Chapter 146 Surprise!

At this time, the LC team base sent away tears and wanted to take a good rest, but saw Huo Tianyi and Ai Hei slowly pushing the door.

"Xiao Chuan, is that person crying?"

Huo Tianyi was still a little puzzled, seeing Lin Chuan nodded and frowned.

"It's not him!" Fang Qingning muttered in a low voice when she heard Huo Tianyi's question, and rolled her eyes in disdain.

What is he doing here?
As soon as Huo Tian's conjecture was confirmed, he knew that nothing good would happen, and he could clearly remember what he did in the past with tears.

As if guessing what Huo Tianyi was thinking, Lin Chuan shrugged and said helplessly.

"Come find me solo."

"Hahaha Coach Huo, you don't know how badly Tears was beaten by Brother Chuan, so why don't you run away with your tail between your legs." Li Tianlong covered his mouth and laughed when he thought of the tearful expression.


Ai Hei originally wanted to briefly interview the LC team about their impressions of entering the top 16 and the life of the team.Suddenly hearing that the former QE captain Liu actually came to solo with the LC team, his eyes lit up.

This is gossip coming to the door by itself, so there is no reason not to dig.

Unable to hide the excitement in his heart, he couldn't help interjecting and asking. "What kind of solo method, can you tell me about it?"

Without waiting for Lin Chuan and others to speak, Qi Minglie on the side added fuel and vinegar to tell the story of how he came to the door for an appointment with tears, and how he lost to Lin Chuan.

Ai Hei couldn't hide his excitement, such explosive news would definitely make the headlines of tomorrow's e-sports forum.

At this time, she wished that she would finish the interview with the LC team and return to the newspaper.

Occupational disease again.

Huo Tianyi deserved to be someone who had frequent contact with the newspaper office, and he could tell how excited Ai Hei was at this moment with just one glance.


"Didn't Ms. Ai want an interview?"

When Huo Tian saw Ai Hei smirked and stood there with a smirk, he politely reminded him.

"It just so happens that all five members of the team are here, let's make a quick decision."

"haha ok."

Ai Hei smiled awkwardly and sat down at the position pointed by Huo Tianyi, showing his usual ability in interviewing reporters.

"May I ask how you evaluate the FPS team?"

"They're strong and a respectable opponent."

"Are you sure about the next top 8 matchup?"

"of course."

That night, a headline on the top of the e-sports authoritative forum suddenly appeared!

"The former QE captain went to the LC team base alone in tears, the reason turned out to be" - Ai Hei!

After the interview was finally over, Fang Qingning changed her usual elegance in an instant, slumped on the sofa carelessly, took a sip of water to moisten her throat, and then let out a long sigh of relief, "I'm exhausted."

"Thank you for your hard work. I thought our team needed exposure at this time, so I agreed to Ai Hei's interview request on my own initiative."

As soon as Huo Tian sent Ai Hei away, he saw that they were very tired, and explained with some distress.

"It's okay, coach. We're dying to get some exposure."

Fang Qingning is worthy of being someone who has been in a professional team for two years, and she knows very well how important a team's exposure rate is to the team's development.What's more, teams with fans will be under pressure.

Stress can be converted into motivation!
"Then you guys have a good rest." Huo Tianyi wanted to take advantage of the fact that the team members were all here, and organize 5 people to analyze and innovate the team's play ideas.

Seeing a few people so tired, they had no choice but to give up.

It's never too late to say it later.


Lin Chuan returned to the room, jumped and fell on the soft bed.

"It's so soft and comfortable."

Immediately thinking that I still had points that I hadn't claimed, my heart that had been calm just now became agitated again.

He finally had a chance to collect points!

The system seemed to know what Lin Chuan was thinking at this moment, and the system's voice instantly appeared in his mind.

【Ding!It is detected that the host has not claimed three point gift packages! 】

[Do you want to receive it? 】

This is what Lin Chuan was waiting for, click to receive it immediately.

In an instant, a series of broadcasts poured into Lin Chuan's brain.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 2 points for the double kill reward!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting three kills and 3 reward points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 4 points for four kills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting five kills and rewarding 5 points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 7 super god bonus points!"

The sound of ding ding broadcasting lasted for a long time, Lin Chuan only felt that his brain was about to explode, but he still couldn't hide his inner excitement.

Although the tone of the system is still the calm and cold that he is familiar with, for Lin Chuan at this time, this is undoubtedly the most beautiful prompt tone in the world.

At this moment, Lin Chuan was even more excited than getting a pentakill carry.

I don't know how many points I have in total, so Lin Chuan clicked on the system page after thinking about it.

【King sign-in system】

【Host: Lin Chuan】

[Ability Level: Silver]

【Signed in for 1 days】

[Wait to sign in for 6 days to get a platinum gift package reward]

[Available skill points: 5]

【Operation: 23】

【Response: 24】

[Consciousness: 24]

【Points: 112】

[Proficient Heroes: Zhao Yun Mastery (Advanced), Yun Zhongjun Mastery (Advanced), Sima Yi Mastery (Intermediate), Han Xin Mastery (Intermediate, validity period: 5 minutes), Li Bai Mastery (Intermediate), Kai Mastery (Intermediate), Gongsunli Mastery (Intermediate) etc.]

[Skills: game analysis, snakeskin positioning, god-level micromanagement]

[Special props: Han Xin Skin·White Dragon Song (validity; 5 minutes), Li Bai Skin·Fengqiuhuang, Armor Skin·Sixiang-Qinglong Zhi, Zhao Yun Skin·Engine Heart]

[Bonus effect: overall team battle operation +50%]

Lin Chuan fixed his eyes, "Good guy. I got 112 points!"

Lin Chuan was happily allocating 5 skills, when he was suddenly startled by the sudden system notification sound.

"What the hell?"

【Ding!It has been detected that the host Han Xin is proficient (intermediate) and the Han Xin Skin·White Dragon Yin experience card is about to expire. Is it possible to upgrade it to permanent? 】

"Can it be upgraded to permanent?"

At this time, Lin Chuan was full of surprise, and the system was really caught off guard.

Just now Lin Chuan was still worrying that if the period of his Han Xin Intermediate Mastery Experience Card expired, wouldn’t it be that he would lose another hero.

The system prompt sound at this time is like sending charcoal in the snow.

Lin Chuan hastily clicked on the point hero exchange interface.

[100 points need to be deducted for upgrade, whether to exchange for upgrade? 】

Although Lin Chuan felt a little bit pained by the more than 100 points he had just obtained, he still nodded without hesitation in the face of the hero Han Xin's intermediate proficiency.


Although he really wanted to wait until he had 1000 points to exchange for the platinum treasure chest, but for him, 1000 points were not enough to accumulate so quickly.

Why not choose the current Han Xin!
"You can earn more points if you lose them, but if you lose Han Xin, you really lose them!"

Lin Chuan comforted himself.

A burst of system voice rang in Lin Chuan's mind instantly.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host Han Xin's proficiency (intermediate level), Han Xin's skin Bailongyin successfully upgraded to permanent!"

Looking at the data on the system panel, Lin Chuan smiled with satisfaction.

"As expected of me!"

Clicking to close the system, Lin Chuan only felt that his eyelids were heavy, and his consciousness began to blur.

(End of this chapter)

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