Chapter 156 Beheading!

Luna, who lost her first blue buff, came to the middle, looked at Zhang Liang who was still not aware of it, and calmly ordered.

"Yao went to trick Zhang Liang with a big move."

Yao, who was riding on top of Luna's head, also jumped off decisively when she heard Luna's words, and stood in front of Luna.

Luna pressed a combo skill of a2a313a3 without any hesitation.

As the moonlight fell, the blue dress was like a ghost, which was untouchable.

Every move is like a narrow-minded woman dancing with a sword.

Seeing Luna who came straight to her with the help of a soldier, Fang Qingning was taken aback for a moment.

Without even thinking about it, he directly manipulated Zhang Liang to retreat down the tower.

Seeing that Luna had no intention of retreating at all, she immediately pressed her big move.

Looking at Luna who was fixed by herself, Fang Qingning let go of her suspended heart.

But Yao, who came straight to Luna, made Fang Qingning feel relieved again.

"Lin Chuan! Luna and Yao are going to jump over the tower and kill me!"

Hearing Fang Qingning's voice, Lin Chuan, who was still opposite Lankeng, was taken aback for a moment.

Don't even Lan want to forcefully kill Zhang Liang?

Then he thought that Zhang Liang had just taken his own blue buff, and Luna was not going for Zhang Liang's head, but for the blue buff under Zhang Liang's feet!

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan was startled, and he gave up on the lizard that had just been beaten halfway, and went straight to the middle for support.

"Can you run?"

Although I don't know how strong Luna is after level 4, Lin Chuan is very concerned about Luna's intermediate mastery.

If Luna is allowed to kill and develop, even if he controls blue to the late team battle, it will undoubtedly be a devastating blow.

Although they have Donghuang Taiyi and Zhang Liang.

But there is Yao on the opposite side!

Yao's passivity can deceive Donghuang and Zhang Liang's big moves, while Luna has no threat.

So Lin Chuan came directly to support without hesitation.

But looking at Yun Zhongjun who came to support him, Luna suddenly smiled jokingly.

"What's the use of having more people, I just want the blue buff under Zhang Liang's feet."

After Zhang Liang's ult was released in an instant, Fang Qingning looked at Luna, who was swaying up in blue on the screen, with a hint of panic in her eyes.

Yao's 1 skill controls dodge but can't dodge
As for running, it is impossible!

Flash is undoubtedly a place to die.

But seeing that Zhang Liang's blood volume continued to decrease, and was held in place by Yao, Fang Qingning was completely helpless at this moment.

Just when Fang Qingning didn't know whether she should wait to die, she heard Lin Chuan suddenly comforting her, "Qingning! Continue to retreat!"

"You can't give Luna blue to Yao!"

Hearing Lin Chuan's voice, the panic in Fang Qingning's eyes immediately confirmed.

That's right, it doesn't matter if she dies, as long as the head is not given to Luna!
Seeing her blood volume getting lower and lower, Fang Qingning gritted her teeth.

"Don't let this Luna go!"

As she said that, Fang Qingning directly pressed the flash skill that she didn't intend to use.

Luna looked at Zhang Liang who was still under the first tower, and suddenly a golden light flashed, and she went directly under the second tower.

Luna, who thought she was killing it stably, froze for a moment.

"Are you dying?"

"Oh, it's all about moving the grave in a blink of an eye."

Speaking of which, Luna pressed a2a31 without hesitation and chased away.

Accompanied by Yao's shimmering blue aura, she instantly pressed punishment to harvest Zhang Liang.

He didn't want to be robbed of his head by Yao.

"Do you think I'm afraid of Zhang Liang's big move?"

And looking at the kill prompt on the screen, Luna's eyes were full of playful smiles.

Luna, who finally had the blue buff, was instantly satisfied.

Go directly around the wild area to prepare for the top lane gank.

Just before he entered the area and had no time to gank on the road, a loud and clear cry resounded in the canyon.

"Sky Gap!"

With a sharp claw shot out, Luna, who was still on the road, was stunned in place in an instant.

Yao, who was on her head, also fell to the ground.

Then Luna turned around and swung the sharp sword in her hand.

As Yun Zhongjun spread his wings and bounced off Luna's mark, Luna was broken.

"Not good, Yao is controlling him."

Luna had no choice but to get out of the battle, but Yun Zhongjun immediately spread his wings to the sky to recover his breath, and immediately swooped towards Luna.

There were showers of feather arrows.

"You took Zhang Liang's head and the blue buff from my family, and you still want to run?"

Yun Zhongjun quickly used his sharp claws to output crazily on Luna one by one!
The broken Luna has no power to fight back.

"Ayao wept bitterly for you."

"one kill!"

【Yun Zhongjun killed Luna! 】

Seeing Yao's transformation from a deer back into a human form, Lin Chuan pressed the 1 skill without hesitation and swooped towards Yao.


[Jun Yunzhong killed Yao! 】

Originally planning to support the top road, seeing that the two were killed in an instant, they returned to the top road without looking back.

Fang Qingning looked at her gray screen, and happily watched the broadcast of Yun Zhongjun's double kill on the screen.

"Lin Chuan! You are amazing!"

Hearing Fang Qingning's voice, Lin Chuan just smiled slightly.

He is not just talking about Yun Zhongjun's high-level proficiency.

"Our Lord Yunzhong is so ruthless, he is so ruthless to his lover hero."

"That's right, sister Yao is so cute."

At this time, the voices of Lu Ban and Donghuang Taiyi were full of jokes.

When Fang Qingning heard Lu Ban's words, she froze for a moment, feeling a little sick in her heart.

Yao and Yun Zhongjun are a couple in the canyon. The tactful and tragic love in the background story once made Fang Qingning cry silently late at night.

But Lin Chuan is not as gentle as Yun Zhongjun in the canyon treats Yaomei.

"When Yao Qi beats you up on the opponent's shooter and jungler, you don't feel cute anymore."

After listening to Lin Chuan's unshakable words, Fang Qingning's unknown emotions immediately disappeared.

What is she suffering from? How can a steel straight man like Lin Chuan care about this?
Lin Chuan, who completed the double kill, rushed directly to the top road. Since Luna can't gank, then he will do it.

Lin Chuan laughed as he thought about it.

Seeing Lin Chuan coming to support Xia Houdun, who was having a bit of trouble facing the line, immediately took the initiative to attack.

Press the 3 skill and throw the chain blade at Kuangtie, accompanied by the sound of surfing, stun Kuangtie.

Kuang Tie saw that Xiahou Dun, who was at a disadvantage in the lineup, suddenly took the initiative to attack, it must be a fraud!

Isolated and helpless, they can only retreat.

Kuang Tie thought about it and prepared to retreat.

Xiahoudun was on the order all the time, how could he not see through Kuang Tie's thoughts of running away at this time, immediately pressed the 1 skill, and then knocked Kuang Tie into the air.

"Where did the momentum just now go?"

"Weren't you crazy just now?"

At this time, Lin Chuan controlled Yun Zhongjun to come from the wild area.

The blood that was consumed by Xiahou Dun recovered immediately when the ultimate move was activated and the energy was full.

Taking advantage of the situation to prepare to take Kuang Tie's head, Lin Chuan looked at Kuang Tie who was still resisting with traces of blood, with a playful smile on his face.

"give up."

Suddenly seeing a golden halo, Kuang Tie fell instantly.

Sure enough, it was beheading!

"one kill!"

[Xiahou Dun killed Kuang Tie! 】

This Xiahou Dun also fought for the head.

Lin Chuan was not upset when his head was robbed, he only helped gank for his teammates to establish a laning advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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