Chapter 120 Surprise!Thirteen Bloody Eyes 【2】

Those crimson eyes were cold, as long as he took a look at them, even just a single look, they would be terrified!

This is the terrible Thirteenth Master!
This is the real road tour city!
That lore, that cruelty, that devilish Luyoucheng.

The blood-red eyes were full of killing, his demon-red robe danced without wind, and there was a murderous aura flowing all over his body. In just a moment, the atmosphere in the whole hall became extremely tense.

Su Sakurayue felt that the hairs all over her body were standing on end, she looked nervously at that cold face, her heart started beating wildly for no reason, her voice was almost trembling, "Brother"

"Go away!" His brows and eyes were curved, revealing little waves like spring water, but the murderous intent hidden in the corner of his eyes should not be underestimated, Lu Youcheng glanced at Su Sakurayue lightly, and hugged the thin bones tightly with his hands Jue Wushuang, who was like firewood, had a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and those eagle eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts were full of blood, and the corner of his mouth was curved like a crescent moon.

A naughty smiling face, turning all living beings upside down, coupled with those blood-colored pupils, the whole person feels like a Rakshasa walking from hell, full of chills!

"Brother Thirteen..." Su Sakurayue opened her mouth, not daring to move forward.

This Lu Youcheng is no longer that gentle and cynical Brother Thirteen, but that indifferent and heartless man, Lu Youcheng.Blood-red eyes, Rakshasa-like murderous aura, as long as he doesn't like something, he will definitely play you to death!
It's not that Su Yingyue has never seen him like this, but she was just surprised, why did he suddenly change and she didn't notice it at all, and Man Yu is not here now, what should she do?
In her eyes, the current Luyou City is undoubtedly a killing machine, as long as anyone provokes him, then he will definitely die without a place to bury him.

Seeing Su Sakurayue stepping back so timidly, Xuanyuan Jin curled up her eyes with a puzzled expression, "Master Sister Shuang'er down quickly, she is seriously injured and needs to be Heal."

He was about to take a step forward, but the red glow in Lu Youcheng's eyes surprised him a lot.

Why, with just such a simple gaze, he felt that the blood in his whole body was congealed, and he couldn't move away when he stood there, motionless.

He was still thinking about going forward. At this moment, Su Sakurayue grabbed Xuanyuan Jin's clothes. He looked back and quickly asked, "Princess, what's the matter with Thirteenth Master? It seems that he suddenly changed like a person."

Su Sakurayue shrinks her neck timidly, not daring to speak, and even finds it difficult to breathe.

How can she stop such a road trip around the city!What made him so angry that he suddenly turned into a devil?
"I...Xuanyuan Jin, let's run away quickly, we can't afford to offend the current Brother Thirteen." It's not that she didn't see Lu Youcheng killing people, but that his killing methods were too fast and bloody, and he just blinked Kung fu, all I saw was a pool of blood, not even bones!

"Princess, what's the matter? I think there's something wrong with Lord Thirteen..." Xuanyuan Jin narrowed his long and narrow eyes into a line, and looked at him carefully. Those blood-red eyes were full of fierceness. With just one glance, he unexpectedly A little nervous.

Lu Youcheng held Jue Wushuang in both hands, as if he was holding a treasure, and walked up to them with his long legs, staring at Xuanyuan Jin's rosy white face, and snorted from his nose: "Get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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