President, don't be your woman

Chapter 96 I will give you whatever you want 2

Chapter 96 I will give you whatever you want 2
Sang Yu pulled Ruoxi to sit down on the sofa, and asked enthusiastically: "Sister, tell me quickly, how do you know how to talk?"

"When I saw my mother that day, I didn't know what was going on and I yelled out."

"We can't believe it. I saw you on TV that day. Your voice is completely fine. You can't hear any problems. Your singing is better than before. You don't know how excited I am and how much I admire you. It 'sperfect!" Sang Yu became more and more excited as she spoke, and finally said something in English.

"Not bad, English has improved a lot!" Ruoxi laughed at him.

"Ayan said it. I saw you singing on TV the other day, and he just said this sentence, and I learned it accordingly. Sister, you don't know, that person is really a genius. He is proficient in the languages ​​of many countries. Well, when we arrived in the UK, he could speak English, when we arrived in the US, he could speak American, and when we arrived in Germany, he could also speak German..." Sang Yu kept his three sentences in the air, and he spoke eloquently.

"Then will you tell me, how did you end up with Ayang?" Ruoxi asked again.

"This..." Sang Yu scratched her hair and said embarrassingly, "I met him when I was selling clothes in that mall, and then I went to Shen Yumo's company one time and wanted to scold him , I ran into him again, he invited me to drink, and we got to know each other."

"Drinking?" Ruoxi subconsciously thought of the other side.

"Sister, sister, don't think about it. I have nothing with him. I just treat him as a buddy who can get along well. Later, I found out that he likes you, so we came out to find you together. We really It's nothing." Sang Yu hurriedly explained to her.

Whether Ruoxi believes it or not, she knows that Feng Qingyang only has Ruoxi in her heart, so she must make it clear that she doesn't want Ruoxi to think of him as something.

Seeing her eagerness, Ruoxi smiled, "Don't be nervous, I didn't say what you guys have, of course I know that our Sang Yu is not such a casual girl."

Sang Yu stuck out her tongue embarrassingly, thinking to herself, she is really such a casual person.

Twenty minutes later, Feng Qingyang came over with a small dining cart, "You two beauties, come and eat! The handsome Feng Da will serve you personally!"

"Men serve women, shouldn't they?" Ruoxi laughed.

"Should be! But it's better for your family to come? I also heard that you guys are in dire straits. Why did you come here together this time?"

"He was the one who followed here with a stern face."

"You mean Shen Yumo? Seriously?"

I'm sorry, Feng Qingyang really couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

It was really hard for him to associate Sipilailian with Shen Yumo.

Sang Yu also laughed, "I really don't know what President Shen Da's expression will be when he hears these words."

"Stop talking about him, let's eat!"

Ruoxi doesn't want to mention him.

However, I couldn't think about it, he was almost the same as her, he didn't eat anything along the way, wasn't he hungry?
It was not until an hour later that they had finished eating that Shen Yumo came back slowly.

No one knows where he went or what he did.

Feng Qingyang sat beside him, "The Wang family, what's the situation?"

"What Wang family?" Sang Yu asked confusedly.

Ruoxi knew that they had to talk about the next arrangement, and didn't want Sang Yu to know too much, so she said, "Sang Yu, don't you have a jet lag? Go and rest first!"

"No! I want to be with you, listen to what you say!" Sang Yu was extremely curious.

"You are obedient, go to sleep, I will tell you about this later."

"Okay!" Sang Yu pursed her lips unwillingly, and went back to the bedroom.

Both she and her eldest brother have a problem, that is, they will never refuse Ruoxi's request.

Feng Qingyang asked suspiciously: "That girl is very curious, why didn't you let her know?"

"She has a pure heart, I don't want her to be affected." Ruoxi said lightly.

"Then you protect her like this, is it good for her?"

"I don't know, but protecting my sister is a basic responsibility of being a sister." Ruoxi didn't want to talk too much, "Let's get back to business and see what to do next."

Feng Qingyang took a look at the details of today's noon. His opinion was the same as Shen Yumo's, and he also said: "That old woman must have something wrong. Listening to the few words she said to you, it seems that she is also a victim. They Something must have happened a year before moving here. However, why was she so scared when she saw Ruoxi? "

No one can figure this out.

Feng Qingyang looked towards Ruoxi, "What did you do to her?"

Ruoxi ignored him when he asked nonsense.

"It's probably impossible for the Queen Mother to tell us what happened, or we can start with Xiao Wang's father, who is addicted to gambling and obsessed with money. As long as you give him money, he should tell us." Shen Yumo Say.

"I think it's okay!" Feng Qingyang agreed with him, "Well, I still have a few friends in Moscow, I'll ask someone to check and find out where this prince is. As for the few of us, Let’s just stay here first, and we’ll talk about it after we’ve figured it out.”

"Well, go check it out, you have a lot of contacts in this area." Shen Yumo agreed.

"Look, you Mr. Shen sometimes feel inferior to yourself." Feng Qingyang didn't say a few words, and joked again, "Ruoxi, did you see? It's too late to regret it now, don't follow him, follow me , I am no worse than him."

"Go away!" Ruoxi hit him with the pillow on the sofa, "In the future, no one can think of you, if you dare to betray my sister, I won't let you go, do you hear?"

"This is your attitude towards your savior?" Feng Qingyang threw the pillow back to her again.

Anyway, it doesn't hurt anyone.

Shen Yumo didn't want to intervene in their laughter, but he still asked, "What savior? What's going on?"

If Ruoxi didn't have time to stop her, Feng Qingyang told him everything, "The first time she went to deliver documents to you, she ran a red light on the road, if I didn't brake quickly, her beautiful leg would probably be broken."

Speaking of this matter, he felt angry, "I wanted to help her deliver the documents with good intentions, but she would rather run with a limp than believe me."

Shen Yumo was startled for a moment, Ruoxi never told him about it in detail, if the steward Wei hadn't told him then, probably Ruoxi wouldn't have taken the initiative to tell him.He never knew it was so serious.

That's right, Ruoxi's kindness to him can never be described in words.

Ruoxi was very embarrassed when she heard this, and hit Feng Qingyang again with her pillow, "It's been so long, what are you doing so clearly? You stingy man!"

"I'm stingy?" Feng Qingyang became even more unbalanced, and yelled again, "And the second time, when it's raining, you are wandering in the street, your clothes are soaked, and there are gangsters who want to bully you, what do you say , Did I save you? If it wasn't for me, you would have been bullied!"

Is this the second time?
Shen Yumo's face changed, and he asked Feng Qingyang, "When did it happen?"

"The past!" Ruoxi hastily interrupted their words.

Feng Qingyang didn't know what to say, so he insisted on saying, "Just before you and Mo Fei were going to get married, she went to your company. When you didn't see her, she wandered around the street, got wet from the rain, and met a little hooligan. , luckily I hit you, you should all thank me."

Hearing what he meant, it seemed like he was asking for credit.

Ruoxi understood, however, that he was arguing for her, and he wanted Shen Yumo to know all the grievances she had suffered.

But now that he knows, what's the use?
After Feng Qingyang finished speaking, he stood up, "I am a hard-working person, I was born to work hard for you, and now I will open a room for you!"

Also, by the way, leave them a space to get along alone.

Ruoxi was really embarrassed, she didn't know how to face Shen Yumo, looking around this room, she really didn't know what Feng Qingyang was doing with such a big and luxurious room, it should be the so-called presidential suite.

Her heart was pounding, she avoided Shen Yumo's eyes, and deliberately said in a calm tone, "It's all in the past, you don't have to worry about that, I'll go find Sang Yu."

However, he was sitting on the outermost side of the sofa, and she was inside. To go to Sang Yu's room, he had to pass by him, so he suddenly stretched out his hand to give her a hand.Although she had taken precautions, he was too strong, and she couldn't stand still, and fell on him all at once.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

"Why should I tell you?" She struggled, "Let me go!"

He remembered that in those few days, she went to his office to look for him, but he refused to see her.The weather at that time was very abnormal, and it rained one night. That was when the incident happened, right?
She was kind to him and never said it with her mouth.

However, his bad treatment of her was well known to the world, and his notoriety was notorious.

She really deserved her for not forgiving him, and he really deserved to go to the nineteenth floor of hell.

Ruoxi struggled for a long time without breaking free, and in a panic, beat him on the shoulder vigorously, "Hurry up and let me go, or I'll call someone!" She threatened him.

"Then you call!" He was not afraid of her threat at all.

In fact, she really didn't dare, for fear that Sang Yu would rush out just like that and see what they were there.Although they don't have that at all.

But with such an ambiguous posture, she was ashamed to see people.

He shackled her to his leg with one arm, freed one hand to grab her fist, saw her joints were red, "Does it hurt?"

This girl really doesn't care about fighting.

She spent a lot of effort, but she couldn't break free. She glared at him and growled, "Shen Yumo——"


He continued.

This belated sorry, although he knew that a million words of sorry would not make up for the harm he did to her, but it was the first time he said sorry to her in such a serious tone.

It was also the first sentence of sorry in his life.

Even when he broke up with Lianxin, he never said this sentence.

He always thought that it was Ruoxi who betrayed him, but in fact, what she did has far made up for the harm she did to him.

She has always been tolerant to him, tolerant and tolerant, and never complained about anything.

Ruoxi was also taken aback because of his sorry, and then said: "I don't want your sorry, you can tell others, I don't need it."

He just hugged her tightly.

Then, she was pressed down on the sofa by him.

"Shen Yumo, what are you going to do?" She was taken aback.

Now, he still dares to use force on her?
"I don't want to do anything."

Really, he just pressed her down and didn't do anything else. His usually restless palms were honest at this moment, and they didn't move around her body.

But such a posture is extremely ambiguous.

She was ashamed and angry, "Bastard, you die, I don't want to see you, I don't want to talk to you again, damn it..."

(End of this chapter)

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