Chapter 818 The man with stalking addiction [20]

"Soul Devourer? No!" Li Chenxing shook his head, he had never heard of this thing, but he knew it was a kind of poison.

"Sister, I seem to remember hearing it from my grandfather when I was young. I can't remember it for a while." Ni Yu frowned. This thing is really familiar, but now no matter how I think about it, I can't remember what it is. , just like you have impressions of many things, but you don't necessarily remember them carefully.

"Why did Jue Wushuang suddenly ask this? If I'm not mistaken, Soul Eater Powder should be a kind of poison, and it's a strange kind of poison, because I haven't even heard of it!" Li Chenxing thought he was studying. Thousands of volumes, thousands of miles traveled, knowledge can be regarded as a profound person.

"Soul Eater is indeed a strange poison, but what I want is the antidote." Jue Wushuang looked coldly at the opposite mountain wall, it was very desolate, only soil and rocks, what she wanted was more than Soul Eater The antidote for the powder, and the antidote for saving the eldest prince, she will find them all.

"Since this is a strange poison, I guess this kind of antidote is also very rare." Li Chenxing is an extremely smart person, and this poison is very mysterious, let alone the poison. However, the antidote is more difficult to research than multi-poison.

"Sister, I seem to remember something about Soul Eater, but it's not very clear." When Ni Yu was chatting with them just now, she kept thinking about Soul Eater, Soul Eater, After thinking for a long time, I finally found something.

"Tell me, what kind of strange poison method is it?" Li Chenxing became interested, turned his head, but accidentally fell on Jue Wushuang.

Her waist is very slender and thin, like a willow branch, her whole body is so black that there is no trace of variegation, the only whiteness is Pipi sleeping on her shoulders, she sits between the two men, her whole body is indifferent She felt like a devil coming from hell, more like a high queen.

Her whole body is icy, a hundred times colder than a snake wrapped around her neck. When it reaches her eyes, her eyelashes are long and curled up. Her pair of beautiful eyes are so dark that they have bottomless eyes, but her expression is cold and indifferent. This woman makes people unable to read, see clearly, or figure out.

You seem to be separated from her forever by a wide glacier, you are at one end, and she is at the other end, the only distance you can feel is coldness, estrangement, and sense of distance!
Niyu said slowly: "Soul Devourer, this kind of poison is slow, sexual, poisonous, and medicine, and it will attack once every month, and the poison attack will last for a year, that is, in the first twelve You won’t die within each attack of poison, but if you don’t take the antidote before the No.13 attack, you will die from the poison during the No.13 attack, the blood vessels in the whole body will burst, and the bones and muscles will be damaged to death.”

"This medicine is really strange. It is so chronic that it can last for a year. I really don't know who developed this medicine!" After listening to Niyu's explanation, Li Chenxing couldn't help being surprised. This was the first time he heard of this medicine. Kinds of chronicity, sex, poison, and medicine, all known before are powerful poisons, which can kill people on the spot.

"Apart from pharmacists, where else can the antidote be found?" Jue Wushuang knew a little about the medicine, and thought that the Soul Eater would only be uncomfortable when it happened, but according to his personality, he passed it by enduring it. Unexpectedly There is also a time limit, one year, if Yun Zhan does not take the antidote within one year, he will die of broken bones, this way of death is not only extremely painful, but also very cruel, maybe he does not know the medicine , and such toxicity.

(End of this chapter)

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