The demon king grabs the concubine: the waste material soul master will defy the sky

Chapter 377 The 'Merry' Affair Between Master 3 and the Little Princess 【12】

Chapter 377 The 'Merry' Affair Between the Thirteenth Master and the Little Princess 【12】

Looking at her back silently, Hua Sang's cold eyes froze, leaving only a burst of frost in his eyes.

"Then you thawed me out anyway!"

The ice luan bird is very strong. Once it is frostbitten, it is difficult to thaw immediately.

Hua Sang's entire arm was frozen, and he could only look at her from a distance, showing no intention of turning back.

This girl... is really not worrying at all.

Liulidian, the main hall.

The wind blew the treetops, making a rustling sound, a bit like tickling, so gentle.

Jue Wushuang put his hands behind his back and looked towards the empty courtyard.

Thinking about the next step, thinking about it, I was already fascinated.

I don't even know when someone has quietly walked into this piece of tranquility.

"Tongtong, sister will definitely come back. Don't worry." Give her time and courage, and she will definitely go back.

In that world, there are the relatives she loves the most, and the relatives she is most reluctant to part with.

The moon is like a silver hook, and the sky is full of stars.

The wind was blowing, and there was a little breathing sound behind him, rising and falling.

"Ming people don't do secret things, they have been standing there for so long, why are they still reluctant to come out?" Jue Wushuang spoke coldly to the darkness, his words were cold without a trace of warmth.

"Heh..." Immediately, a forthright male voice erupted from the darkness, seeming to be a hearty person.

Jue Wushuang glanced back, and immediately saw a tall figure not far away. The man was very tall, his whole body was black, his outline could not be seen clearly in a trance, only a pair of burning eyes could be seen. Eyes are looking at her, "Who is it?"

That person didn't speak. After realizing that Jue Wushuang saw him, he was still so calm and calm. He didn't look like a frightened bird at all. There was a sting of being hurt.

"Lu Youcheng?" Jue Wushuang asked suspiciously.

There was no sound, but the whole atmosphere became a little cold.

In the darkness, the corner of the man's lips curled up, and in an instant, he disappeared.

Jue Wushuang chased after him, but there was nothing there.

Was what I saw just now an illusion?
But there is still a stranger's breath in the air, who is that person?

If it was a friend, why didn't she reveal her identity; if it was an enemy, why did she attack him before she found him?

In the dark courtyard, only a few scattered lights illuminated it.

Jue Wushuang opened his hand with a swish, and a ball of thunder lighted up in his hand.

The purple light illuminated the entire empty courtyard, which looked very magnificent.

Where the man stood just now, there were only a few feathers...

Jue Wushuang picked up the feather suspiciously, looked at the colorful light on it, and growled in surprise, "Colorful phoenix?"

No, no, this feather doesn't look like a phoenix, what kind of creature is this?
Who is that man in the dark?


A series of mysteries plunged Jue Wushuang into deep thought. Holding the feather, she didn't say a word or move for a long time.

at this time--

"As expected of Princess Liuyue, she discovered me so quickly." Lu Youcheng said with a playful voice, almost mocking himself, looked at Jue Wushuang, and suddenly walked out from the corner.

The black shadow sets off his silhouette even more beautifully. He is dressed in bewitching red, always cynical, suave and graceful.

"It's you?" Jue Wushuang watched Lu Youcheng approaching, and immediately put the feather he picked up in his hand into the ring.

"It's so boring. I was walking around, and I came to the Liuli Palace by accident. Seeing the dark lights here, I thought something happened, so I came in to have a look." Lu Youcheng walked forward while talking.

(End of this chapter)

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