Chapter 459 Bone Corrosion Lingering [7]

Lu Youcheng glanced at it and just nodded. "Go and prepare Qianshan Snow Lotus, Black Snake Gallbladder, and Longquan Water. I know where to find them."

"Where?" Zhuye Tong stared at Lu Youcheng with his big eyes in a daze, he only felt that Brother Thirteen was really irrational, could this be the so-called love? 9
Love, impulsive, vigorous.

Teach people to lose their minds!

What's more, Lu Youcheng didn't have such impulsiveness in the past. He has never been close to women, and he has resistance to anyone, but Jue Wushuang is an exception.

Love can be impulsive to the point of getting hotheaded, but... a lifetime is so long, it is impossible to have such enthusiasm until the end.

Zhuye Tong shook his hand, seeing that Lu Youcheng didn't want to answer at all, he immediately raised his hand and waved at him! "Brother Thirteen, where are you going! Where can there be Longquan water?"

Lu Youcheng has always known that Zhuyetong is a precocious child. Although his ability is average, his mind is more sophisticated than many people, so they have a common language.

"Go find the nightmare." When the name was said, it happened that Hua Sang was also about to enter the house.

"What did you say!" Hua Sang rushed in aggressively from outside the house, almost looking at Lu Youcheng in horror, "You said you were looking for a ghost? That devil!"

"En." Lu Youcheng didn't show any ups and downs in expression, but looked at Hua Sang with bright eyes.

"Nightmare! The envoy of reward and punishment who was sealed in the pagoda?" Zhu Yetong, as a royal family member, is also a student of Mengyue Academy. Of course, he knows who the nightmare is, but generally there are only a few talents in the nightmare. will know.

"Only he has Longquan water." Lu Youcheng looked at him firmly, the earnestness in his eyes was almost burning.

Zhu Yetong couldn't believe it!

"Brother Thirteen, are you crazy! For this woman, you take risks, and your opponent is still a nightmare, and your ability can't fight him desperately! Is it worth it for you to do this?" Zhu Yetong almost broke through his throat and roared With a sound.


That devil-like divine beast, whose main body is a black dragon, has a very dark heart. Since Zhuyetong can remember, all the royal family have kept silent about why he appeared in the spiritual tower. Everyone must be strong.

Longquan water is on his body, but you have to live to get it!

Moreover, he was in the depths of the spiritual pagoda, where there was a sea of ​​fire all over the sky, full of his fire of punishment, even if he saw the nightmare, his skills would have been halved by the fire of punishment long ago.

Zhu Yetong didn't want his thirteenth brother to take such an adventure.

"It's okay." Lu Youcheng smiled evilly, "I have my own way."

"I won't let you go!" Zhuyetong yelled, very angry.

But how could Lu Youcheng want this little kid to stop him?He left like a gust of wind, and in the blink of an eye, he had already appeared in the small courtyard.

"Just relying on me to visit the city, isn't it still the opponent of the nightmare?" His arrogance was almost so scorching.

At this moment, Hua Sang rushed out immediately and stood beside Lu Youcheng, "I'll go with you, two people are better than one."

"You're gone, then who will take care of Shuang'er?" Lu Youcheng raised his eyebrows, his mind was still thinking about Jue Wushuang's strength that he didn't want to fight before, now he fights against it.He can't let his woman suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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