Chapter 682 Adding wings to a tiger [2]

"I know that I was born as a person who should not exist. If they kept me back then, would there be any punishment later?"

"The country was destroyed because of him and they left me!"

One word at a time, he spit out all the sadness many years ago, but there was no pain on his face, not even a trace of bitterness.

Lu Youcheng walked forward, looked at him, and said indifferently: "If the country is restored, you won't be like this."

"Who cares!" Hua Sang raised his hand, and the gust of wind in his hand flew towards Lu Youcheng with urgent vitality!

With a trace of resoluteness and recklessness, even with the determination to destroy everything, the powerful force swiftly slapped Lu Youcheng's body.

A powerful weapon rises rapidly, and in the invisible wind, you can even see the slightest burst!
The red robe was lifted up suddenly, and a fiery red wave suddenly flowed out from outside the clothes, leaping into the air and quickly turning into a powerful flame, blocking the rising icicles from the outside.

Lu Youcheng folded his arms and looked at Hua Sang with a smile that wasn't a smile, the corners of his mouth raised, and his eyes were frivolous, "They didn't intend to give up on you."

There was a hint of sadness in this voice, as if he had never spoken in such a tone before, so it seemed very stiff.

"Hmph." Hua Sang hugged Jue Wushuang, and regardless of whether Lu Youcheng was still moving, he went straight up and stood in front of him. Although his status was not as noble as his, his aura was not weak at all.

On the contrary, it is more prosperous than before.

"Have you ever had a family?" Hua Sang's demeanor suddenly changed, with a sense of reproach in his tone.

"Yes, why do you ask such a question?" Lu Youcheng didn't answer, he took a step forward, at such a short distance, it seemed as if he could hold the girl in his arms just by stretching out his hand.

"Then have you ever loved them?" Hua Sang was silent for a moment, then continued to ask.

"Yeah." Indeed, Lu Youcheng loves and respects his mother very much.

"Then have they ever loved you?" Hua Sang asked again.

ever loved him?

Heh... If he had loved, then it would be impossible for his father to abandon his mother and concubine, then his mother and concubine would not appear in this country, and he would not be able to become the current Thirteenth Master Lu Youcheng!
This sentence forced Lu Youcheng to shut his mouth, and he couldn't say anything.

"What kind of love is it?"

Hua Sang ignored this question and raised his head. In the light waves, his eyes suddenly turned into frost. ,
When you look at him, you can feel a kind of icy breath flowing out of him, reaching your heart!
Suifeng looked deeply at the two confronting people, but he didn't dare to stop him.

Their aura is too strong, she doesn't even have the strength to approach, how to stop them?
If there was a fight...the consequences would be unimaginable.

Lu Youcheng looked at Hua Sang who had already walked less than a foot in front of him. He looked straight into his eyes and cast his eyes on his face. This clean boy was once an orphan of Pu Luo, but their fate was different. is completely different.

His long eyebrows were raised, and his eyelashes seemed to be covered with broken diamonds in the halo, which made people feel gorgeous.

"No matter what kind of love it is," Lu Youcheng said softly, holding back the pain in his chest, "it has nothing to do with you."

"Hehe, it's a pity why I don't have such love?" Hua Sang roared loudly, his hair was furious, Mo's hair straightened into a straight line! "I have no relatives and no reason. If it weren't for Princess Yongle, what would I do in my life?"

"I don't have the right to choose, but it doesn't mean I can't feel, I can't hear, but it doesn't mean I can't recognize."

(End of this chapter)

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