Chapter 809 The man with stalking addiction [11]

"Niyu, there should be exits from these four walls, right?" Jue Wushuang took a mouthful of dry food and looked up at Niyu. It is impossible that there are dead mountains on all sides. There is definitely an exit, but she doesn't know where it is up.

"My sister has an exit. For other things, we can just walk along the front. You must walk in a straight line or you won't be able to get out. I will lead the way. I am familiar with the terrain here. So don't worry. Alright." Niyu patted her chest, looking confident, indeed, it was only a short distance, and she hadn't completely crossed those mountains.

"That's good." Jue Wushuang was not as excited as Niyu, and was always calm, not only on his face but also in his heart.

"Master, I still want to eat. I'm hungry, but I'm not full." Pippi ate up all the dry food that Jue Wushuang handed to her in one fell swoop, and now stared at her with wide eyes. I heard Pippi screaming "squeak".

The two turned their heads, only to find that there was a small animal on Jue Wushuang's shoulder at this time, but the appearance was too strange, it was completely different, but it was a fluffy mass, especially the watery eyes were very cute , very smart, flickering, as if talking.

Jue Wushuang turned his head to look at it. Of course he understood what it said, and directly handed it the dry food in his hand, and Pippi took it with a bounce, and continued to pick it up with his claws and eat it. He couldn't help thinking: Master What I have eaten is delicious, really fragrant.

"Shushasha." At this time, a small voice came from above the heads of several people.

Apparently all three of them heard it. It was a very strange sound, like the wind blowing the leaves here "rustling". thing.

"What dares to scare me." Niyu was the first to stand up and pull out the big knife behind her back with a "shua". .

"Don't act rashly yet." As soon as Jue Wushuang's voice fell, Ni Yu chopped down the big tree behind him with a sharp knife.

Something on the tree was suddenly startled, flew up, and then hovered over their heads, neighing.

"It's over, it's over, Niyu, you've caused a catastrophe." Li Chenxing had already heard the "rustling" sound getting louder and louder, and all the surrounding trees began to shake violently.

Jue Wushuang squinted at the thing that was startled into the air, it was a bird.

This thing is huge in size, its wings are as long as her arm. The feathers on its body are green, the wing feathers are red and white, and the neck is surrounded by blue feathers; the skin on the top of the head, neck and front of the crop is bare It is covered in feathers and is orange to red in color.

There is a large wattle on the top of the forehead and beak, and there is also a wattle on the neck. It looks colorful and somewhat like a parrot, but this animal looks almost the same as a vulture in the 21st century. Jue Wushuang feels like a vulture, especially that The sharp eyes, sharp curved mouth and sharp claws all showed the ferocity of this thing.

"No, it's a condor." Niyu exclaimed, this kind of bird is very powerful, no matter it is surprisingly strong, fast attack speed, or flying height, it is the overlord among birds, and it is also It is very ferocious, and it lives in groups. Once it strikes, there are thousands of them.

(End of this chapter)

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