Chapter 443 Provocation!Blind [10]

"Isn't it?" Su Sakurayue immediately shot back, "Brother Thirteen, you are a cold and cruel person known to everyone in the world, and everyone is afraid of you! Only us Shuangshuang actually caught you, haha, it's really amazing what!"


Lu Youcheng and Jue Wushuang have black lines on their heads.

I only felt a group of crows flying over my head, and I felt thousands of grass and mud horses galloping in my heart.


An exclamation interrupted their conversation.

All the people looked at Ximen Yu together.

His long hair fluttered into weeds, and there were traces of blood on his white obscene clothes. He looked very embarrassed, as if he had aged a lot in an instant.The wrinkles on the whole face can be clearly seen.

"Your Majesty, this minister is loyal to the imperial court and has absolutely no intention of doing anything wrong. The same is true for Princess Liuyue. However, now that the evidence is solid, this minister has nothing to say."

"In order to prove Wei Chen's innocence, Wei Chen is willing to die to show his will!"

Everyone didn't know what he would do, Jue Wushuang's heart ached at this moment, could it be... not good, he wanted to commit suicide!
But it was too late, only to see Ximen Yu roll his eyelids, and then Moon Emperor shouted loudly, and grabbed forward uncontrollably!
I can't catch anything, and I can't stop it. All that's left in my hand is air!

"Ximen Aiqing!" Zhu Yuehuang hurriedly said.


Scarlet blood spurted from Ximen Yu's mouth, and his whole body fell to the ground like a piece of paper.

Desire to die!

Ximen Yu has always lived an innocent life, but this time, he was framed like this.

He...will not rest in peace.

"General Ximen, it is indeed a good thing to admit the crime, but it is not worth dying for, right?" At this time, the faint voice of the prince Zhu Zhanhuang came out, his long and narrow eyes narrowed into a line, and the corners of his lips seemed to be a little mocking It means, "Besides, Princess Liuyue is fine. He just needs to rest for a few days, and the medicinal effect will be lifted naturally. He really shouldn't just die like this..."

"Really, it made my dream come true, how bloody!" The sharp voice fell into the ears of others, who didn't realize that it was a pity to lose a life, but felt that the crown prince loved the new crown princess so much.

Zhu Zhanhuang hugged Feng Mengchu, Feng Mengchu's body is very weak now, she doesn't even have much strength to speak, and she is still recuperating, so she looks weak and weak, her body is almost attached to the Standing next to Zhuzhan Huang, the whole person seemed to have no bones.

"Mengmeng, did you scare you just now?" The voice was full of love and affection.

Only then did Feng Mengchu recover from the shock just now, and shook her head again and again, "No, with the crown prince by my side, I won't be afraid of anything."

"Haha..." Zhu Zhanhuang was in a good mood, happily took a drink from his glass, "Haha, my sweet dream, how can I praise you! Haha..."


Zhuyuehuang listened to Zhuzhanhuang's words, it was obvious that no one forced Ximen Yu this time, it was because he was too paranoid, that's why he ended his life hastily.

The rhetoric of Zhuzhan Huang just now was also for him, otherwise, how could he lift his old face in front of so many lovers?

"Father, just as the crown prince said, General Ximen did make mistakes, but his mistakes did not lead to death. It has nothing to do with all of us that he ended his life hastily like this. However, it is a pity that the imperial court lost a good general." Lu Youcheng also went along Following Zhu Zhanhuang's words, he did not forget to add: "Father, I suggest giving some pensions to General Ximen's family, so that the general's descendants can enjoy the opportunity to enter Mengyue Academy and contribute to the court."

(End of this chapter)

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