Chapter 629 The Light Shines in the Rematch 【8】

"The seven-star array turned into lightning.

Frightened by the power of heaven, bind it with a matchmaker! "

The Violent Thunder Beast let out a rage, and the purple light on its body instantly turned into a thunderbolt. The light of lightning rushed towards the mysterious man!

"Wow..." It was just an angry roar, accompanied by bursts of thunder, heading towards the mysterious man!

The thunder light had bursts of purple-gold light, making people feel that countless thunder lights flashed in front of their eyes, and they only felt that their eyes were bright. No one dared to look at such a strong light, so they could only close their eyes.

Only Zhuyetong and the others on the referee's seat watched the fierce battle with their eyes open.

Jue Wushuang also stopped to watch such a scene, the Lei type...

It seems that there are some mysterious people who are not in her knowledge.

The thunder light flickered, and the violent thunder beast roared.

"You mortals, you actually disturb my master?"

There was a bit of sullenness in that voice, but it sounded a little creepy. Purple light ignited on the violent Thunder Beast, and a thunder whip flew towards the mysterious man.

There were bursts of thunder flashing in the air, purple light blooming, and a huge force flew towards him. Even Bailisu, who was standing in the ring far away, felt that this force was extremely powerful.

Seeing Lu Heng's face in a blink of an eye, a trace of paleness appeared.

Her heart couldn't help but sink, a little uncomfortable.

Although Lu Heng's strength is strong, and he has used the soul-inducing formula to the extreme, he is still a child, and using such super energy will cause unimaginable harm to his body.

If it goes on like this, maybe his body won't be able to hold on, and instead will be backlashed.

He glanced coldly at the mysterious man, but saw that he was motionless at all, and saw that the purple light had already flashed in front of his eyes, but he still didn't move at all.

Just so calm, so steady, thinking that everything is under his control.


The violent Thunder Beast stood there coldly, its body surrounded by countless thunder lights, and its aura was stronger than before.

This person looks so weak, shouldn't he be scared stupid?

Sneering coldly, Lei Guang has already dazzled in front of his eyes!
The mysterious man who was still motionless just now raised his hand. The hand suddenly stretched forward and grabbed the lightning whip that was shining with purple light. The purple light stalked towards his hand, bringing Bursts of powerful thunder and lightning.

However, the mysterious man was not moved at all.

Instead, with a wave of his hand, he grabbed the thunder whip tightly and threw it towards the audience in the audience.

However, because of the restriction of vitality, the thunder whip was blocked when it fell on the stage, but the powerful thunder whip fell on the top of the restriction and shook the whole vitality, and some cracks could already be seen on it .

With such a powerful Thunder Whip, if the Violent Thunder Beast uses all its strength, the result can be imagined.

However, this mysterious man caught the thunder whip empty-handed. His strength... must be ignored.


Lu Heng couldn't help but let out a low sigh, as expected of being strong, and it fit his outfit, so mysterious. "Do you think you can defeat the Violent Thunder Beast after escaping this trick?"

The voice was extremely clear, with a hint of strength.

Dean Li He of Mengyue Academy frowned slightly. How could he not know that a master of this level could easily hold a thunder whip, maybe he is either a thunder attribute or a person who is more powerful than a soul master up.

(End of this chapter)

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