Chapter 634 The Light Shines in the Rematch 【13】

Goddess, this word is taboo throughout the Moon Dynasty!

What happened that year, some people have gradually forgotten, and the next generation will not know, but no one will forget the horror of that year.

That battle between humans and monsters... that dispute... no one can forget, let alone dare to forget.

Heaven and earth are wrathful, and humans and beasts are fighting.

If it wasn't for Princess Yongle, if it wasn't for her...would the current Moon Dynasty be as prosperous as it is now?

Who dares to say, who dares to ask again?

The chaotic voice seemed to be stunned by something for an instant, and they all fell silent.

She looked towards the ring tacitly, and countless pairs of greedy eyes looked at Jue Wushuang's figure glowing with blue light, which was so dazzling and dazzling, and the bursts of cold air emanating from her body made her even more beautiful. It is suffocating.

"Hmph." Li Chenxing looked at her sitting on Lei Suo's back, looking like a general, and raised his lips to smile.

His eyes were red, and as he flew, the figure turned into a cloud of black smoke and suddenly caught up with her. When he reached the sky, he held the Chixia sword, with endless darkness in his eyes, and his methods were even more cruel.

His hands turned into thousands of strands of black silk, and he chased after Jue Wushuang!
But below, everyone couldn't see Jue Wushuang and Li Chenxing, and they were suspicious. At this moment, Sizhou Huangnan Chu Yilin suddenly ordered everyone to leave here.

"Why, why?"

"Such a wonderful battle, I haven't watched it enough yet!"


The voice of dissatisfaction floated, and the crowd was already commotion.

Dean Linghe stroked his white beard, and his voice had spread through his vitality, "Jue Wushuang and Li Chenxing are both masters, and they are afraid of hurting innocent people, so it's better for everyone to go back."

"Damn it, what's a martial arts tournament on Dog Day! It's fine if you don't show it, can you drive me away?" Some people cursed with vulgar words. It is obvious that the excitement is far better than that. They sacrificed their lives for the momentary pleasure, so they didn't care about danger or not.

"That's right, I think you are selfish, do you want to work together to beat that man to death, leaving Jue Wushuang to be number one in the world?"

"No, we won't go."


There are voices of opposition and voices of agreement.

"Just now it was the magic trick of attracting souls. Don't you have eyes? Now it's the Chixia sword... You all want to die, sir, I won't accompany you!"

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, I think everyone should go."

"It's really dangerous here. A sword has no eyes. It's not good if you hurt your peace. The Emperor of the Moon is worried about us."


At the moment when everyone was arguing and retreating, there was a sudden swishing sound in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of guards in black suddenly appeared and surrounded the entire guest seats of the tournament .

There is a three-color flower embroidered on the skirt of each black-clothed guard, which is the Red Lotus Sect.

At the moment when these black-clothed guards stood up, a man came from the sky, and stepped on the shoulders of the purple-clothed guards as if they were on flat ground.

He floated down, and he was still holding a cute little boy in his arms, looking at the scene with a flushed face, and was even more amazed by the man beside him, and his voice began to exclaim, "Brother, you just brought me here to see Look?"

(End of this chapter)

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