Chapter 633 The Light Shines in the Rematch 【12】

"Stop talking nonsense, today is your death day!" Jue Wushuang growled, seeing that he didn't move, but was a little puzzled, wondering what the hell he was doing.

There was an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, and there was a trace of hatred in Li Chenxing's eyes.

The voice was like an ice cellar, and all the hatred was poured into that voice, spreading throughout the Bund of Mihe Town.

"If that's the case, it's also your time of death!"

The voice became colder each time, and her emotions became more excited each time. Jue Wushuang narrowed her eyes slightly. Although she didn't know what he was talking about, she understood that this was a real war.

No matter what he said, did he think that his loud voice could bluff people?She, Jue Wushuang, is not submissive and afraid of hard work!

Raising his hand, Jue Wushuang held the thunder whip and turned towards Li Chenxing.There was a trace of determination in the voice, "Hmph, die!"

With a purple light, with a thought, the plain hand held the thunder whip, and a flash of colorful lights flashed in an instant. In just a split second, the thunder whip suddenly turned into a strange weapon.

With one hand held high, a purple shield suddenly formed in the air. Jue Wushuang held the shield in one hand, and flew towards the mysterious man with swift movements.

And the hand suddenly split open.

A bright purple light suddenly flashed, and suddenly a purple super artifact appeared.

Everyone exclaimed, the shining light almost blinded everyone's eyes.


"How could that trash have such a powerful weapon..."

"But I think she still has no soul power?"

"No, that's not right! Her body exudes the aura of a king, which is as powerful as Jin Zun's soul power!"

"No... no, this is completely impossible!"

Everyone in the audience was crazy about it.

Jue Wushuang was not moved at all.

Li Chenxing stared at his blood-red eyes and trembled slightly.

The hand that raised the Chixia Sword suddenly swiped forward, only to see a dragon roaring in the sky appearing out of thin air!

Why is this man so powerful? It turns out that he has integrated swordsmanship and martial arts into his unique moves.

Jue Wushuang didn't neglect either. He swiped his hands in the air and let out a low growl, "Thunderhunting!"

Hearing the crazy growl, a fiery red figure descended from the sky, suddenly supported Jue Wushuang on his body, and flew towards the red dragon in the sky.

"Ah, she was able to form spiritual consciousness with a thunder-type soul beast!" Someone exclaimed, and then called everyone back from the panic just now.More people started a heated discussion.

"Hunting thunder is a god's favor, so lonely and high-spirited, how could he listen to the drive of a mortal?"

The voice became more and more excited, and everyone's eyes were attracted by the excitement on the stage.

"Who is this little girl, and why is she so powerful?"

"She...she, she, isn't she that useless princess Jue Wushuang...God, when did she become so powerful?"

"Ah, have you heard?"


"Feng Qingcheng is dead, Xuanyuan Zihong is missing, and his life and death are uncertain. Could it be that this woman did it?"

"I don't think so. They treated Jue Wushuang that way back then. This time it must be retribution."

"Think about it, I didn't know this person before, and I don't know where it came from..."

"That's right, she is the descendant of Princess Yongle Zhu Zhiyun!"

"A descendant of a goddess!"

I don't know who said a word, which shocked everyone into silence.

Goddess, this word is taboo throughout the Moon Dynasty!

(End of this chapter)

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