Chapter 681 Adding wings to a tiger [1]

I saw such a spectacle only after flying into the air. Only in such a range did the ground start to shake and shake. Everyone on the high platform was fine, and the ground was also fine.

It seems that there is some kind of restriction|restriction, the outside is intact, but the inside is already turbulent.

"Brother Thirteen..." Zhu Yetong asked softly towards the back, "Sister, will she be okay?"

Lu Youcheng didn't answer his words, but just lowered his eyes, looking down at the five-element formation that was shaking with waves in front of him, the light waves seemed to have been attacked from the inside, and there had already begun to have obvious gaps.

Tuer, are you really going to be okay?The low question in his heart couldn't stop him from using the power of the evil pupil to penetrate the restriction of vitality, pass through everything, and penetrate into the five-element formation.

The waves in the five-element array rippled slightly, making the whole scene even more spectacular.

The young man in the red robe looked at the scene in front of him quietly with a pale face, his face turned cold instantly, and there was a faint glare of anger, "Hua Sang?"

"It's me." Hua Sang also felt that someone had broken into the spirit formation, raised his head, and faced him.

He could feel a strong aura, which almost made people feel oppressed and suffocated.

Lu Youcheng's eyes lightly glanced at Hua Sang's fair face, it looked so beautiful, Jue Wushuang in his arms already had a little bit of frost on his face, and he was using his vitality to warm her up.

Standing behind them was a slender girl. The girl was dressed extremely revealingly, with a different light flashing in her eyes. She didn't seem to be a human being, but he couldn't help the bursts of aura emanating from her. Pay more attention, that person is a beast.

"Shuang'er, are you alright?" Seeing Jue Wushuang's expression is not good, but he doesn't look injured, it seems that there should be nothing wrong.His voice had a better attitude than before.

"It's you?" Hua Sang immediately asked back.

In an instant, a voice stimulated his whole nerves. This voice, this person, he will never forget!

"It's me, I didn't expect that we would meet again after so many years." Lu Youcheng walked forward, the demon red robe was flying lightly, flying arrogantly in the air, making people feel extraordinary when they saw it!

There was an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, piercing eyes, slender and long phoenix eyes, and slightly thin lips raised proudly.

"Didn't you expect to meet me again?"

It was just a simple greeting, but Hua Sang's face sank. He immediately stood up suddenly holding Jue Wushuang, the aura of his body immediately rose, and a strong wind blew, and Mo's hair was in the wind. Wire!

Sullen with a trace of dissatisfaction, Hua Sang blinked his eyes, and his voice was extremely cold, "I will not go back with you!"


Lu Youcheng approached step by step, and Suifeng suddenly stepped forward at this moment, trying to stop him, but unexpectedly she opened her mouth, but the moment she saw his eyes full of cold light, her voice became hoarse, The whole person couldn't say a word.

This person is so powerful, just looking at each other made her feel terrified.

"Go back with me. That's our hometown." Lu Youcheng said lightly, expressing what was in his heart.

"'s really funny." Hua Sang whispered silently, the corners of his lips raised, and couldn't help showing a trace of sarcasm, "Why didn't you say these things when you abandoned me back then?"

(End of this chapter)

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