Chapter 150 Crazy!Escape from the back mountain【3】

Blood splashed into the sky in an instant!
Sprinkled on the green grass, it seems to be proudly telling its achievements.

Hearing a painful wail, he saw the wolf-headed knight who was flaunting his power just now crashing to the ground, not even giving him a chance to fight back. The big black bear stabbed out again, and rushed towards Another leading wolf-headed knight.

Killing the opponent in one go, this is simply an instant kill!
The herd of beasts behind the big black bear boiled, and they all danced wildly in unison, dancing that weird dance step again, as if they were advocating momentum, and also seemed to be cheering.

Jue Wushuang let out a low cry in surprise, it's amazing, there is no such thing as an instant kill!

Seeing that big black bear looks bloated and ugly, she didn't expect it to be quite powerful. It really is that people cannot be judged by appearances, and sea water cannot be measured. She has seen this point this time.


There was another tragic howl, and another huge body fell to the ground lightly, with blood splattered everywhere. The black fur of the big black bear was covered with blood, which made people feel a little disgusted.

Although Jue Wushuang was a supernatural being in her previous life, she did a lot of things like using a knife, but what she likes most is killing people with a knife, so she rarely does such things by herself.

The only difference between killing yourself and using others is that the blood doesn't need to be splashed on yourself!

As cunning as she is, she hates sticky things like blood the most in her life, so naturally she doesn't like to use knives and guns.

But good guy, this big black bear strangled several leading wolf-headed knights of the enemy in one breath. This momentum is very arrogant. I saw it raised its weapon high, looked up at the sky, and let out a rage, as if it was declaring war. victory.

At the same time, the animal swarm quickly started to run, and continued to go far away, just bypassing their hiding place. Wherever the big black bear went, it turned into bamboos lying in disorder, making a mess .

Those wolf-headed warriors who fell on the ground trembled, with blood gurgling from the corners of their mouths. However, they were trampled mercilessly by the herd of beasts behind them in the next second.

However, for some unknown reason, these hordes of beasts bypassed them. For some unknown reason, only Lu Youcheng's demon red robes danced in the air, and his nimble eyes blinked with surprise and pride. is proud.

Lu Youcheng must have used some method to let the herd of beasts bypass them, but his face was calm, and Jue Wushuang also knew how to read words and gestures, and gave him a thumbs up.

Seeing her actions, Lu Youcheng felt a little uncomfortable, his face turned red with embarrassment, and he giggled as if shy, the voice was like the tinkling of spring water, beautiful and pleasant.

Jue Wushuang narrowed his eyes at him, with a hint of envy in his eyes. "I didn't expect that, you are quite capable."

"This is just the beginning, don't relax too early." Lu Youcheng frowned, his face was a little uglier than before.

"Impossible, they've all dispersed." Jue Wushuang looked towards the ground, and sure enough, the herd of beasts left quickly.

"It's over like this?" What, I thought there would be more bloody and exciting scenes, but I didn't expect to climax so soon!Did you make a mistake?

However, at this moment, a soft voice suddenly came from below.

(End of this chapter)

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