Chapter 444 Mystery of Life Experience [1]

"Father, I suggest giving some pensions to General Ximen's family, so that the general's descendants can enjoy the opportunity to enter Mengyue Academy and contribute to the court."

"I agree with Thirteenth Brother." Zhu Zhanhuang looked at Lu Youcheng, and finally his eyes fell on Jue Wushuang, who was weak and motionless. There was a slight change in those bright eyes. I don't know why. What are you thinking.

Jue Wushuang always felt a pair of eyes staring at her, but she couldn't find who it was!

"According to what you said, what do you think?" Zhu Zhanhuang finally stood his ground. He thought it was a pity just now, but now he suddenly felt that it was good that Ximen Yu died, so that the ministers saw such a loving emperor.

"The emperor is wise, long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

All the subjects got half shorter, and the Moon Emperor had a slight smile on his face, and the wrinkles at the corners of his mouth became deeper because of this.

Only Jue Wushuang's eyes fell on Sun Miaoyin, without leaving at all.

This ugly beauty scorpion, one day I will tear your face apart, follow the clues, and find the person behind the scenes.

Thinking this way in her heart, suddenly Jue Wushuang only felt a sudden attack from her chest, her eyes blurred, and she fainted.

"The princess!"

Hua Sang, who was on the side with sharp eyes, immediately saw Jue Wu put his hands down softly.

The figure quickly flashed to the side of Lu Youcheng, and shouted nervously, "Princess, princess, what's wrong with you!"

Jue Wushuang was unconscious, and fell limply in Lu Youcheng's arms, his face pale.

Hua Sang's movements were quick, and she immediately raised her hand to feel her pulse, and it turned out...

An unexpected thing happened, he frowned tightly, looked at Lu Youcheng with an ugly face, even his voice was trembling, "Oh no, this is not cartilage loose!"

Generally speaking, cartilage powder only needs to be cultivated for a few days.

There is no need for an antidote, and there is no antidote for the cartilage powder. You can only wait for the residual poison in your body to slowly dissipate, and you can recover your physical fitness in three to five days.

But Hua Sang actually said it wasn't cartilage powder!

What could it be? There is only one thing in this world similar to cartilage powder, and that is the extremely poisonous bloodthirsty cup.

The bloodthirsty cup is colorless and odorless, and it will be poisoned if touched. Therefore, the poisoner will put the bloodthirsty cup into a container in advance, then pour it into the needle hole, blow it out with breath, and hit the target, just like sticking a needle Similarly, the poisoned person will feel like being bitten by a bug somewhere in the body, and will not feel pain.

However, in the blink of an eye, the whole body will be paralyzed.

I can't even speak. The longer the poisoning time, the weaker the body will be, and finally become unconscious.

And, will always fall asleep like this.

Until, the poisonous gas attacked the heart, and the body and mind were infected by the poison, and finally, he died in his sleep like this.

Lu Youcheng's face darkened, he didn't dare to continue thinking, he glanced at Hua Sang again and again, his voice trembling, "It's not cartilage powder, what do you mean..."

Hua Sang opened his mouth, but felt that his throat was hoarse, and he couldn't say a word at all.With a hoarse voice, she looked at him with moist eyes, her Adam's apple moved up and down, but she couldn't open her mouth no matter what.

"Ah?" Su Sakurayue was also on the side, guessing the possibility of the bloodthirsty cup in her heart!Suddenly there was a startled voice, "Could it be...could it be that thing?"

"Yes, it's the bloodthirsty cup." Lu Youcheng held Jue Wushuang's hand tightly, and watched the red lines suddenly appear on her wrist, frowning. This is the mark of the bloodthirsty cup, from the wrist to the A red line will grow on the chest. The longer the red line, the deeper the poisoning, and the slimmer the chance of being rescued.

When the red lines extended to his chest, even if Hua Tuo was reborn, he would not be able to return to heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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