Chapter 157

News of Lu Ban's killing of Houyi came frequently in the lower lane, and Lin Chuan immediately felt relieved.

The assistant Yao on the opposite side followed Luna, leaving only Hou Yi, who was crazily attracted by Donghuang Taiyi.

At this time, Kuang Tie complained. "Isn't Hou Yi obscene?"

"Do I have support? Has Luna caught it?"

The two were arguing, and then there was a broadcast that Lu Ban had destroyed the enemy's defense tower.

At this time, Hou Yi repeatedly retreated to the defense tower on the high ground, and couldn't help but click on all the dialogues.

"Eastern Emperor, let's go find Luna!"

"What's the use of you, the Eastern Emperor, if you don't target Luna and me?"

Hou Yi was already 0-5 at this time, and his mentality completely collapsed.

Seeing the news of Houyi begging for mercy, Donghuang Taiyi knew that he had acted too harshly.

But esports has no emotions!

Lin Chuan galloped over various terrain obstacles and flew to the opposite red zone.

Following the tearing of several effects, the red buff fell instantly, and a layer of red halo suddenly lingered under Yun Zhongjun's feet.

"You can catch it on the road."

As soon as Lin Chuan finished speaking, he saw Xia Houdun waving the chain blade to keep Kuang Tie.

"Blade of Unbridled!"

Lin Chuan manipulated Yun Zhongjun to flutter out from the grass in the red pit without hesitation, and chased towards the unknowing Kuang Tie.

"Sky Gap. Ming"

Suddenly, a bird song resounded through the canyon.

Accompanied by Wan Dao Jianyu, Lin Chuan even manipulated Yun Zhongjun to fall from the cloud shadow.

"Awakening and blindness in the night, the birds return to the east"

"one kill!"

[Jun Yunzhong killed Kuangtie! 】

The moment the crazy iron man's head was accepted, Tower 2 was destroyed immediately.

Suddenly, Xiahou Dun's arrogant whistle came from the canyon.

At this time, Lin Chuan manipulated Yun Zhongjun to attack Zhen Ji under the tower.

"Look at Zhen Ji, who is full of blood, surfing under the tower again."

Lin Chuan joked.

Listening to Lin Chuan's playful words, Fang Qingning couldn't help but quietly rolled her eyes at Lin Chuan who was beside her.

"What does it mean to wave under the tower full of blood? Others are living well."

Lin Chuan laughed directly and did not refute.

Zhen Ji, who was full of blood, thought she was very safe, but Yun Zhongjun suddenly fell from the sky.

I was so scared that I immediately pressed the flash.

"Why bother wasting a flash?"

Lin Chuan manipulated Yun Zhongjun to fly away to the fleeing Zhen Ji.

Seeing Zhen Ji press the big move, Lin Chuan controlled Yun Zhongjun to press the big move very decisively, and immediately spread his wings to attract the wind and thunder to the sky, cleverly avoiding Zhen Ji's most deadly freeze.

Zhen Ji looked at the several tearing effects on her body, she didn't run or not run.

I can only wait for death in silence.

After Yun Zhongjun is passively triggered, the claw mark will be superimposed when attacking, and the opponent will be torn apart, causing continuous bleeding damage. ,
When triggering Yunzhongjun's passive, the farther away from Yunzhongjun, the faster the movement speed, the faster the blood will be lost, and staying in place will be like a wooden stake until death.

"Please don't abandon me."

After killing Zhen Ji, Lin Chuan had already taken 8 heads.


Super God!

Compared with the previous MG team, this kind of passerby game is easy for Lin Chuan.

To kill randomly, he doesn't need to be careful every step of the way, he just needs the cooperation of his teammates.

Then they can't lose!
Because the teammates who are randomly matched are the best to cooperate with you, but solo and duo often encounter bad teammates who specialize in teammate mentality. If you want to win, you can only lead the game silently and find your own best rhythm.

"A wave in the middle."

Lu Ban came from the lower road with Donghuang Taiyi.

He didn't want to drag it on any longer.

Although Luna and Houyi have been completely abolished, it is difficult to make a comeback.

But never relax easily.

"Don't fight yet, I'll fight a tyrant."

While Lin Chuan was waiting for his breath to recover, he saw that Lu Ban and Zhang Liang were not in a good position on the screen, so he could only dissuade them.

At this time, Yun Zhongjun squatted in the grass, adjusted his breath, spread his wings and flew, and flew straight to the tyrant.

Lu Ban also jumped up and down towards the tyrant.

"Come and fight the tyrant."

Lu Ban called Zhang Liang and Donghuang Taiyi.

Accompanied by Wan Dao Jianyu going down the dragon pit with the wind, he suddenly saw Houyi appearing in front of the dragon pit alone.

I saw Houyi shooting an arrow at Longkeng with the bow and arrow in his hand.

"You still want to grab this?"

Lin Chuan jumped over the wall of the Longkeng as he spoke, flapped his wings and chased after Hou Yi.

At this time, Hou Yi had already broken his can.

No fear of life and death.

"one kill!"

[Yun Zhongjun killed Houyi! 】

"Is this Hou Yi crazy?"

Without their help, Hou Yi fell at Yun Zhongjun's feet.

Compared with Lin Chuan's side, there is a sense of powerlessness on the other side that deeply weighs on everyone's heart.

"Let's vote."

Hou Yi had no mood at this time.Just want to end the game quickly.

"Excuse me? I gave away so much."

Seeing Hou Yi's decadent and desperate words at this time, Zhen Ji couldn't help cursing.

Hou Yi was already very angry, since Yao sold him to give him a blood, Yao never followed him again.

Now his teammates are blaming him instead.

With Luban and Donghuang Taiyi in the bottom lane, even if it is Houyi in the national uniform, he can't beat him alone.

Then he quarreled with his teammates.

"The first wave of Luna's blue zone collapsed, is there a chance to win?"

"What's more, this ability to assist and sell teammates is a must."

"Why talk so much, report Hou Yi directly."

"Ha ha."

Hou Yi, who was already mentally exploded, heard the voices of blame from his teammates, smiled coldly, and decisively pressed surrender.

Lin Chuan looked at the bloody tyrant, and decisively pressed punishment.

[Yun Zhongjun kills the tyrant! 】

Listening to the inspiring canyon music, several people were preparing to push through a wave of team battles on the high ground.

But saw that the other party had surrendered.

"It's boring."

"Jungle is good 6, will you add friends after the end?"

Before the words fell, the screen on the screen turned, and the crystal burst instantly.


Looking at the victory on the screen, Fang Qingning put down her phone, and looked at Lin Chuan with a natural look beside her, full of joy.

"Lin Chuan, you are indeed the gold medal jungler of our team."

"Haha, how can you be as godlike as you said?"

Lin Chuan stretched his muscles, threw his phone on the table, and said with a modest smile.

Fang Qingning looked at the scene where the two sides ended the game, Zhang Liang 1-5-11, and smiled awkwardly at Lin Chuan.

"Am I not suitable for Zhang Liang?"

"how come?"

Lin Chuan felt that Fang Qingning was good enough playing the hero Zhang Liang for the first time, and immediately comforted her.

"Zhang Liang's current version is a bit embarrassing. He's basically a tool guy, just get used to it. What's more, you've done a good enough job. You're the one who controls Luna every time, right?"


Fang Qingning, who was still depressed at first, smiled instantly, looking at Lin Chuan with difficulty concealing her inner joy, seeking confirmation again.

Sensing Fang Qingning's gaze, Lin Chuan nodded firmly.

At this moment, Qi Minglie had finished taking a shower, before he had time to dry his hair, he ran to the two of them.

"Master, are you done?"

Lin Chuan nodded, looking at Qi Minglie who was still dripping with some disgust.

"Just wipe your hair, we'll wait for you."


Qi Minglie responded and picked up a towel to wipe his wet hair.

(End of this chapter)

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