Chapter 819 Mysterious Cave [1]

The clever Jue Wushuang couldn't help but guess the best use of this medicine, that is, it is used by superiors to subordinates, so as to ensure the loyalty of subordinates. It has to be said that this poison is really an excellent poison.

"Sister, I don't know about the antidote, but rumors of a poison like Soul Eater Powder seem to have appeared in the werewolf tribe. I also heard it from my grandfather when I was young, and I don't really understand the rest."

When I was young, my grandfather liked to tell stories to him. They Ni family, they have been trained to control wolves since they were young. The one on Poshi Mountain is the magic wolf.However, there is something more powerful than the magic wolf, and that is the werewolf who can become a human form after 300 years of cultivation. When talking about werewolves, grandpa mentioned that there is a strange poison called Soul Eater in the werewolf tribe, and there is no such thing as a wolf. Talking too much, even though Niyu really wanted to recall what his grandfather told him, but he was too young at that time, and now his memory is not comprehensive.

"Werewolf tribe? I've heard of werewolves too, but I haven't seen them in the Moon Dynasty. Could it be the kind with a long wolf's head and a human body? Soul Devouring Poison appeared in the werewolf tribe, so there should be an antidote there Let's go!" Li Chenxing had to feel that where there is poison, there is antidote, this guess is not nonsense, the same kind of poison is almost all made by a pharmacist, but some poisons have no antidote , or is drug-solvable.

Wolf-headed human body, Jue Wushuang also thought so when he heard the word werewolf, but after seeing Yun Zhan, he realized that it was not at all. Werewolves are really no different from human beings. What Li Chenxing said just now is exactly what she thought of.

"Let's rest!" Jue Wushuang said lightly, and then he closed his eyes and closed his eyes to rest his mind. Only when his energy is restored can he continue on his way. Now he knows almost everything he should know, and no one knows the antidote. She would seek it out herself, and perhaps she would.

Niyu and Li Chenxing saw that Jue Wushuang closed his eyes and went to sleep, they both glanced at each other, they both understood that they must not bother her at this time, the two of them were also very quiet, and experienced their breathing lightly, as long as they did not bother to hit her.

It's just that both of them are very strange to themselves. When they look at her side face, they will feel that there is a kind of magic power there, and they can't move their eyes away. Jue Wushuang can feel that two pairs of eyes are still looking at her when she closes her eyes. She is still closed. Eyes closed, breathing steady.

Gradually, she felt that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and a kind of drowsiness swept over her brain. This feeling made her uncomfortable, and it did not give her a sense of security. This feeling made her feel a little dangerous. He wanted to open his eyes and force himself to wake up a bit, but he didn't have any strength. Even opening his eyes seemed to take a lot of effort, like a heavy stone was pressed on his eyelids, and finally fell asleep.

Niyu and Li Chenxing looked at Jue Wushuang, and felt dizzy for a while. They couldn't help but yawned. Is it because they are too tired from the journey?Why do you feel so sleepy, no matter how much, the two found a comfortable position and leaned against the wall and told me that they were fast asleep.

Jue Wushuang's subconscious was very restless, but his consciousness broke through this sleepiness until...

"Ahahahaha..." A sharp female voice woke up the sleeping brains of the three of them!
"Hoo..." Jue Wushuang was the first to open his eyes, with a keen light shining in his eyes, the cold air was pressing, and there was a trace of puzzlement in his cold eyes.

Li Chenxing and Niyu also opened their eyes afterward, and after seeing the situation in front of them clearly, they couldn't help frowning slightly, their eyes full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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