Chapter 151 Crazy!Escape from the back mountain【4】

"Sorry to bother you two..."

This voice is very gentle. If the gentle voice of Lu Youcheng is the tinkling spring water, then this gentle male voice is the stream flowing in the mountains. It makes people feel happier.

Without waiting for a reaction, Lu Youcheng grabbed Jue Wushuang's arm again and flew down in a hurry, which made her complain a little bit, please, jump if you want to, at least remind you in advance?It was frightening.

Also, whether men and women can kiss each other!
This tour of the really is.

When they landed on the ground, they saw a figure quickly flashing in front of them. This man was tall and tall, wearing a snow-white robe with a little light shining. fairy.

The visitor is cold, with light steps, and his movements are so fast that you can't see his direction at all. Just when you thought he was still far away, he has already appeared in front of your eyes, making you mistaken for a ghost. It's very uncomfortable.

The cloak cap on his head deeply covered his forehead, and only his sharp and sharp chin could be seen, which made people suddenly want to know what was in that handsome face. What a shock.

Of course, mysterious people usually have an awesome nickname.

And the person in front of him, looking closer at the white robe on his body, can see an extremely beautiful pattern embroidered on the chest, that thing is indeed unfamiliar to Jue Wushuang, but it is extremely complaining to Lu Youcheng .

Why would people from the Red Lotus Sect come here?
He would often go to Mengyuan Lake to bathe and rest, and he had never met anyone from the Red Lotus Sect, but today's beast tide had just begun, so it was a bit strange to meet a member of the Red Lotus Sect.

Of course, the person from the Red Lotus Sect didn't know him.

But with this special mark on their bodies, who doesn't know the reputation of their Red Lotus Sect?
Relying on puppetry to gallop in the wizarding world, use soul power to turn puppets into living people, and control them to participate in battles.

The battle many years ago, if it weren't for the Red Lotus Sect, I am afraid that the Moon Dynasty would not have such a glorious moment...

These are firmly remembered by history, but gradually faded into the minds of ordinary people, but for the royal family, Lu Youcheng is no stranger to the Red Lotus Sect.

After all, the Man family has a very good relationship with the Red Lotus Sect, and now several children of the Man family have been sent to the Red Lotus Sect for further studies.

The man in white was dressed too mysteriously, it seemed that he should be a member of the Holy Envoy.

Jue Wushuang stared intently at the robe on his body. It was exquisitely embroidered with red, green and blue clover patterns. In the blink of an eye, the day she woke up, the person she met here immediately appeared in her mind. A few weirdos in black.

The one called "Jiu Lan" must have a lot to do with the person in front of him.

They have the same embroidery on their bodies, so they should come from the same teacher.

The exquisite pattern is a cross-flower pattern, with green flower vines entwined, and the embroidery is lifelike, as if it is alive. After a few more glances, it seems that the flowers are flowing. Of course, that is just an illusion.

This prominent sign is already too obvious!

"I didn't expect to meet people from the Red Lotus Sect here..." Lu Youcheng whispered something, and looked at the man in front of him with a pleasant expression, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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