President, don't be your woman

Chapter 118 The Truth Revealed

Chapter 118 The Truth Revealed
"Am I so nervous?" He was in a good mood seeing her so nervous about him.

"Anyway, if you're a husband and wife, don't you collect your body?" She said angrily.

"Your husband is alive and well, you want to climb the wall, in your next life!"

"But someone sent me a message saying that you are dying!" She took out her mobile phone and showed him.

He took a look, there was such a thing, turned his head to look at Shen Yumo, raised his eyebrows with a half-smile: "You sent it?"

"Sorry, I just want to confirm the facts!" Shen Yumo had no regrets.

Ye Zi didn't know what they were talking about at all, and she didn't know Shen Yumo, she only saw Sean on the side, and opened her mouth, "Ruohang, you're here too!"

The speed is so fast that people have no time to stop it.

Sean's expression suddenly changed, it was no longer calm and composed before, it was as fun as it could be.

Chu Mochi was also speechless immediately.

Only Shen Yumo, with the same expression as before, asked very seriously: "This is Mrs. Chu, right? I'm sorry for making you come here in such a way. Although the means are despicable, I have no intention of deceiving. I just want to Just to confirm, is the Ruohang you called just now Sena?"

Ye Zi felt even more confused, not knowing what the three men were doing, and asked Shen Yumo strangely: "You sent that message?"

"Sorry!" Shen Yumo apologized sincerely.

"Then are you sure?" Although she still didn't know what he wanted to confirm.

"Stupid!" Chu Mochi rubbed her hair vigorously, rubbed her into his arms, and then looked at Shen Yumo, "Brother, are you too black-hearted?" You actually did this trick.

"Black heart? Who would be so black as you, Chu Mochi?" Ye Zi raised his head from his arms and said.

"Stupid! Why do you always talk so much when you shouldn't?"

"What do you call that? When is the time to speak?"

"What do you think?" He stared at her, as if he wanted to swallow her alive.

And after he reminded her like this, she seemed to have thought of something, her face turned red, and she didn't dare to contradict him again.

But he hid her blushing in his arms.

Seeing their blatant intimacy, Shen Yumo felt a little lonely in his heart, and said with a wry smile: "The method is a bit despicable, and I am out of helplessness, but as a man, he can do something for the woman he loves. , Mr. Chu will do the same!"

Chu Mochi nodded: "It should be so!"

"The next thing should be the housework of the two of you. I'll give you the room, please do what you want!" After finishing speaking, he took his family's Xiaosha away.

Only Shen Yumo and Sean were left in the room, and the door was closed for them.

Shen Yumo looked at him helplessly, "Now, you can't deny me anything anymore, right?"

Sean, no, it should be Ruohang, he smiled wryly, "You, Shen Yumo, can be regarded as the president of a multinational company. It's too bad for you to come here?"

"No way, no matter how you refuse to admit it, I can only do this!" Shen Yumo said that he was also very helpless.

"Why do you have to force me to admit it? Don't you know that once I admit my identity, it will only accelerate Ruoxi's determination to give up?" He finally stopped hiding himself, and when he mentioned his relatives, there was an inexplicable look in his eyes Pain.

"I originally thought that you have been refusing to admit your identity, just to hide in the dark for revenge, but Ruoxi wanted to marry Mo Ran, and you didn't show up, so I confirmed your thoughts. But Ruohang, I still To find you, because if you don't show up and don't go home, it will still be a kind of torture for Ruoxi, she has imposed all her faults on herself, no one can open her knot, only you can." Mentioned Ruoxi, Shen Yumo was also full of pain.

"Actually, I'm also betting, betting on your feelings for Ruoxi, betting that you won't let her marry Mo Ran."

"Yeah! We're all betting!"

The matter has come to this point, all the knots cannot be untied with explanations, everyone can only bet, Ruoxi bets whether Ruohang will show up, Ruohang bets whether Shen Yumo will stop Ruoxi's wedding, Shen Yumo bets that Ruoxi will really mind.

Everyone is betting.

Shen Yumo sighed for a long time, and then asked: "You have been hiding in the dark and observing everything, you should also know that we found Guiyun Mountain, and knew that Xiao Wang was delayed for a day because of diarrhea, and then that night It started snowing. Because you answered a phone call, you rushed down the mountain overnight, and an accident happened. Later we found Russia, the king’s father and mother, and later Mrs. Li. , we all know it well, but we still don't know what happened in the car at that time, can you tell me?"

There were only three people in the car, two of them died, and only Lan Ruohang recovered his life, which is a bizarre thing.

"Yes, I can tell you that I received a call at that time. Someone told me that Xinxin had a car accident, and my mother and I decided to rush home overnight. Xiao Wang is also a professional driver. He also explained to us, The mountain road is not easy to walk, but if we are careful, there should be no major problems. We were worried about the situation at home, so we unanimously decided to go down the mountain and go home. Unexpectedly, the brakes failed on the way, and we knew that we were all doomed. Maybe I can escape. I have no choice. At the most critical moment, my mother resolutely opened the car door and pushed me. I rolled down the mountain. When I woke up again, I was rescued by someone, it was you The Chu Mochi I met today, he was my savior, but at that time my appearance was completely ruined, he hired a very professional plastic surgeon to help me restore my appearance, and at the same time, he also transformed me into a picture Faces you don't even know."

"So you asked Chu Mochi to help you make a fake identity certificate, and you used another identity to start investigating the truth of the original incident?" Shen Yumo said.

"Yes!" Lan Ruohang nodded, "Although I don't have evidence yet, I can be sure that there must be something wrong with the accident at that time. The reason why the brakes failed was because someone tampered with the car."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because my grandfather, he is a person who has experienced many things in the world, he was worried that the mountain road would not be good and the car would have problems, so before we went up the mountain, he asked me to send me to the car repair shop to check the car carefully and make sure everything After there was no problem, we went up the mountain."

"Then who called you that phone call you received?"

"It's a person in the hospital, a female nurse, but I think it should be ordered by Murphy."

"Did you find the man who called you?"

"We found it, but we still don't have enough evidence to sue Murphy!"

After saying this, Ruohang let out a helpless and deep sigh.

I have to admire the series of conspiracies designed by Murphy. She is too ruthless, but at the same time, she is also too smart. The whole incident involved too many people, Xiao Wang's family, Mrs. Li, hospital nurses, but The sum of all the people is not enough to testify against Murphy, because Xiao Wang, the only insider, is dead and the vehicle is destroyed. There is no evidence of death.

It can only be said that this deliberate conspiracy is too perfect, so perfect that there is no loophole in its meaning.

It's a pity that those who died innocently, Mother Lan, Xintong, Grandpa, and Shen Yumo and Lan Ruoxi's unborn child, I really don't know whose fault this crime is?

Shen Yumo looked out the window, it was already dark outside the window, wondering what Ruoxi was doing now?
"We'll discuss this matter again to see what to do!" He wanted to go back to see Ruoxi, so he stood up, "What about you? Are you with me?"

"Since I'm back, let's wait two more days. Mochi is going to leave for the United States the day after tomorrow. I'll send him off before going back!"

"Alright! But you should come back as soon as possible. Three days later it will be Ruoxi's birthday, and it's also your birthday. I hope that on that day, your siblings can meet again and give her something truly worthy of her happiness." !"

"Of course!"

Now that their identities have been exposed, they don't have so many worries. Just like what Shen Yumo said, Murphy cannot be brought down by their own strength, and everyone needs to work together.

"Let's go, I'll take you out!" Lan Ruohang also stood up.

However, as soon as they opened the door, the door next door to the opposite side also opened. Chu Mochi appeared at the door, leaning against the door, with a lazy and unruly appearance. It was obvious that he had just made out with his family, and his lips were still curled up. With an arc that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, he looked at Shen Yumo and said, "Mr. Shen is leaving?"

"Yes! Thank you, wife, for helping me!" Shen Yumo said pointedly.

"OK! Bon voyage!"

"Thank you!"

Then, Ruohang sent Yumo out.

It was already ten o'clock at night, and there was an uneasy night wind blowing outside, making it chilly.

Ruohang frowned slightly, "The weather today is not very good, and it will take at least three hours for you to go back. If you have nothing to do, you should stay overnight and go back tomorrow!"

Perhaps it was because of the lessons learned from that time that he always had a sense of resistance to stormy nights.

Shen Yumo shook his head, "No need, the weather here is not good, and the weather in S City is probably not good either, so I don't worry if I don't go back!"

He is used to going to see Ruoxi every night, especially at night like this, if he doesn't take a look, he really can't feel at ease.

Lan Ruohang also knew what he was referring to, so he didn't speak, but stared at him deeply.

"What's the matter? Is there something else?" Shen Yumo felt that his eyes were a little weird.

"No, I was just thinking, how did you know Ye Zi would expose me?" Ruohang couldn't understand this point.

"I'm not 100% sure, I just found out that Sean and Mrs. Chu have a very good relationship, and you, Ruohang and Ruoxi are both very family-loving people, and Ruoxi, as a public figure, doesn't even have a stage name, so I think you will not hide your real name from the people you trust the most."

Of course, this is just Shen Yumo's guess, but he is at the end of the road, even if it is a straw, he must grasp it.

Lan Ruohang was finally deeply impressed, and nodded and smiled at him: "I once said that you have caused so much harm to Ruoxi, no one in our Lan family will forgive your 'regret', now I take it back , I also know why you want to 'marry' Murphy, anyway, I wish you good luck!"

The implication is that he has passed this test.

Shen Yumo said thank you and drove away.

Now there are only four brothers and sisters left in the Lan family, and now two of them have been conquered, but Shen Yumo is not very happy. Even if he can conquer Sangyu, it doesn't mean that he can win Ruoxi's heart back. I got to know Ruoxi.

Now, he only hopes to return to S City as soon as possible.

In fact, the weather in City S is not very smooth.

And Sang Yu was taken away by Feng Qingyang, Ruoxi was at home alone.Originally, Ah Zi was with her at home, and she was worried that she would be thinking wildly by herself, but who would have thought that a sudden call came from the hospital, saying that a patient had been sent because of an accident, a leg was broken and bleeding profusely,

(End of this chapter)

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