President, don't be your woman

Chapter 125 Would you be better off without me? 4

Chapter 125 Would you be better off without me? 4
Ruoxi suddenly couldn't stand still, but fortunately, Shen Yumo beside her reached out in time, supported her body, and said with a smile: "Don't doubt! He really is Ruohang! Sean is Ruohang!"

"Why..." Ruoxi murmured to herself.

"Sorry, please forgive my last resort, it's not that I really don't want to recognize you, it's just that there are too many last resorts!"

Everyone in the room was stunned!

Although everyone except Ruoxi had heard Yu Mo say that Ruohang had already found him.But when they actually saw him, everyone couldn't believe it.It took a long time before Sang Yu came to his senses, threw himself on him, pinched his face, touched his breath, "Second brother, is it really you?"

"Of course it's me!" Seeing her so cute, Ruohang couldn't help laughing again, "Don't worry, I'm a living person, not a ghost, I'm living a good life."

"But why did you change your appearance?"

This is the most puzzling thing for everyone.

"It's a long story."

"Then talk slowly." A Zi also walked in front of him, "You are Sean? I heard Ruoxi mention it before, and I still thought it was incredible, why did you refuse to recognize each other when you came back? Now you have plenty of time, Tell us all about it slowly!"

He was also trying to restrain his excitement.

But Ruoxi couldn't control it anymore, her brother, the brother she was thinking of, was standing in front of her at this moment, she couldn't control it, in an instant, tears were streaming down her face.Then, in the next moment, she had already rushed over, hugged him, hugged him tightly, and cried, "Ruohang! It's really my Ruohang! I have always had an intuition that you It's Ruohang, you are really, really, even if you change your face, I can still feel it! You don't need to say anything, I believe, I believe, you are Ruohang!"

She was already so excited, so moved!
What is the truth at this moment is not important anymore, what is important is that the joy of reunion has surrounded her heavily.

Ruohang hugged her back, his voice choked up, "I'm sorry! I'm back!"

"Just come back! Just come back!"

Their four brothers and sisters, the only four children left by the Lan family, finally meet again at this moment!

There were tears in Sang Yu's eyes, An Qi's eyes, and even Mo Ran's eyes!

He was always afraid, afraid that the only remaining root of the Lan family would also be destroyed by Murphy.Now, Lan Ruohang is finally back, finally back... He really can't help being excited, and can't help being grateful to God.

An Qi on the side noticed the tears in his eyes, she had no chance to speak, and finally spoke: "The candles are almost gone, shall we blow them out first?"

"Yes, yes, blow out the candles, blow out the candles." Lian Xin also echoed.

Today is a very important day. It is the day when the siblings Ruoxi Ruohang reunite. , is Chinese Valentine's Day.

This is a very memorable day.

Shen Yumo took a cake cutting knife and handed it to Ruoxi, "Go, today is your birthday, go blow out the candles and cut the cake together."

"And me and me!" Lian Xin wanted to step in.

Ruoxi was crying and laughing, holding Ruohang with one arm and Lianxin with the other, "Let's blow out the candles together."

The moment it was blown out, the lights in the room were turned on.

Everyone who had been in the dark was suddenly pierced by the light, and they all closed their eyes subconsciously, and opened them with difficulty, adapting to the strong light.

Beckham cheered at the switch: "Yeah! I finally got you all!"

It turned out to be the trick of this little girl.

Ruoxi, Ruohang, and Lianxin cut the cake together.

Xiao Bei shouted again, "Sister Lan, Sister Lan, I really want to hear you play the piano, I really want to hear everyone sing, why don't you play a song, play a song, I want to hear it again! There is no music at this moment, What a fly in the ointment!"

He shouted and ran over here. ,

It's just that she was too frizzy, this was not her own home, because she was too excited, she didn't pay attention to the road under her feet, when she ran over, she suddenly tripped over a chair, and she threw herself forward, her white and tender arms Also hit the corner of the table.

"Ah—it hurts—" she cried out like killing a pig.

"Who told you to be so frizzy?" An Qi, who was closest to her, went to help her.

"It hurts, it hurts...Sister Anqi, don't add insult to injury..." She cried out plaintively.

"I don't just want to add insult to injury, I also want to add insult to injury!" An Qi smiled angrily.

"I won't argue with you about Big Brother Mo anymore, you're still like this, aren't you too narrow-minded?"

"Come here and sit down, I'll sterilize you." Azi had already picked up the medicine box at home and sat down on the sofa.

It is the bounden duty of a doctor to save the dying and heal the wounded, let alone the injury in their own home, of course Ah Zi can't pretend that he didn't see it.

Xiao Bei immediately went over and sat down on the sofa obediently.

There were two scratches on her arm. There were no blood marks, but the scratches were not light.

Ah Zi skillfully sterilized and sterilized her, then picked up the bandage, and while preparing to bandage her, he said: "This wound is not serious at first, and it is not suitable for bandaging in summer, as it is easy to fester. But your personality is too frizzy, In order to avoid further injury, I'll wrap it up for you, and change it once a day, no matter if you see Ruoxi Ruohang or Sangyu, you can let them wrap it up for you."

"Can I find you?" She looked at him expectantly.

No wonder others said that a serious man is the most attractive, she seems to have fallen in love with him, is this the so-called love at first sight?

Sangzi raised her head and gave her a strange look, "Of course!"

Isn't he bandaging her now?Why is this girl so weird?It is even better than their Sangyu.

"Yeah!" Once her arm was bandaged, she cheered again, hugged his neck and kissed him on the face, "Thank you, Brother Sang!"

She seemed to like calling people Big Brother, and she called Mo Ran Big Brother Mo, Feng Qingyang Big Brother Feng, Shen Yumo Big Brother Shen, and now she called Sangzi Big Brother Sang.

However, Sangzi had never met such a passionate girl before, she was stunned by her actions, blushed a little, and glared at her, "Little girl, don't mess around!"

She just giggled.

When everyone watched this wonderful scene, they all felt incredible.

Ruoxi also smiled, and walked to the piano.

Strands of melody drifted out from her fingers, and it was a tune that everyone was familiar with.

Lian Xin is also a music lover, and couldn't help humming softly along with the tune.When singing to the depths of passion, the girls present all sang along:

"let go love don't run away

爱 不 是 想要 得到 能 得到

谁 赢 谁 输 已 再 重要

能 痛痛 快 快 一 就 好


No matter how many winds and rains there have been, no matter how many dangers there will be in the future, at least at this moment, they are in a world of love.In this world, there is only love, no hate; only reunion, no separation; only happiness, no sorrow;
Mo Ran and An Qi looked at each other, Feng Qingyang and Sang Yu stared at each other, everything was kept silent.

Sangzi and Lan Ruohang held hands tightly together.

Shen Yumo looked at Ruoxi from the beginning to the end, and really loved her!Whether it's the pure and young girl in the past, or the gentle and watery girl later, or the independent and self-reliant girl now; every aspect of her fascinates him deeply!

In the living room, everyone's voices gradually disappeared, and finally, Ruoxi's low and soft voice sounded:

"let go love don't run away

一辈子 能 有 几 机会 寻找
有 多少 辛苦 去 炫耀
能 看 你 一生 到 老

That's fine

This is her song for everyone.

In the world, there is no true love that does not experience wind and rain. Everyone has suffered a lot before they can be with the one they love.

If time cannot stop at this moment, then this moment, such a beautiful singing voice, will always live in everyone's memory.

This party lasted until very late, before everyone dispersed.

Shen Yumo was the last one.

He took out a document and handed it to Ruohang, "Ruohang, this is Yunzhou, now that you are back, I will return it to you intact."

"Yunzhou?" Azi was surprised, "Isn't this sold to Mo's?"

Shen Yumo just smiled.

The three big families that used to go hand in hand, the Shen family, the Feng family, and the Mo family, and now the majestic Mo family can be defeated by him, let alone a small Yunzhou, he wants to take it back without any effort.

Ruohang didn't take it, and smiled calmly: "No one in the Lan family will notice these things. The only thing that is reluctant to give up is that Dad's hard work was wasted. And none of the people in our family is suitable for business, so we stay in Go there, you can give it to Shen, and you will get better results than us."

In fact, he also had another meaning, that is, he hoped that Yunzhou could tightly link Yumo and Ruoxi together, not to separate them so clearly, and not to separate them easily.

Shen Yumo nodded, "Okay, then I will settle in Shen's with 20.00% of the shares, but Yunzhou will always be Yunzhou, and I will not let it disperse."

It was Yunzhou who connected him and Ruoxi again in the first place, and of course he would make it last forever.

"It's getting late, I'll take you out!" Ruoxi said.

"Hmm!" He nodded.

They walked out of the gate of Lan's house together.

At this time the night was very deep, it was already past twelve o'clock, the wind was very light, and the moon was very still!
They walked slowly along a river downstairs.

He knew that she had something to say to him.

He also knew what she was going to say, so he didn't speak, and he really hoped she wouldn't.

However, after they walked step by step, paragraph after paragraph, she finally struggled to speak: "Yu Mo, I want to thank you!"

"no need thank me?"

"Thank you for helping us bring Ruohang back!" she said solemnly.

"You don't have to thank me, I can do something for you, I am very happy!"

"No, you know what I'm talking about." She paused, and then said, "I want to thank you for bringing Ruohang back from a road of revenge, and also brought me back from a road of no return. .”

If he hadn't tried his best to persuade Ruohang, she believed that Ruohang would not come back at this time.They all want to take revenge, she wants to take revenge, Ruohang also wants to take revenge, the road of one person is too difficult and too extreme, Yu Mo wants them to reunite, so that they can be in the warmth of their loved ones, not let go of their loved ones, and not for the sake of revenge And lose yourself.

She understands his painstaking efforts.

He stopped, stood in front of her, and stared affectionately: "Don't thank me, it's because your natures are not bad, so if you want to thank, thank yourselves!"

He can't take the credit, the guilt of "I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me" will always live in his heart. He's only afraid that he didn't do enough, or that he didn't do well.

(End of this chapter)

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