The demon king grabs the concubine: the waste material soul master will defy the sky

Chapter 658 Breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly [8]

Chapter 658 Breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly [8]

"Let me go!"

"No, I won't go." At some point, blood dripped from Hua Sang's hand, and the blood flowed down his arm, straight towards the blood-red light of the hexagram!

He didn't give up, and roared through the air: "I won't go!"

It's just an ordinary word, but it's full of power and persistence!

"Don't go?" Jue Wushuang opened his eyes, trying hard to draw Lei Fu out, but it didn't work.

She couldn't even get in touch with Lei Suo in her body, let alone use aura.

"If you don't leave, do you want to be buried with her?" Eyelids sank, the blood in her body flowed more violently, and the unknown aura of witchcraft was pressing towards her chest!

Very depressing!

She couldn't even utter a word, and there was a faint fishy sweetness in her throat, and with a "poof", another pool of blood was spit out.

"No, I'll save you!" Hua Sang let out a low growl, and suddenly grabbed it from the air with his hand, a stream of gas suddenly rose!
In an instant, an Ice Soul Saber appeared in his right hand!

At this moment, the world has changed drastically.

The black clouds were thick and churning, like ten thousand horses galloping. In Lei Suo Lei Suo, a strong light suddenly pierced the sky.

The black sky was instantly split in half by a golden light, and the golden light seemed to descend from the sky with an irresistible force.

Light up the entire Bund of Mihe Town!The entire five-element array was illuminated, and the golden light immediately penetrated into the blood-red six-pointed star array.

At this moment, Dean Li He suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes had already turned blood red, and there was a trace of joy on his face, perhaps a trace of excitement, and he gave orders in a low voice!
"let's start!"

The short sound played the movement of death.

As soon as the words fell, I saw that the surging golden light was more prosperous than before...

The golden light shone and penetrated Jue Wushuang's body!

There was no pain, no screaming, only the body was constantly screaming, and the consciousness gradually disappeared, and it was no longer hers.I just felt that somewhere in my chest was being torn apart, breaking through wildly, as if something was about to come out.

Could it be Reso?
That trapped beast is about to move?No!Can't let him come out, he is a monster, a monster that has been enchanted by the gods!Jue Wushuang's last consciousness stopped here... Then, he fainted heavily.

"Tianwei in panic, the five elements are trapped!"


Dean Li He's old voice slowly uttered, he waved his sleeves, and there was another low and hurried voice, "Qi!"

Suddenly, five elders were seen from five directions, with Jue Wushuang at the center, forming complex seals in their hands, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly, opening and closing, and they didn't know what they were chanting.

The airflow in the air suddenly became tense, and there was a faint low voice hovering in the air, constantly singing and singing Sanskrit.

I can even feel that the surrounding air has solidified!
Wind, Fire, Thunder, Lightning, Earth, and the five Dao Yuan Talismans suddenly appeared, divided into five colors, which were blue, red, purple, and golden. Jue Wushuang's chest!

At that moment, it was almost still and quiet, as if the noise just disappeared in an instant.


It was in this short period of silence that a powerful force suddenly hit Jue Wushuang's body, stinging pain came, and the message of death was revealed in the air.


There was a terrifying roar, as if the whole body was pierced by thousands of fine needles, the pain lingered and penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

(End of this chapter)

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