President, don't be your woman

Chapter 95 I will give you whatever you want 1

Chapter 95 I will give you whatever you want 1
Let her read all the information first, and he only found some information about two years ago, and the address of the Wang family. How much can he know from such a long distance?

She looked at her watch, "It's past eleven o'clock, they should come back from selling vegetables, right?"

I can only wait, otherwise even if I go to the vegetable market to look for it, I'm afraid I won't be able to find it.

Because she only knew Xiao Wang, she didn't know what his family looked like.

At 11:30, from a distance, they saw an old and a young figure walking towards this side. The old one was pushing a small cart, and the young one was only about six or seven years old, holding a vegetable basket with two hands, It looks heavy.

"Is it them?" Shen Yumo asked.

"I haven't seen them before, how could I know?" Ruoxi said angrily.

They waited until they were about to walk in before they went up to meet them.

Ruoxi was the first to speak: "Auntie, hello!"

When the old lady heard that it was Mandarin in China, she was startled, "Who are you?"

"You may not know me, but your son has been a driver in our family, you should have heard of my name, my surname is Lan, and my name is Lan Ruoxi!" Ruoxi didn't think too much, and reported her own name name.

When God heard her name, his face turned pale instantly, "I don't know anything, don't ask me."

Then he pushed the car and quickened his pace.

It's just that she is already a faltering old man, no matter how hard she runs, she can't outrun them. Shen Yumo quickly catches up with her, "Ma'am, we don't have any malicious intentions, we just want to ask you something."

"I said I don't know anything, why do you ask? Don't you think our family is not miserable enough? How far do we have to hurt us before we are reconciled?" The grandson walked in the direction of home.

And that little guy, when she pulled his little arm, he couldn't hold the basket immediately, and fell to the ground, and some scattered vegetable leaves in it also spilled out. He hurried to pick it up, but the old lady pulled him forcefully, " Don't pick it up, let's go."

"Then we won't have anything to eat." The little guy insisted, squatting down to pick up the leaves on the ground.

Seeing this, Shen Yumo also squatted down to pick it up with him, and asked while picking it up, "Little friend, tell uncle, what's your name?"

"Wang Zhi."

"Where's your mother?"

"What's the matter with you?" The old lady pushed Shen Yumo when she heard this, "What kind of man are you to bully a child? Xiaozhi, get up and go home with grandma."

The little guy saw that grandma was angry, so he didn't dare to pick it up again. He just took a little in his hand and followed grandma home.

Then as soon as you enter the door, quickly lock the door.

It seems that nothing can be asked.

Ruoxi and Yumo looked at each other.

"What now?" she asked.

"This little Wang's mother, she must know something, otherwise she wouldn't say nothing as soon as she opened her mouth. Isn't this place without money? But why did she turn pale with fright when she saw you?" He couldn't figure this out either.

"If you don't know, I don't even know."

Right now her head is already in a mess. In fact, although she didn't want to admit it along the way, it was indeed fortunate that he followed, otherwise she would go alone to this unfamiliar place and really don't know what to do That's good.

"I don't think we can ask anything today, so let's think of a way!"

"Then shall we return without success?" She seemed a little unwilling.

He thought for a while, then looked in the direction of the old lady who was eating, and she was also looking at them.He led Ruoxi and walked over, squatted down in front of her, and asked: "Ma'am, can I ask you something more?"

"About the family? I don't know much."

The old lady was a shrewd master, she glanced at him as she spoke.

He also immediately understood what it meant, so he took out his wallet from his body, but found that the Russian currency he had exchanged before had been used up, so he took out some RMB, "Ma'am, sorry, we have run out of rubles, and the RMB can be used up." ?"

"It won't work." The old lady shook her head.

Shen Yumo was in trouble now, looked at Ruoxi, no need to ask, this girl must have not been prepared before.

Although Ruoxi couldn't understand what they were talking about, but seeing him take the money, she knew what was going on, and the other old lady shook her head at his RMB, she thought, her own RMB must be useless.After thinking about it, she took off her necklace from her neck and put it in the old lady's hand.

The old lady's eyes widened in surprise, and she looked at the diamond necklace. Although it was not very big, the diamond on the pendant was so sparkling that it almost dazzled her eyes, and she knew it was worth a lot.

"Can you say it now?" Shen Yumo seemed to be familiar with the greedy nature of human beings, and asked, "What happened to the family surnamed Wang? Where is the child's grandfather and mother?"

"I don't know. They moved here a year ago. There is no grandpa, only the old lady and grandson, and the grandson's mother."

"Where's the child's mother?"


"Run away?" Shen Yumo was taken aback.

Ruoxi saw his expression, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong?"

Before Shen Yumo could speak, the old lady said again: "Yeah, life is too difficult, as you can see, the little grandson is picking up the leftover vegetable leaves, which are all peeled by others in the vegetable market. The grandparents and grandchildren live like that. But the child's mother couldn't bear this kind of suffering, so she left the child and ran away alone."

"Then you said, they moved here a year ago?" Shen Yumo asked again.

"Yes, a year ago."

"Are you sure it was a year ago, not two years ago?"

"Sure, sure, don't think my old lady is old, she has a good memory!"

That's right, otherwise I wouldn't be so shrewd and ask him for money directly.

After asking the questions they wanted to ask, and there was nothing more to ask, Shen Yumo stood up and walked in the same direction as when he and Ruoxi were coming and going.

It's just that during the process, Ruoxi turned around and looked at the necklace on the old lady's hand several times. It was a birthday present given to her by her father when she was still alive, just because of those few questions that she couldn't understand ,Gone.

I feel a little bit sad.

Shen Yumo noticed her movements, but said nothing.

Forget it, they are all belongings outside the body, and people can't come back, so what are you still keeping?Ruoxi asked herself not to look back, and asked Shen Yumo, "Where are we going now?"

"Let's go eat!"

What to do next, he still needs to study carefully.

However, I didn't expect that when I walked to the entrance of the alley, I saw an unexpected person...

"Ayang?" Ruoxi called out in surprise.

"Why are you here?" Shen Yumo was also surprised.

"I came to look for you." Feng Qingyang said.

"Looking for us?" Ruoxi was even more surprised, "How do you know we're here?"

"Last night, A Zi called Sang Yu, and I answered it. He told me that you came to Russia. In fact, we flew from Vienna to Moscow yesterday and planned to take that girl to play for a few days. Unexpectedly You are here too, I asked him for your address, and I came here without stopping."

"Did Sang Yu come over too?" Ruoxi immediately asked.

"Here we come! I was clamoring that I must come to pick you up, but that girl was jet-lagged and hadn't slept all day and all night. The transportation here is not very convenient, so I booked a room at the hotel and let her rest first. Let's go, let's go to the hotel first!"

They came to the hotel together.

She didn't expect to be able to reunite with her relatives in such a remote place. Ever since Ruoxi disappeared and returned, Sang Yu hadn't seen her yet.

When the two sisters reunited in the private room of the hotel, Sang Yu jumped up and down happily, hugged her and only shouted: "Sister, it's really you! My God, it's really you, brother and I I didn’t believe it when I said it, I didn’t expect you to really come, oh my god, it’s really you, I miss you so much, sister!”

Ruoxi was also very excited to see her, "I miss you too, and Ayang, how have you been doing these two years?"

"Sister, can you talk now?" Sang Yu exclaimed again.

"Didn't you already know this?" Feng Qingyang asked funny.

"That's right!" Sang Yu scratched her head in embarrassment, and then began to complain about her, "Sister, what's the matter with you? A Yang and I saw the news of your return to China on TV, but you didn't even notify me. Ours. I called my elder brother and said that we would go back. The elder brother said nothing and would not let us go back. Ayang said that there must be a reason for you not to let us go back. We did not go back. Sister, what are you doing these days Ah, why didn't you let us go back? Also, where have you been all these years? Why didn't you contact us?"

There were too many questions, and I didn't have time to take a breath, so I asked them all at once.

Ruoxi simply didn't know how to answer.

Shen Yumo said with a smile to Feng Qingyang, "It's not easy for them to meet each other, so I guess they can't finish talking for a while. Ayang, you help them order something to eat, Ruoxi has hardly eaten since getting on the plane. "

"Then what are you going to do?" Feng Qing raised his eyebrows, as if to say, you ordered me, what are you going to do?

"I'm going out, I have something to do."

"What are you going to do?"

"A little personal matter."

Shen Yumo didn't say anything.

Feng Qingyang glanced at Ruoxi, and Ruoxi also looked at Shen Yumo, wondering what he was going to do.

He smiled at her, and then said to Sang Yu: "Sang Yu, your sister has a bad appetite recently. I don't have the ability to persuade her. It's up to you. You persuade her to eat something. I owe you a big debt." Favor to you."

"Aren't you going to take care of your business? Hurry up and leave!" Ruoxi blushed, so she could only hurry him away.

"Sister, sister, have you reconciled with him?" After Shen Yumo left, Sang Yu asked her.

"No, he insisted on following." Ruoxi didn't want to talk about her and Shen Yumo, so she quickly changed the subject and asked, "How have you been in the past two years? With A Yang, how far have you progressed?"

The last sentence was whispered in Sang Yu's ear.

Sang Yu blushed, unable to answer, she glanced at Feng Qingyang.

Who is Feng Qingyang?He is a master of love in the game world, and he can understand what it means with just one look, but he doesn't talk about marriage, he just pretends that he doesn't understand, and raises his lips to Ruoxi with a half-smile: "What are you talking about whispering? Ruoxi, the two of you Long time no see, you seem to be more beautiful! Music genius, philanthropist, your achievements are not small!"

"Come on, I haven't talked about you yet, where has my sister been abducted these two years? Running all over the world, she probably forgot where her home is!" Ruoxi also laughed at him.

"Where can it be? Didn't she run all over the world to find your sister?" He was afraid that she would get involved in marriage again, and then said, "I'll go out and order food for you. Talk slowly."

After speaking, the person disappeared.

There were only the two sisters left in the room, and they could talk about everything.

(End of this chapter)

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