The demon king grabs the concubine: the waste material soul master will defy the sky

Chapter 378 The 'Merry' Affair Between Master 3 and the Little Princess 【13】

Chapter 378 The 'Merry' Affair Between the Thirteenth Master and the Little Princess 【13】

"Stop, you, don't come over!" Seeing his approaching figure, Jue Wushuang hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't come close to me, stay away from me." After the hug during the day, Jue Wushuang felt an inexplicable panic about Lu Youcheng.A hug made it so easy for her to become a waste material from dirt to slag, to dust, and became a topic of discussion after dinner.

She can fully imagine that the news about her and Lu Youcheng spread all over the streets, and there must be many people talking about her vase and accusing her of something wrong.

But what about Luyoucheng?
Fortunately, he didn't have to be responsible for anything, and he took advantage of himself for nothing.

This person is really hateful.

Lu Youcheng could see her nervousness, so he just smiled. "Shuanger girl, why are you so afraid of me?"

Raising an eyebrow, he said with a sneer. "I have never seen a piece of trash that can freeze our former mercenary king. Hua Sang stood outside the door for a long time. In late spring, the temperature difference between morning and night is too big. You still let ice The Luan bird gave him a blow, tsk tsk..."

After that, he deliberately paused.Blinking, "Why, do you hate Hua Sang very much, how about letting me protect your safety?"

"Who wants you to take care of it!" Jue Wushuang retorted immediately, she didn't want to see this person again, she had been lied to once or twice, if it wasn't for good luck last time, she had some kind of connection with the soul pet anyway, If it wasn't like this, he would have been killed by Lingzun in Mengyuan Lake long ago.

"Okay, okay, I don't care, I don't care." Lu Youcheng watched her keep dodging backwards, and felt a burst of joy in his heart.

This girl is really fun, really interesting.

"Tell me, why did you come to see me?" Seeing that he didn't take a step forward, Jue Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief. After all, she usually has a good temper, and the previous grievances are over. Well, you can't always be with him, right?

Anyway, he is the thirteenth master Lu Youcheng, a powerful wind-type soul master.

And today's test, he must have cheated.

Otherwise, how could it be impossible to detect a high-level Gintama suddenly?
Maybe, he is really a rare elementalist...

Jue Wushuang guessed in his heart, guessed for a while, and didn't know what Lu Youcheng came to find him for.

He didn't panic, he raised his leg and took a step forward, getting closer to Jue Wushuang, the two of them were almost at hand, as long as he stretched out his hand a little, he hooked it, and he had another chance to hug the beauty in his arms.

The situation is not good!Jue Wushuang snorted coldly, and saw a white light flying out immediately, rushing towards Lu Youcheng's arm.

Feeling a burst of coldness, Lu Youcheng's pupils widened and his expression was astonished.

"Hmph, don't take advantage of me, just stand there and say what you want." Jue Wushuang pursed his lips proudly, and looked at his evasive movements with a smile, as if he was distorted with joy.


There is no shadow of Lu Youcheng here, and the alluring red dress can't be seen in the blink of an eye.

Where did he go?

"Heh, girl Shuang'er really worked hard to give me such good ice." Slowly, a pair of warm palms were already wrapped around her waist, the corners of her lips slanted upwards, Lu Youcheng squinted his eyes Looking at the ice that fell on the ground, in just an instant, that piece of ground was solidified into a snow-white piece.

Fortunately, he hid quickly, otherwise, he would end up the same as Hua Sang.

This ice luan bird is really powerful.

"Quickly tell me, what do you need me for?" Jue Wushuang was deflated, and looked at him coldly, this person is not restless at all, where are his hands?

"The Fragment of the Eight Desolation Maps." Only five words spit out from Lu Youcheng's thin lips, Jue Wushuang swallowed all the words in his stomach, and stared at him stupidly with wide-eyed eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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