Chapter 628 The Light Shines in the Rematch 【7】

If people knew that he taught him spells, his head might be lost.

Curse is a unique spell that belongs to the Puluo Kingdom, it cannot be passed on to outsiders, and that thing is not taught to him by him, but he comprehended it himself. I didn't expect that Zhuye Tong could understand their witchcraft.

At this moment, thunder broke out!

The roaring sound was instantly deafening, and some spectators without soul power turned pale and could only cover their ears, forcing themselves not to hear such a fierce sound.

However, the situation has not been alleviated. The thunderous thunder and the rapid lightning, no matter what method you use, it is unavoidable.

The thunder in the sky and the black clouds almost became more ferocious.

But Lu Heng in the audience was not affected at all, instead, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his lips. "I hurt my sister, hum, I want you to look good!"

"Crackling" a strange lightning was drawn into the arena, the golden thunder and lightning exploded, and the golden-purple lightning surrounded a monster, the lightning dispersed, and a violent Thunder Beast with strange lightning all over appeared!
In an instant, the only ray of light in the entire arena was the lightning flashing on the violent Thunder Beast.

"Rage Thunder Beast, teach him a good lesson!"

Lu Heng pointed to the mysterious man standing over there, with a confident smile on his lips.

After a burst of violent weather, the entire blackness of the sky became shocking, and the shocking thunder did not sound again.It's just that the thick black fog still shrouds the place.

The man in black's robe fluttered with the wind, but he stood still.

It's as if there is some conspiracy that is gaining momentum...

The steady steps and calmness made Bailisu more interested in this person.

What kind of strong man can be so arrogant, look down on the world, and ignore everything?
How powerful is he?

The berserk Thunder Beast is covered in lightning and has a huge body. Even the spirit beast Huo Qilin has a little fear when it sees it. After all, they are all divine beasts. Divine beasts with the same thunder attribute have always been extremely rare. I didn't expect Lu Heng to be able to attract souls at such a young age. The truth is played to the extreme.

This power is many times stronger than Xue Yingxiu's before.

The real body of the Violent Thunder Beast is a tiger with purple light all over its body. Its hair is white and purple, and the golden purple light shines instantly. Bai Lisu almost squinted his eyes to stare at this strange beast.

Powerful, with a purple body, every step it takes is steady, and its body is surrounded by purple light. With such a huge body, it is afraid that it will die if it is just slightly bumped.

Xuepen opened his mouth wide and let out a roar, his face looked a bit hideous.

With wise light in his eyes, he stared straight at the mysterious man. Because of his anger, the purple light all over his body was even more studded with lightning.

"It's you?" The Violent Thunder Beast roared in a low voice. Although the low voice was small, it was still deafening!
And the purple light on its body intensified several points in this low growl!
"Rage Thunder Beast? Heh, I didn't expect that the Moon Dynasty still has a few brushes." The mysterious man replied softly, and everyone could hear the disdain in that voice clearly.

"Stop being arrogant!" Lu Heng threw off his sleeves, let out a cold shout, clasped his hands together, and the seven-star formation flashed under the violent Thunder Beast's body again, muttering something, and blurted out a soul-inducing formula again.

(End of this chapter)

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