.

I can't help but thank tears for the head points.

Lin Chuan couldn't help laughing out loud.

He is so excited!

(End of this chapter)

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