President, don't be your woman

Chapter 119 She Had Another Child 1

Chapter 119 She Had Another Child 1
The situation was critical, so he had to rush back to the hospital.

Only Ruoxi was left alone at home.

She went to bed early and went to rest. She didn't sleep very peacefully. She kept calling Xinxin's name, and then there was the sound of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. Her world was full of heavy rain for a while, and heavy snow for a while. When she was awakened, looking at the familiar bedroom, she couldn't react for a few minutes.

Such a loud wind, accompanied by the sound of rain hitting the window, with an uneasy rhythm, she seemed to be still immersed in the dream just now, and some kind of crying kept coming from her ears, "It's Xinxin, Xinxin is crying , Xinxin is calling me..."

Talking to herself, she hurriedly got out of bed, opened the bedroom door, and ran into Xinxin's room.

All the furnishings here are still the same as before, the bed that Xinxin used to sleep on, the little pillows and quilts that Xinxin used to sleep on, and the toys that Xinxin used to play with... Everything is so lonely, so lonely...

The blood in her body coagulated quickly, and it took her a long time to remember that Xinxin was gone, and Xinxin left her two years ago... She was hit by a car and died, lying in a pool of blood ...

She walked to the bed and picked up a photo frame from the bedside table, which contained photos of her and Xinxin.She took it and walked around in a daze.

How warm was this previous home, with mother, grandfather, heart, Ruohang, A Zi and Sang Yu, everyone was talking and laughing, how happy it was!

But now, there is no one in Xinxin's room.Open the rooms that everyone slept in one by one. Grandpa's room is empty, mother's room is empty, Ruohang's room is empty, A Zi's and Sang Yu's rooms are all empty.

All the laughter and laughter disappeared at this moment, turning into a cold piece.

Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Xinxin, Ruohang, where have you all gone?
In a breezy apartment.

Even though it was midnight, the lights were still on in the house.

Of course they couldn't sleep, the wind and rain were blowing outside the window, and the house happened to be cloudy and rainy.

Hearing gusts of wind, Sang Yu patted his chest, "The wind is clear, it's raining!"

"I know it's raining!" He couldn't hear it.

"It's raining……"

She muttered to herself.

Seeing that her expression was not right, he didn't know what she was thinking, so he patted her head, "What's wrong? Aren't you very courageous? Are you afraid of rain?"

"No, my sister is alone at home..."

"Did you say Ruoxi? She's not a child, what are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that she will be afraid." At this point, she didn't care about 21, sat up from him, picked up her clothes and put them on.

"what are you doing?"

"I'm worried, I want to go home and have a look."

"You can't do that, can you?" He always felt that the matter was not as serious as she said, but seeing how nervous she was, he couldn't make any guesses, so he said, "Don't scare yourself, call your brother first. , maybe your brother is at home with her!"

"That's right!" After he reminded her, she hurriedly picked up the phone to make a call.

However, before finishing a phone call, her face turned pale.

Feng Qingyang was also frightened by her, and hurriedly picked up her mobile phone, but he hadn't hung up the phone yet, he only found out after asking that A Zi was still in the operating room.

And this call was answered by a nurse in the duty room.

Sang Yu was still sitting there in a daze.He also hurriedly got up and put on her clothes, "Don't be dazed, girl, let's go over and have a look."

Then he immediately put on trousers for himself, took the shirt and went out with her, buttoning up buttons while walking.

It was not surprising that it rained. It was rainy in July, but at this time A Zi happened to be in the operating room. No one knew what was going on at home, and Sang Yu was so nervous and scared.

They really rushed to Lan's house in a hurry.

Who would have thought that when they reached the gate, they would be shocked——

Let alone locked, the doors are wide open.

They hurried to the living room on the first floor again, and the chilly night wind poured straight into the room.

They shouted Ruoxi's name loudly, but there was no response at all.

Sang Yu hurried upstairs, calling her sister while running.

"Girl, slow down! Be careful!" Feng Qingyang shouted from behind, and also chased after her.

The doors of the bedrooms on the second floor were all open. Sang Yu ran all over the room, but couldn't find Ruoxi. She was so frightened that her body almost went limp.Feng Qingyang has sharp eyes and quick hands, and hugged her in time, "Girl, don't panic, calm down, let's think about where she will go."

"I do not know I do not know……"

Feng Qingyang hugged her waist, walked into Ruoxi's bedroom, and found that her quilt was messy and the window was open, "She should have run out temporarily, she should be fine..."

"You shouldn't!" Sang Yu cried in fright, interrupted him, and tremblingly went to his body to find the phone, and dialed the number while saying to him, "Go out and see if there is a sister, I'm calling, I'm going to call, maybe she's at some friend's house."

She wanted to comfort herself, but her hands were trembling. She didn't dial a number, and the phone fell to the ground.

He picked it up and handed it to her, and made her sit on the bed.

He was also worried about Ruoxi in his heart, but with her appearance, he was really worried about leaving her here alone to go out to find Ruoxi.

She flicked through his address book tremblingly, and saw Mo Ran's phone number first, and she didn't care if he was newlywed or not, so she dialed it without thinking.

Mo Ran had just fallen asleep at this time, and when he received her call in a daze, he opened his mouth and asked, "What's the matter, A Yang?"

"It's me, Sang Yu, Mo Ran, did Ruoxi go to your place?"

"No!" Mo Ran said in a daze.

Before she had time to ask her what happened, she only heard no words, so she hung up the phone, and then found Yumo's phone number, she dialed it again, and when the phone was connected, she hurriedly asked : "Shen Yumo, is my sister with you?"

"No! What's wrong with Ruoxi?" Shen Yumo immediately asked.

"She's gone..."

Sang Yu cried while talking.

Shen Yumo was still on the road at this time, and when he heard her cry, he became aware of the seriousness of the situation, pulled the car aside and asked, "What's going on? How could Ruoxi disappear?"

"I don't know either. The doors of the house are open, my sister is gone, my elder brother is in the operating room, and Mo Ran hasn't seen my sister. No one knows where my sister has gone..." Sang Yu couldn't speak clearly when she was confused. , this time Shen Yumo became even more anxious.

Feng Qingyang took the phone from her hand, hugged her into his arms with one hand, let her cry while hugging his waist, picked up the phone with the other hand, and asked: "Yu Mo, it's me, where are you now?"

"I'm going to do something, and I'm off the highway right now, what happened to Ruoxi? Why did she disappear? Don't you know where she went? When did she disappear?"

He asked a series of questions without taking a breath.

"Yumo, calm down first, listen to me, I don't know what happened, it's raining today, Sang Yu was worried about Ruoxi, so she called A Zi, A Zi is in the operating room, so we rushed back Lan's house, the door of Lan's house is wide open, and the doors of all the rooms in the house are also open. However, the condition of the house is very good, there was no thief, I think Ruoxi should have run out by herself, you should analyze it carefully, Where will she go..."

As soon as he said this, Sang Yu snatched the phone again, crying and shouting into the phone: "Shen Yumo, go and find my sister quickly, I tell you, I will forgive you if you find her, we The whole family forgives you, we will never stop you from being together again, you go find her quickly, you must get her back..."

As soon as Shen Yumo heard them say that Ruoxi was missing, he didn't care about anything, and rushed back as fast as possible.

I kept thinking in my mind, where would Ruoxi go on such a rainy night?

Where can she go?

Don't let anything happen to you...

Ruoxi, wait for me!
He frequently speeded along the way, and used the fastest speed to drive back. When he finally returned to the urban area, he called Feng Qingyang again, but Ruoxi still didn't go back.He told Feng Qingyang to stay at Lan's house and not to leave, once Ruoxi went back, he would contact him immediately.

However, he was so confused that he couldn't analyze where Ruoxi had gone. There was only one thought in his mind, which was to find her, and he must find her in the shortest possible time, otherwise something would happen to her...

However, in this city, except for Sangzi and Sangyu, she hardly has any relatives. If she hadn't gone to find Mo Ran and An Qi, where else could she have gone?

Go there and check it out!

A figure and a place flashed in his mind, and then he drove directly to the cemetery.

The gatekeeper was an old man in his 60s. He came out with an umbrella and shouted loudly: "It's midnight, who is knocking on the door?"

"Master, please open the door, I'm looking for someone!" The rain was so loud that Shen Yumo could only shout loudly.

"This is the cemetery, are you okay?"

The old man thought he was sick.

Shen Yumo walked up to him in the rain, "Master, I really want to find someone, her name is Lan Ruoxi, she is a 25-year-old woman, she has long hair and is very beautiful, you should watch it on TV." I have been to her, she is a musician, she is missing, it is very likely that she is inside, I am very worried, please let me go in and look for it!"

"I took over the shift an hour ago, and I didn't see anyone go in at all. It was in the middle of the night, and no one would come in or out here. You'd better not get nervous, and look elsewhere!" the old man vetoed.

Shen Yumo was startled, "You said, you took over an hour ago?"

"Yes, eleven o'clock."

Shen Yumo's face changed instantly. An hour ago, so to speak, if Ruoxi was really inside, wouldn't it have been at least an hour?

And it was still raining so hard, he was really worried that something would happen to her, and regardless of his identity, he said anxiously: "Master, I beg you, let me go in, she is really very likely to be inside, and she will die." Guan Tian, ​​please do me a favor and let me in!"

"What did you say? What's her name? What's the matter with Lan?" the old man asked again.

"Lan Ruoxi!"

"Lan Ruoxi, Lan Ruoxi," the old man muttered the name, and opened the door to let him in, "Go in and look for it, if it's really Lan Ruoxi, she might really be inside..."

As soon as the door opened, Shen Yumo said thank you and went straight in, but he didn't know where to start, with such heavy rain, he couldn't even see the road clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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