Chapter 657 Breaking the Cocoon into a Butterfly [7]

The air is filled with fresh blood, and the thick smell of blood makes people feel sick when they smell it!
Jue Wushuang narrowed his eyes, his body was hanging upside down in the air, a cold light shot out from his eyes, "Hua Sang, what are you doing here?"

Hearing a louder voice than before, Hua Sang couldn't help but move forward slightly, opened his mouth slowly, and stared straight ahead with blank eyes, but she knew that he was looking at her.

She can still talk, which means that the injury is not very serious.

The corners of his lips parted slowly, and his voice was a little hoarse, as if aggrieved. "So, you lied to me?"

"I have nothing to do with you, what did I lie to you?" Although Jue Wushuang's face was pale with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, he still resisted the blood in his chest and responded to his question.

Hua Sang raised his hand, and just touched the purple-red light of the five-element array, he was scratched out of the opening, and blood began to bleed from it, and the bright red blood left behind slowly, but he couldn't see any of it on his face. Pain marks.

"You are Jue Wushuang. You are the person I have been waiting for. You obviously have feelings for me, why do you still like traveling around the city..."

"turn out to be……"

The pain in her body made Jue Wushuang couldn't help coughing, she sneered, "So you're talking about this, I've told you before, there's nothing to talk about between us."

As soon as the words came out, she could also think of Hua Sang's discomfort at the moment.

He is a simple person, whatever thoughts he has in his heart, will be directly expressed on his face.

Hearing Jue Wushuang's words, he immediately showed embarrassment, and said "You..."

He blushed with embarrassment, and then couldn't say anything.

"In that case, Hua Sang, we owe each other nothing."

Her tone was full of determination and coldness, and her answer was so natural, without any affectation.

Hearing such words, Hua Sang felt even more ashamed.

His empty eyes stared at her, the corners of his mouth twitched, but he couldn't say anything, his throat seemed to be stuck by something, he squeaked, but he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

He could only stare at her direction quietly like an ostrich, revealing all his embarrassment in front of her.

"Hua Sang...if you only came here for this." At this moment, Jue Wushuang felt that his blood was about to flow out, and even his consciousness became thinner. stronger!

"I can only tell you that I am sincere to Lu Youcheng."

The fishy sweetness in the throat was immediately suppressed by the remaining willpower!

With a hoarse voice, she said lightly, "Since you already know that I have not lied to you, then you should leave quickly." Simple people.Perhaps, a person with a disability, no matter who he is, has sympathy and a trace of compassion...

Those words carried the coldness of being thousands of miles away, Jue Wushuang had to be like this in the current situation, who knows what she would do when she lost consciousness?

The power of the Five Elements Formation is strong enough to trap her, so what about the latter?What kind of evil force is that?

Although he didn't have much affection for Hua Sang, he had an ugly smile, but it was innocence from the heart, which moved her.

(End of this chapter)

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