President, don't be your woman

Chapter 124 Would you be better off without me? 3

Chapter 124 Would you be better off without me? 3
She has been able to accept this fact.But, when will her Ruohang come back?

Knowing that there was no one in the house, she still took out the key from her pocket, opened the door in front of her, and walked slowly into the living room.

The darkness reassured her, made her feel relaxed, and made her not have to hide her emotions and force herself to smile.So she didn't turn on the light, walked to the sofa accurately in the dark, and sat down.

This is her home, very quiet, very quiet, so quiet that only the sound of her own lonely breathing can be heard.

Leaning against the back of the soft sofa, she quietly closed her eyes.

She thought that there was no one at home, but suddenly, she heard a movement from the side.

Is there anyone at home?Or, was it stolen?
She opened her eyes immediately, and saw a few candles appearing in the dark corner opposite, and then, one person, two people, three people...appeared in front of her one by one, there were eight people in total, all of them were smiling. Smiling, led by Azi, they walked towards her slowly pushing a three-story birthday cake. Everyone was singing: "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday, Happy birthday, Happy birthday to you..."

She suddenly opened her eyes wide, looking at the scene in front of her in amazement, tears quickly condensed into her eye sockets.

It has been several years since I celebrated my birthday. In the past, on this day, my friends would accompany my other half, and only my family would accompany me to celebrate my birthday. Today I thought that Sangyu had Ayang, but I forgot, thinking that Azi was undergoing surgery Forgot on the stage, thought that Mo Ran was newly married, forgot, also thought that Shen Yumo was busy in the company, forgot.

Unexpectedly, everyone appeared here.

What's even more strange is that there is another person——


She actually ran up to her, "Ruoxi, you are too slow, aren't you? You came out of KTV before me, but in the end I arrived before you. "

"Can my sister compare with you? You came here with four wheels, and my sister only has two legs." Sang Yu yelled loudly.

Ruoxi felt it was incredible, looked at Lianxin, "Aren't you in KTV? How did you come here?"

"Of course, of course! Where am I not here? You are so mean, okay, you actually wished me a happy birthday there, and didn't tell me that today is also your birthday. We were not born in the same year, not only in the same month, but also on the same day." !” Lian Xin said, with a hint of sadness.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to lie to you!" Ruoxi smiled apologetically.

"I know you didn't mean it, so when you sang happy birthday to me, I was so moved that I couldn't help crying."

It turned out that she was crying because she was moved.

Shen Yumo also came up to her, and asked with concern: "How do you feel physically? Are you tired?"

This night he was going to be worried to death.

She looked at him with a glimmer of seriousness, "Didn't you go to the company? Why are you here?"

"Today is your birthday, how can I be absent?"

"But..." She still wanted to ask, how did they know that she would come home today?Even she didn't know it, she walked back here unknowingly.

Azi also laughed, "At first we were not sure where to set up this small party, because I knew you would never call me when you came out of Shen's house. It seems that Yumo knows you well, He made a decisive decision and set the location here."

"Really?" She was completely moved.

"You! Don't cry!" He couldn't stand her tears, even happy tears.

"Okay, okay, it's time to give the gift!" Sang Yu spoke out first, interrupting the love between the two, and then patted Feng Qingyang next to her, "Hurry up, give me your gift."

"I don't have a present." Feng Qingyang said confidently.

"You don't have a gift?"

"Yeah, what gift do I prepare? Just prepare it!"

"Me?" Sang Yu became even more depressed, "I have no money, what gift should I prepare?"

"You just need someone, no money."

Sang Yu became even more confused, "What are you talking about? Do you have a fever?"

Then, he went to touch his head.

"You just have a fever!" Feng Qingyang patted her on the head, and said angrily, "Isn't the stuff in your belly human? After eight months, give it to Ruoxi, and we'll have another one."

Everyone was stunned immediately, no one expected that Feng Qingyang would have such a skill.

However, according to Sang Yu's chattering personality, Hefeng Qingyang got to the same bed, and she really couldn't hide any secrets, she would tell him everything.

As for Ruoxi, with Shen Yumo, she has everything she needs, and the only thing she wants but can't get is a child.

"Ayang, this gift of yours is really shocking to the world. Compared with it, mine is not enough." Mo Ran brought an exquisite box in front of Ruoxi, "Ruoxi, although I am not as good as Ayang." Ingenious', but I still want to say to you, happy birthday!"

"Thank you!" Ruoxi took the gift box he handed over.

"Sister, sister, open it quickly and see what Director Moda gave you?" Sang Yu exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes, yes, Ruoxi, open it!" Lian Xin also urged.

In Shen Yumo's life, there is only one woman, Ruoxi. He has a special liking for him, and will give her everything that is best, even if it is the whole world.So everyone expected today's birthday gift, it won't be something vulgar.Feng Qingyang has already opened his eyes, and as Mo Ran is the eldest son of the Mo family, his gift must not be bad.

Everyone was extremely curious, staring at the gift in Ruoxi's hand, even An Qi didn't know what it was.

Ruoxi opened it, and what caught everyone's eyes at a glance were five large characters:

Fund power of attorney.

Ruoxi glanced at Mo Ran in surprise, then moved her gaze to the piece of paper, on the top was written a line: Ruoxi Foundation.

"What's going on?" Ruoxi was too surprised.

"This is a children's foundation established in your name." Seeing Ruoxi's doubts, he continued, "Don't ask me anything, ask the person next to you, he did all of this. "

She looked at Shen Yumo, "You?"

He nodded.

"Why did you do this?"

"I think this is done with money from the Mo family, right? A profiteer!" Feng Qingyang said.

In this way, there will be an answer to why Shen Yumo prepared it, but Mo Ran handed it to her.Because Mo Ran handed it over to her, it was more meaningful than Shen Yumo handing it over to her.

Ruoxi has always wanted to take revenge on Mo Fei, and wanted her to be punished, but now this made her extremely entangled, she looked at Mo Ran apologetically, "Mo Ran, I'm sorry, I..."

"You don't have to tell me you're sorry!" Mo Ran didn't mean to blame at all, she stroked her hair very gently, and said earnestly: "Money is something outside of the body, if you don't bring it with you, you don't take it with you when you die. The Mo family, in the hands of Mo Fei, it will only harm people, so if it is in your hands to save some lives, it is so worth it!"


"Don't blame Yu Mo, I supported his decision. If I had the right to control, I would do the same." Mo Ran interrupted her lightly as if she knew what she was going to say.

"But your parents will not understand you, they will blame you." Ruoxi felt very sorry for him, felt extremely guilty, and felt extremely distressed.

How could such a nice person like him meet such a family?

And such a family, how could there be a son like Mo Ran?
She was very confused.

"Don't be sad Ruoxi, I never blamed you, no matter what you do. Because I know that you are Lan Ruoxi, you will never be Murphy."

The implication is that no matter how she wants to take revenge, she will take the right path, and she will not hurt innocent lives for revenge.

However, today, with Mo Ran's calmness and selflessness, how would she carry out her revenge plan?
Mo Ran held her hand, "You must accept it, Ruoxi, this is not only what we do for you, it is also the only thing we can do for Xinxin, so you must accept it!"

Ruoxi choked up again!

Sang Yu was really afraid that she would cry again, so she hurriedly shouted again, "Shen Yumo, Shen Yumo, what gift did you prepare for my sister? Dao Mo gave away his entire family, and our family also gave away our children. Come out, what gift do you want to give? Hurry up and take it out, if it is not as good as the two previous gifts, I will take my sister back, and you will never want to have her in this life!"

Shen Yumo was not afraid of her threats at all, but just looked down at Ruoxi, "What do I want to give, I'll ask Ruoxi about this, what does she want?"

"Are you kidding? You can give me whatever my sister wants? You can stop bragging, okay?" Sang Yu thought he was talking big.

"You can talk about it!" He encouraged Ruoxi to speak with his eyes.

After all these years of acquaintance, it seems that she has never asked him for anything. The only time she begged him to save Ruohang was in exchange for a condition. She really never asked for anything, she wanted something.

Sang Yu simply spoke up for Ruoxi, "You asked the question! You clearly know that what my sister wants most is my second brother's return! This is not only my sister's wish, but also our whole family..."

No, at this point, she hastily covered her mouth!

Feng Qingyang looked at her amusedly, "Why didn't you say it? Was your tongue bitten off by a cat?"

She glared at him vigorously, NND, it was her mouth, always troublesome, and if she wanted to say the next sentence, she would really have sold her sister.

And Shen Yumo just smiled and said nothing.

Then, immediately after, the door of the living room opened, and under the bright moonlight, a gust of night wind blew in, sending in a white figure.

There was no light in the room, only a little bit of candlelight. When someone came, he couldn't see the appearance on his face clearly.Ruoxi just stared at that figure, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Ruohang?"

Is it her Ruohang?

The figure that came over was Ruohang's figure, his posture and demeanor were very similar to Ruohang's.

Then, that person walked up to him.

Ruoxi saw his face clearly, and disappointment flooded her chest, her voice suddenly became weak, "It's Sean, not Ruohang!"

"It's me! I'm Ruohang! I'm back!" Ruohang finally spoke.

This time, it was his own voice, not the voice that had been deliberately changed before.

"What did you say?" Ruoxi was shocked again!

"It's me! Ruoxi, Azi, Sangyu, I'm finally back!" Ruohang smiled slightly.

"You, are you really Ruohang?"

Repeated disappointments made Ruoxi not dare to have hope in him, but this voice was really Ruohang's voice, exactly the same.

(End of this chapter)

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