Chapter 121 Surprise!Thirteen Bloody Eyes 【3】

"Xuanyuan Jin, let's let him go quickly." Although Su Yingyue didn't know where Lu Youcheng wanted to take Jue Wushuang to go at this moment, she could understand that he didn't want to hurt her, otherwise, why would he be in his hands at this moment? Still holding her cold hand tightly, sending her wind elements continuously?
The wind, the wind of the earth.

When strong, turn the tide; when weak, tenderness is like water.

He is the messenger who controls the world, and the king of madness who can erupt at any time.

He is the best healing technique in the world, a thousand times better than the water attribute Miao Wuyan!
Therefore, seeing Lu Youcheng holding Jue Wushuang so carefully, her whole heart fell. Perhaps, the blackened Lu Youcheng only had a little conscience for those who protected him. He knew who treated him Well, however, it may be because Lu Youcheng is still a little conscious in his heart, he is controlling his blackened self, so he had to let them get out of the way.

"Princess, what's going on? Wasn't it fine just now?" Xuanyuan Jin couldn't figure it out at all.

Lu Youcheng, who is as cold in heart as he is on the outside, is a cruel guy. He didn't relax his hand holding Jue Wushuang. Instead, he raised his red robe and pointed at Xuanyuan Jin who was blocking his way with his fingertips. A wicked grin appeared between his teeth.

With every step he took, his smile became more seductive.

"Xuanyuan Jin, with you as a Gintama four-star soul master, can you block my way?" The blackened Lu Youcheng has never had the sense of humor like Lu Youcheng, and he would never call himself 'Master', On the contrary, it is a sentence of "my palace" that shocks others!
As one of the most important heirs of Emperor Zhuyue, Heihua Lu Youcheng has complete confidence in this point.

His expression was not moved at all, there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, his handsome face was filled with seemingly inexhaustible youth, his eyes were fiery and piercing, making people look at him and feel scared.

"Where are you taking her?" Xuanyuan Jin directly avoided his question, but asked him anxiously.

This Lu Youcheng is not someone he knows on a daily basis, his complexion is frosty, without a smile on his face, his brother Lu in Mengyue Academy is a young man who can speak well and loves to laugh, he has never had such a bloody expression.

Heihua Lu Youcheng didn't speak, but looked at them coldly, with flames in his eyes, almost burning.

Just looking at each other like this, as if a century had passed, the air in the entire room froze, no one could take a breath, they were all suppressed by this powerful aura!

Seeing that Lu Youcheng didn't react at all, Xuanyuan Jin frowned deeply, his thin lips parted slightly, his voice was not cold and stubborn before, but with a kind of sternness. "Lu Youcheng, where are you taking her?"

He was talking about Lu Youcheng, not the honorable Thirteenth Lord.It can be seen that this time, Lu Youcheng really angered him.

However, Heihua Lu Youcheng didn't move at all, there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were blood red, his demon red robe was spread out, and Jue Wushuang was tightly wrapped in it, even if he didn't speak, but that kind of arrogance Xuanyuan Jin felt a little suffocated.

"Don't go, where are you taking Sister Shuang'er?" Xuanyuan Jin regarded Jue Wushuang more than anyone else, and he was more anxious than anyone else.

"By you?"

Thin lips parted slightly, Lu Youcheng's voice was colder than before, but with a lazy taste, the twinkling light in his eyes made it hard to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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