Chapter 460 Bone Corrosion Lingering [8]

Hua Sang bit her lip, "Then you, take care."

The wind blows their hair, so beautiful.

But this kind of atmosphere is quite tense, Zhu Yetong looked at Lu Youcheng, and could only nod, "Brother Thirteen, you have to be careful."


He just nodded, turned around, and disappeared in front of everyone.

Wind-type soul masters don't need any mounts at all, they can go wherever they want!
Only a pair of watery eyes looked at the people outside, and cursed inwardly, what a feat!Don't you know that the master has been tempered by the fire of punishment, and has reached the point where all poisons are invulnerable?

Just one night and she'll be fine.

This tour of the really a waste of time to die.

Pippi hid in the spirit beast space and snorted coldly.

"Hey, but I think this Luyoucheng seems to be very sincere to the master!" The Bingluanniao at the side also suddenly joined in the fun.

"Shut up, woman, it can only be mine." Pippi's eyes showed jealousy, he must be Yushu Linfeng's handsome spirit beast Hunter Thunder!It's much better than that Lu Youcheng, hmph, he's the one who can always be by Jue Wushuang's side, oh no, beast?
Human and beast?Such a combination?

Pippi suddenly felt like he was thinking too much.

"Tch, with your virtue, don't you know that there is a more powerful beast hidden in the master's body?" Bingluanniao looked disdainful.

"Hiding what?" Pippi narrowed his eyes, very upset, women have never told him these things.

"Leisuo, her soul beast was originally the ancient Thunder God! The body of the dragon is said to be as beautiful as a fairy, even evil beings, because it violated the rules of heaven, so it was demoted to a divine beast. But as arrogant as it is, it has become silent. After many years, they were discovered by a strong man, and they signed a contract to dominate the world."

"It's just that I didn't expect that the strong man made people jealous and was hunted down. I heard that the opponent was the Nightmare at that time. Lei Suo and the Nightmare were also divine beasts. The strength of both sides was comparable. In the end, both strong men died. Nightmare and Lei Suo will naturally die too!"

"It's just that at that time, for some unknown reason, Lei Suo was sealed, so he didn't die, and the nightmare... was blackened under the hatred, turned into a black dragon, and was imprisoned in the spiritual tower."

"That Lei Suo is much more handsome than you, and the Nightmare is not a thing in the pool, do you still think you are beautiful?" The reason why the Bingluan Bird knew this was because it was a cute gift given to Jue Wushuang by the emperor. Pet.

In the palace, it had heard about these secrets as early as when it was a ball.

Therefore, when Jue Wushuang signed the contract with him, he felt the powerful thunder element, which was both familiar and unfamiliar, and guessed in his heart that Lei Suo was sealed into her body.

When it felt that power, Bingluanniao knew that its master would not be a creature in the pond, and would definitely turn into a phoenix!
"..." Pippi stopped talking, and just said contemptuously, "Hmph, what is he, Lei Suo? I am more beautiful than anyone else!"

"Touring the city this way, if you want to challenge the nightmare, you deserve to die." A dissatisfaction escaped from the corner of his mouth, and Pippi closed his eyes and began to practice.

The Bingluan bird didn't bother to pay attention to it, and fell asleep on its own.

The warm wind was blowing, and bit by bit the wind blew into the room, blowing to the bedside, Jue Wushuang was dripping with sweat, his whole body seemed to be suffering, it made people feel pain in their hearts.

Hua Sang sat on the side, watching her suffering, turned her eyes to look at Zhuyetong, at this time, Zhuyetong also happened to be looking at him.

The two looked at each other, and suddenly said together: "Do you think he can come back?"

Can you come back?

It seems to be everyone's expectations, doubts, and desperate thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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