Chapter 810 The man with stalking addiction [12]

"Condor?" Jue Wushuang murmured in a low voice, obviously different from the name in the 21st century.

However, it doesn't matter if you are a condor or a vulture, whoever stands in her way - kill! ! !

There are more and more of these eagles, more and more dense, and more of them occupy this forest. They already inhabit this forest. Now that an uninvited guest arrives, they must stand up and defend their territory.

Jue Wushuang only felt that the top of his head was covered with blackness, it felt like black clouds were overwhelming the city, and the whole sky was filled with these eagles, all the eagles spread their wings and hovered in the air, singing In particular, a condor with the sharpest eyes stared straight at Jue Wushuang.

"Sister, what should we do now? These eagles have identified the enemy, and they won't let go until they kill the enemy." Niyu stood beside Jue Wushuang with a knife in her hand, looking at these ferocious eagles from time to time, If you are accidentally pecked, you will lose a piece of meat.

Another difficult thing for these eagles to deal with is persistence. As long as they identify the enemy, they will not let these people escape easily. They are actually waiting, waiting for an opportunity, and even lining up their own team. shape, so as to tear the three of them apart in one fell swoop.

"Kill!" Jue Wushuang said a word indifferently, took out some freshly picked silver needles and shot them at the eagle above the sky. When it was like a hidden weapon, its speed was as fast as lightning, and it quickly shot more than a dozen eagles in the sky.

It's just that the condor is not such an easy character to deal with. The silver needle shot at it, it just neighed a few times in pain and seemed to be on the verge of falling, but it still kept flapping its wings.

"Chirp! Chirp!" A condor in the sky neighed the loudest, and the other condors swooped towards Jue Wushuang and the others as if they had heard an order. There are probably thousands of condors here. If it is pecked on the body, it is estimated that the whole body will be torn immediately.

Ni Yu brandished the big knife, the sound of the knife whistling in the air, the big knife was like a long dragon, slashing through the air in a hurry, leaving behind a trail of lights and swords.

As soon as the condor came into contact with his sword, it was split in half immediately, blood splattered everywhere, and a lot of the condor's blood dripped directly on Niyu's face, but he didn't waver at all, just stood there There, he continued to swing the big knife flexibly, and the big knife kept changing directions in his hand, but those eagles continued to hit upwards as if they were not afraid of death. There were too many of them. After killing a few of them, they immediately There are others rushing up, Niyu dare not relax at all, once he relaxes his vigilance, these eagles will surround him and tear him to pieces.

Li Chenxing's side is not much better, he is surrounded by condors, he is jumping nimbly, the sword in his hand is like a thunderbolt, cutting iron like mud, there are so many condors, not only to prevent His attack will also defeat these eagles.

The sword in his hand is blue, just like Jue Wushuang's grudge is blue, and he keeps flipping his wrist to pull out the sword flower to block the menacing eagles.

Jue Wushuang has more condors than these two, densely packed, but for some reason, these condors keep a certain distance from her, not daring to approach her, Jue Wushuang is not in a hurry, and moves his body lightly , constantly changing her movements, these eagles hovered as her body moved.

These eagles didn't dare to get too close to her because Jue Wushuang kept swaying the silver needle grass, and the silver needle grass became smoother the more he used it, every shot would hit the eagle's eyes directly.

(End of this chapter)

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